League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu will support you by any means necessary and love you unconditionally edition



>wake up
>no sneaky stream

wtf I guess they went to br already zzz

I want to IMPREGNATE Leblanc!

you're forgetting that riots who mentality is REFORM


they dont want to just ban people. they want people to understand WHY they got banned and that thier actions have negatively impacted people. Once they realize that and change their ways there is literally no reason to bar them from your game anymore

>Tank vs. Tank matchup
>He has Colossus
>I have Grasp

Why are you not playing QT spider waifu?

Why? She is objectively the best jungler

As a Lulu Thunderlords player I support this message.

I don't like ranged champs.

Reposting because this feels too good.

>Mid laner ignores the 300 hp Shyvana in my jungle despite me having a ward on her and pinging her
>He says "k bye"
>Later in the game he gets frustrated because it's 4v5
>He starts crying in all chat saying he would win the game if it was 5v5

Damn it feels good when these little faggots realize their actions have consequences. It's especially funny when they start crying for "9 REPORTS PLS" when I've never even gotten a warning so their reports won't get them anything.

Because Elise is boring as shit when I could just play Warwick, Sejuani, Shyvana, Kindred, Maokai, or Skarner instead. I'd say Rek'sai but she is a tire fire right now.

I'm not at Korean tier and I like Fiddle's kit more.

>I'd say Rek'sai but she is a tire fire right now.
Everyone says this but every time I play her it's a massacre, not sure what I'm doing wrong (or right?)

Complaining about it will only spread the flame to this thread. DLT this.

t. Lulu player pre /lolg/

I think the same way, her clears are still good and healthy, not what they once were but still she can do it better than most junglers

and you still have your ganks and map pressure

xth for smuggiest

>Elise is boring
>Skarner, Sejuani, Shyvana, Maokai are fun

What did the kindredfag mean by this

>major orange essence
At least you have that going for you.

To be honest, DJ Sona is fancy but sometimes I just want to wipe it due to having Arcade Sona.
Not holding out for an update to her, I just rather like the effects. They're as beautiful in a simpler way.

>Ivern doesn't have a single winrate below 50%
>Ivern still has the best winrate in the game

How the fuck hasn't he been gutted yet? How? Someone fucking explain this to me???

pretty sure a good lee fucks ivern sideways though

New Zac can be fun

Kindred is CUTE


She is dumpster tier though

>literally "win early lose late" the champion
Yeah cocooning and comboing someone is fun until they buy a spectre's cowl.

I mean that your shitty spider is fucking lame and is only matters to me for porn.


He's just more into T H I C C than T H I N N.
Also, gotta' go fast scorpion, mounted 'barbarian', size-increasing dragon and one-with-the-jungle tree vs a spider-lady, so there's a fun-factor matter.
Elise's ult isn't as engaging either compared to the rest of them. She's more about tactics than being able to be in the brawl.

I genuinely love this icon so much, I wont switch off my penguin for it but damn it is nice.

>specific counter
>against Ivern
Ivern's "counter" is his inbred team mates. He's literally a jungle support champion.

If his team's garbage he's fucking useless

>56.89% winrate in Plat+

Wow, these Ivern pickers must be getting super lucky to keep getting such great teams!

The Legend of Runeterra: A link between Ezreal's

Ah, this again. This will become a classic.

>Watching a video of a streamer playing League
>They do something retarded
>Monkey sounds

I don't know why but this gag ALWAYS gets me.

>Enemy Warwick (All): Just ff at 20
>Enemy Warwick (All): Your comp is shit

what did he mean by this

What the fuck is he building? Glory? Who the fuck is he gonna run down with it???

>new Banshee's Veil

>Want to play ranked
>Can't decide if my body wants me to poop or not


how the FUCK do you lose a soraka lane against an ezreal

>warwick with no boots
fucking new players talking shit

Highlight of the game

>lose 7 in a row today
>just que'd up again
why do i do this to myself.
every game i start 5/0 or 7/1 or something and just watch as my team spirals further and further down and i end up even/negative with no objectives taken

Did you know that Lulu is for Jews?

Reminder that riven is a noxian whore.

>ahri will finally be nerfed

>Didn't realize he was ulting a Morde ghost till my second viewing

RIP my sides.

