what does Veeky Forums think about this guy?
What does Veeky Forums think about this guy?
sam harris
it's in the filename
He's a jew so I can trust him
Looks like a kike.
jewish supremacist.
What does Ben Stiller have to do with Veeky Forums?
He's a trust fund baby.
what an idiot. He has a patreon for his podcast. I heard he even pays taxes lol
Very smart, well spoken, but jewish. Is right about many things, but wrong about some too. All in all 8/10
>but wrong about some too
he's too idealistic about reforming Islam when by his own reckoning you can count the number of liberal Muslims on one hand
maybe you read/heard something I didn't but I thought sam harris is kinda the opposite of idealistic on that point
typical jew. wants America to be liberal, wants Israel to be far right
he's an atheist lol
So what's his cure for Islam?
he wants reform. the ideology of islam, in his view, is incompatible with modern existence
Harris was born on April 9, 1967 in Los Angeles,[12] the son of actor Berkeley Harris and TV producer Susan Harris (née Spivak), who created The Golden Girls.[13] His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish.[14] He was raised by his mother following his parents' divorce when he was aged two.[15] Harris has stated that his upbringing was entirely secular,[16] and his parents rarely discussed religion, though it was always a subject that interested him.[17][18]
He should've spent less time flipping houses, and more time with his hottie wife Christina.
Well he got that right at least.
how does that in any way disagree with him being an atheist now?
Read the filename you dumb motherfucker.
He's everything I strive to be. Intellectually honest.
There's no other way.
he has a shekelstein face
>Intellectually honest.
what do you mean by that?
He's an idiot. Hurr durr muh athiesm but really bad with logic, philosophy, psychology, etc.
Ben stiller? He's a great actor. He can display life-like emotions with ease. They say he's not funny but that's just envy talking. Louis ck and the like. The only true comedian, capable of similar acting is adam sandler. Another great actor, deserves to get an oscar, just like ben imo.
Go ben, get that oscar!
He thinks he can bitch about Islam and Trump at the same time.
Like, you know that Muslims want to destroy the West, but hate anyone who actually will do something about it, because they are not progressive enough for you.
Atheists are the cucks of the universe. Cant fight a 1400 year old meme complex with muh secularism.
t. Muslim who wants to destroy the West from the inside out
Not even. Islam cannot be reformed.
What will likely happen is that Muslims will either apostacize into secular liberalism or become hardcore Muslims. "Moderate Islam" is simply not a sustainable solution
And hardcore Muslims will be far more powerful than the ex-Muslims, because we are not faggot liberals like 99% of exmuslims are. So dont get your hopes up
This desu. But he makes atheists look bad to liberals, so he is damn useful. Thanks to fedoras like him, liberals are cucking hard for Islam post-Trump
Fake and gag.
Yes, you.
Jews say they are atheists just not be found out. They also change names