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TFW you do something like blink/recall (tracer), roll (Mc Cree) or boost (Pharah) and the killcam claims you didn't do it.

2506 SR dropped to 2296 in a loss streak (always healer or tank). Did what you said guys, picked a DPS and now I am climbing again. I am playing with soldier, should I Learn phara in this rank? She is like OP nobody can kill her (sometimes including myself)

>get reaper quad kill
>play of the game is mercy single kill

i always meet stupid people



D.Va, reporting for duty

Holy fucking shit candy is $100? Who would pay for that shit?


Here are the Heroes of the Storm D.VA quotes.

Skin soon!


we made it!

Me extrañaste?


What about Zarya or Hanzo?

I haven't played hog in ages, but now when I hook 200 health people I don't kill like 90% of my targets anymore.

Did they change how you have to aim once you hook someone?

>watch GM streamer pretty much 24/7
>there is always a girl on the team

wtf why are there so many girls in high ranks? Is OW really that easy?

>inb4 everyone is getting a skin for the anniversary so including Symm was inevitable anyway

Tracer will get two.

Holy fuck I need this.

why are hots skins so much better than ow skins?

getting carried is easy

wtf I thought you can't carry in this game especially in high ranks?

because you don't have to worry about hitboxes, silhouettes or seeing them from different angles

>started playing widow to deal with pharah shitting all over my teams
>can still barely hit grounded targets
>still can't hit her for shit
>no pharah bots to practise with


>hold attacking team on Route 66 to never touching the payload on initial point


>that 'nerf this' meta line


>no low priority for people who constantly leave/throw/generally unrelenting shitters that make lower ranks unbearable
>no forced solo/6 stack queue to remove 3-5 stacks shitting up games
>you lose full SR if someone on your team leaves

when will comp be playable



if a widows aim goes straight to your head then bounces around is that aimbotting or just some new flick thing?

>play mercy
>stick to your tanks dick like a nympho
>get carried

>stopping junk's tire with wholehog

WHEW. Sorry friendrat

>not including a separate que for people who main heroe's.

Almost had it there.

>now I need to frequent HotS general and this thread to keep fresh on my Hana game

it's all about positioning and predicting how pharah will move.

also, pharah mains usually look for where widows usually set up camp, so it's always better to remain hidden until you see where she's firing rockets from

Pulled enemies now land farther away from you after being hooked. Good for enviromental kills, but it means your scrap gun will do slightly less. Try to take a step forward, then shoot.

Who is the best hero to solo queue with and why is it roadhog?

You know why

anyone wana queue qp with a duo-less mercy main :>? MercyMeo#1902


Get cancer and die

Eichenwalde castle is still impossible to attack

Why is /owg/ so dead right now

Does the matchmaking system account for levels or just SR?

If I play a level 25 account will I be matched against other players of around the same level or does it not matter?

>clearly moved
>get flashbanged
>float backwards

apparently has something to do with how the games servers process things, like even though the animation of you blinking goes through, the server didn't technically 'register' it.

You uploaded a video of you getting angry and throwing the game for your whole team because you were mad at 1 person. you are proud of this.

Im not kidding around. Literally kill yourself

is that real?

So the official list of characters who aren't brainless piles of shit that only bring the game down

>Mid range McCree
>Soldier 76 pre buff

gold portrait > plat desu senpai

The vast majority of her players are brainless piles of shit though

>actually bragging about not having a life

why no bunny hop ability in ow

Sleep tight /owg/

Goddamnit why aren't the writers doing anything with this vaguely interesting setting?

You're jumping all the time though.

what is having a life? going outside and spending money on pointless norme activities?

just imagine the destruction and asshurt it would cause

but the performance is about the begin

Symmetra gets 2 ults, why not turn the unstoppable hopping into an alt ult?

How's having social anxiety and crippling depression?

Oh look, another idiot Lucio who thinks he needs to keep it on speed constantly instead of healing cuz "muh pros do it"

Heres a tip from everyone who isn't playing Lucio: If we do not need the speed for a specific reason, fucking heal.

>i posted it again, mom XD

here's your (You)

>Playing comp in low Plat cuz shitter but want to rank up
>Get Hanzo player, has a half hour on him total
>Never says anything or responds in any way
>Predictably we lose
>Friend him after the game and ask why the hell he was throwing
>"im trying to practice hanzo on my alt lol"

Why is this community so full of human garbage? People like this are either so self absorbed that they can't comprehend that they're making other people irritated by throwing games and making people not have fun or they're so indifferent to everyone else that they don't mind ruining other's games for their own benefit.

were all going to die in 100 years and nothing will matter. i choose to spend my limited time playing vidya.


Also holy fuck, I got 66SR as Mercy and I only did 20k healing.

this desu stop trying to be sonic and doing loops backwards

>as Mercy
now you know why there's so many mercy mains

mercy main btw

I don't do it because the pros do it. I do it because during the interval that the healing per takes place, you can speed up your team and have them avoid taking more damage so you can get back to healing and it doesn't get undone.

Again, what kind of shit Lucio are you that you can't manage both?

Thanks for confirming my assumptions by dodging the question, fuck boy.

hope you lucio mains play like this all the time


Wow, so original GIMMIE

I ain't clicking just for that garbage user name alone

Hopefully the skin get's rid of the helm's ear-wing things. They look fucking stupid. I don't think I could go on a paragraph long rant about Symmetra's character design, but I hate it so much.


>he thinks thats a username

fuckin idiots on the internet

Yeah but she actually takes mechanical skill to do well with. 90% of the characters in this game either just close distance for free kills or face roll some retarded overpowered skill that does the work for them.

can i get an explanation on why the uprising skins are still uprising exclusive? are they actually going to have another uprising event some time later?

do little girls play this game?

What on earth are you talking about "in the interval that the healing takes place" he heals continuously

because Chu is more concerned with shoving his asianmasculinity ship down your throat.

I'm so fucking tired of overwatch streamers. There's one in every other game it seems in higher ranks. "haha sorry I died I was reading chat" FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO THE GAME! Also I don't want to listen to you constantly ramble on trying to be entertaining and interact with your chat while we're trying to win a game. Fuck you and fuck your chat. And you can't say shit to them because I have before and the dude sicked his chat on my account and I got hate messages for a week which is more annoying than anything but it's like come on. Why do I have to listen to you stream and constantly talk because you can't have dead air in good streams?

>No tracer
Otherwise cute picture discarded

Is there a way to play with Friendly Fire?

Sombra and Sym are best friends with benefits


The Triforce of Cancer.

Try to refute it.

Because that's what makes money. There will probably be another story event at some point and maybe you'll be able to purchase them again. Uprising only took two months to make.

Yeah I've heard them on voice chat, it's really weird



DDoS em

Who shekels here?

why would you ever want this? I hate friendly fire in games it's annoying as fuck to be killed by a teamate and only assholes want to shoot their own teamates to troll.

>Deadeye is so bad it actually has a negative win rate in comp games for team fights
>using dead eye actually make it more likely you will lose the team fight

Complete overhaul of Deadeye when?

Why was the world so cruel to them? They were good people.

Last I checked, Jack, Gabe, Ana, and Tracer aren't Asian.

>Mercy mains shoot their own team mates to get their attention
You know this would happen.

i love it tbch

its a game within the game

for a char like genji you want to immediately shoot and then melee but for a hero like ana you can afford a milisecond to walk forward (before she shifts)

shoot, heal, shoot heal, shoot, heal...


Seriously, you people are worse than five-year-olds who were denied a cookie. And it's hilarious how you always need to attack his race because you have nothing else.