No she won't

>highest pickrate/winrate
sure she wont

who cares about ahri, everyone who plays her misses every skill shot anyway. if shes the best mid has to offer im happy about it.
better then AHAHAHAHAHAAHA SPLAT man of much counter play

Riot employees literally finger their own assholes in excitement while they think about new Ahri or Zed buffs

>just stands there for a few seconds contemplating his life choices that brought him to this point
I was so perplexed I just stared at it myself

has she ever not been the highest pickrate/winrate?

What league girls have no gag reflex?

i think its haha kill yourself you stupid faggot, i would never contribute to your fucking autistic bullshit but i dont know if thats too lewd or not

all of the supports, and especially Janna she trains the other supports together with Taric.

Notable exception is braum. He is not for lewd.

Would you abuse Riven's precarious economic situation in order to take advantage of her?

Ahri after I cut her fucking head off.

I'd turn her ass into a rickshaw driver.

Id abuse her mentally especially, fuck that cunt

Fuck no

She would shank and rob any user that gets close, larper or not

>He is not for lewd.
Oh yes he is

>make her slave
>impregnate her
>break her mentally
Pretty gud

honestly, that user is pretty fucking autistic, but you take the pie
the cream pie you fucking homo

>not together with vladimir, post the image my dudes

Just started playing again, what's up with the new shoutcaster or whatever it's called?

The voice thingy, is it changeable? I liked the previous one

What skill to max on new Sej?


Start E > W > Q > Max W

She basically makes any comp less bad automatically, never mind one with people who can really take advantage of her ult.

Is there anything more satisfying than cancelling a Malz ult with Polymorph, then Wild Growth just as Fizz is about to kill someone and completely deny him? There are, but it was delicious

Who is the PUREST league champion?

Lore and character wise.


love you both

Riven is for cuddling, tender loving and supporting so she gets over her issues you degenerates!

Not sure if it can be changed, but I think it's just until the new Dark Star mode is gone. Honestly I don't know why they put it in Rift when it was made for another game mode.

I mean sure but she still has to drive that rickshaw.

>not for kicking her filthy ass out on the street

E start IF you're Jungle, if Top start W.


You sure?

I agree with this, but I also approve of in regards to Riven.

A Rioter says she farts a lot so good luck with that.

>no Syndra skin where she looks like Raven from Teen Titans


This skin should be Swain

>Start CSing with attack move
>Notice an immediate spike in CS rate

>someone gets one shot
>duck quack

>tfw I can play Sion and just sit in the middle of 5 enemies alone, spamming laugh and they still can't kill me
>The ADC loses half their hp just autoing my Thornmail
>Pop Stoneplate for 11k hp and continue spamming laugh
>Ult away and spam mastery at 1k hp
>Enemy team loses 2 towers trying to kill me
>Warmogs pops 6 seconds after I ult away and I'm full hp within 5 seconds
>Continue unstoppably pushing

Holy shit I can't imagine how tilted they are, that shit was disgusting.

that's kinda hot


I can't deal with other people than me winning, I have to report them every single time. I think I actually sent most reports in history of League since I report everyone in enemy team everytime I lose, even in ARAM.

Their smile and optimism GON_

What image

>Tfw will never be forced to practice letting go of my gag reflex by alabaster bf

Vayne lucky cunt

Why is Ziggs adc so stupidly easy to play? You just ban out Lucian and shove turrets in. It's silly.

It's also a fucking disgusting counterpick to Anivia if you just sit back and don't fight her. She genuinely can't contribute anything.


How many of the enemy supports didn't pick someone ranged, with hard CC when they saw you went ADC/APC Ziggs? That might answer your question.


Elise is worse lee in all aspects. Worse ganks, lategame,invades and outplay potential

>Player playing a fed as fuck champ
>Deletes enemy with 1 click
>chew toy squeak

>ywn have IRL Lux


Except that Elise has better early than Lee you dunce.

I've played against both, and stuff like Akali in the same comp. It's actually really easy to disengage from them if you're careful not to waste your satchel charge, and generally you'll get the first turrret by eight minutes at the latest anyway.

I think to make it optimal you'd need a special rune page with some mana regen slotted in there though - you'll want to outsustain the botlane and for that you don't want to have mana issues. I've been running a bog standard mid page so far but it feels like you could do better with some more mana sustain.

I have 0 fun unless I have 0 deaths and win.


No way

Lee has more mobility and early pressure. Elise cant 1v1 a lee

yes she can. Whoever gets the jump wins it. Elise can win it too if she dodges the Q.

>enemy bans zed
>ban ahri