Be me

>be me
>be respected accountant
>at the airport; line is taking fucking forever
>start talking to the guy in front of me
>he says he's an electrician
>Claims he gets tons of housewife pussy
>Says he's never been in debt and that he owns a house
>Supposedly he's his own boss and "doesn't take shit from nobody" like the blue collar retard that he is
>I'm struggling to contain my laughter at this point

>Be me boarding the plane
>mfw he's seated in economy class
>mfw laughing about this with my 10/10 wife just now

>paying extra money for 2 hours of comfort
I mean if you think it's worth it, go ahead, but personally I wouldn't pay the extra.

How bad of a gig is accounting? Is it difficult or just tedious and rule heavy?

It is what you make of it really

Social skills are more important than you'd expect

But that's not what happens to Ben Affleck

such a cringeworthy movie, they pushed that asperbers shit so hard

You might have more fun roleplaying on /b/

>housewife pussy

>not being powerful enough to fly in your private jet
Accountants are fucking nerds, get on my level you pathetic piece of plebian pond scum

>your wife's face when you tell her the guy told you he gets tons of housewife pussy
>"haha... yea.. that's.. really funny"

why LARP as an accountant

Be you in 5 years.
Made redundant by blockchain accounting.boohoo.
Be electrician,still working,still earning,laughing at you.

Be you in 5 years
Still don't know what an accountant actually does

if you took issue with something he said why didn't you just call him out on it to his face instead whining to your wife about behind his back? youre a little bitch.

>be you in 24 hours
>kitchen light goes out suddenly
>requires electrician
>after a long day of commanding respect at the accounting office come home to fixed light
>you hear thumping upstairs
>your wife and the electrician have been fucking for years
>your kid is his kid
>proceed to tell him to leave but he responds with i dont take shit from nobody and beats your ass
>crippling depression forces you to leave the state and live with your parents
>seated in economy class

>Living within your means is bad

You are a faggot and karma will get you one day.


Fuck economy is too tight man

No legspace at all

That's the role playing board

This lol

>be respected accountant
How's close going? Try to hurry Finance needs it. LolAsians

Are you just 7' or something? Who are you flying with? Long haul I never have a problem with British Airways economy legroom and I'm 6'2", I could afford First Class but I don't want to waste money on The Volumetric Jew so I don't bother

>seated in economy class
>on greyhound

Keep it rolling boys

Starts off post with

>Be me

>Respected accountant

You're an insecure little manlet just kys

they're going to be replaced by robots, don't bother

>respected accountant

Does anyone really respect accountants? They perform skilled work which other people don't want to do. I have nothing against them, and they are certainly necessary, but it's a boring profession for boring people who lack any real creativity, passion, vision, etc. I'd put them on
the same tier as the electrician and the plumber, tbqh. Although I would rather go out for a beer with a tradesman.


>OP is 18-20 yrs old and studying accounting at college or university or younger and is thinking of
>his friend or enemy is studying electrician and OP is a bit jealous either of his career or how sure he is of what he wants to do
>OP role plays as an accountant to feel better about himself

(why do I even come to this shitty board anymore)

You love dick you want dick you need dick

You will only start making more money than him when you are too old to use it

>Be chemical engineer
>spend all day running reactors that produce lotion
>use said lotion to snoodle the wives of both the electrician and accountant then snoodle my Brazilian super model wife

not sure why you're getting so much anger from this bait.

80% of this board is unemployed, it's hard to imagine them relating to either an accountant or an electrician.

>Does anyone really respect accountants?
No, my brother's an accountant (well, studying to be one) and he is the most goddamn boring person you could talk to, apart from his fetishism of Nazi Germany.

I've worked with and met dozens of accountants. They are all boring and weird as fuck, except for one I know who is a partner at KPMG.

A lot of accounting is just simple data entry anyways if you're on the low end of the totem pole.

I certainly agree more with you than with OP, but creativity passion and vision aren't necessarily attached to what you do to earn a living.....

Its me ur brother