League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best girl edition!


Other urls found in this thread:


xth for breast metal waifu

>once Urgot gets reworked Mordekaiser will be the only ugly garbage bin champ left in the game

reminder that runaans on jhin is not a meme but in fact is useful for deleting shitters from your match


for that devout christian user, youre a pussy

>finns waking up
>spurdoposting at high levels
All is as it should be

post grinding music


>Malzahar is getting gutted for the 4th time


for grinding elo you mean?
Usually hip-hop instrumentals are perfectly fine for that. Just keep the niggers away from the mic.

League of Legends

Huzzy is actually a good YouTuber. Who else is nice to watch when you're tired to play?

I know I already have Wicked Lulu in fact I got it after my first successful game with her, but I wish I'd get another Lulu skin.
I have more than one skin for every support I play. Hextech (and the last personal shop) has been good to me. I might even breakdown DJ Sona.

were ibs spurdobostin?? DDDD:

how to play E-max Nasus after laning phase?
autistically splitpush with Zzrot or group and play a witherbot?
is the new abyssal worth it? how about liandry's?

masteries for critdmg jhin?

>not having every single Lulu skin

>we took the 15 flat on-hit damage off of Runaan's, and instead we buffed the raw damage of the bolts from 25 to 40%
>we straight buffed Runaan's super hard after talking about nerfing it in the patch notes because it was blatantly the best zeal item


take my word for it - dont follow this page unless you really want to
change it as you please but keep dft (thunderlords is an option too bug there are some reasons its inferior)

rylais, abyssal, sadmask, sunfire, pen boots, stoneplate

stand on top of the enemy team and watch them evaporate under the massive cloud of aoe bullshit surrounding you

Reminder that this
is the real thread, while this one is feeding Lulufags.

Lulu may be fine. Lulufags should kys.

Real thread over

try to justify that rune pages shouldnt be unlocked for all accounts like mastery pages

Abyssal is great, but spirit visage is also still fantastic and Nasus has great sustain.

Play Nasus as a mid-game team fighting/skirmishing champion. you have a 40 AoE flat armour shred, 75% max hp damage over time, and mini-exhaust on a basic ability. Q bitches.

Liandry's is great especially combined with abyssal but understand it'll make you a lot squishier.

hello :DDD

She's actually one of the rare cases where I'd enjoy every-
It needs an update, but it won't get one any time soon and that's fine.

Is ok. Still borderline pleb tier

>simultaneously making the same post from phone and PC to simulate credibility

They buffed the other zeal items.
They said they wanted to shift more power from the lost armor penetration into other items.

plat is elo hell
>guy picks tf
>game loads
>silver border
>he goes 5/12

also please stop taking adcs just take orianna so we can win

I hope you're right I hate that champion.
Obviously they're trying to push him to midlane but I don't know why they're even trying to make such a fundamentally flawed kit work at all. They should have just fixed him when they had the chance.

Guys...i think I'm legitimately falling know with Nami. I honestly can't stop thinking about her. I've even made a new account and purchased Nami just so I can play solely her. At home, at work, with friends, all in thinking about is Nami. I don't know what to do guys.

this desu

Suppress is just a genuinely stupid mechanic.

>i think I'm legitimately falling know with Nami.

>they buffed the other zeal items
They buffed shiv, left PD the same, and shifted RFC laterally but it looks like it errs on the side of being a nerf.

Meanwhile Runaan's got a HUGE buff and is still the best zeal item of the 4 by an even larger margin now.

Instead of leashing jungler, why don't bot lanes do this more often since the other team starts on the other side of you 99% of the time

might be time to kill yourself

It could maybe be alright if it didn't do % max health damage but you know, riot games

embrace it and become a waifuposter!

I think he meant to say in love? This is what happens when you type while jacking off

Because my team would do this while also tanking the red aggro and the enemy team would have some ((missing HP)) bullshit that cleans them all up due to it

I don't know shiv is pretty good for short range ad carries.

Heddo, feddow spurds :DDDD

fluffy tails

spurdo urgod this is my dream :DD

They literally have %maxhp true damage in their game. It doesn't really get stupider than that.

This is actually rather cute.

>suppress is just a genuinely stupid mechanic
Suppress is just a glorified stun.
You're supposed to build shiv AND rfc together. RFC's damage got nerfed but it procs on turrets and has extra range, while Shiv's damage got buffed even further. If you run rfc and shiv together, the proc applies shiv's damage since it's higher, while rfc's energize charges faster so you get those longer range shiv procs more often while bypassing the rfc damage nerf. Also, warlord's bloodlust works on the same timer, so building rfc gives you more warlord's procs.

A glorified stun that ignores any countermeasures other than QSS

It's literally only part of the game to make people buy that item.

When are the kinkou ninjas getting a lore update?

Please stop posting in this thread and post in the real one. All you newfags are doing is giving lulufag attention.

this is why you take dft

>so we should post in an identical waifu autism thread


>literally desperately shilling your spite thread with three posts
just give it up already faget.


You're so fucking dumb dude
This is why the mods come here and ban half the thread every week

I declare this thread as false.

Move to real bread.

>being literally this pathetic

Who are you quoting? Just because you retards don't know rules and go in any thread without thinking. This is an early thread, it's a waifu thread, dicussion here is nothing but shit. Other thread has actual discussion about game.

the other thread was just as early, and it was made PURELY out of spite/butthurt, which makes it 100% spam.
And there's no discussion there, only spamming by the guy trying to overtake our postco

>pedophile calling other people pathethic

Now this is another layer of irony

Is Runaans really that good?
I find it to be sorta useless now.

wow the mods will come here and so their jobs and enforce the rules? Crazy, we should do it more then

>out of spite
You overvalue yourself so much, people don't give a shit about you, they just won't bump your threads. Only newfags do that because they don't know rules. We've had this situation today already.

The other thread has already more posts by more IDs.

It's like mods don't know the rules either.

Give me one valid reason why fizz should not be removed from the game

>oh no, i don't like x thread, better make an almost identical copy with only changes being my useless 3rd party site

You are a waste of space, hard drive space, and oxygen.


Well let's get this bitch to the image bump limit since mods are retards and allow this shit.


Post midriffs. I need midriffs
fuck lulufags

>mods are lulufags
>letting pre-bump limit threads stay
Wew lad

Because I am abusing him to get to diamond.

>attention whoring pedophile calling me waste of space, hard drive space, and oxygen. Now this is another layer of irony

You might as well get executed on street and no one would bat an eye.

>pedophile edition gets to stay

isnt avatarfagging banworthy?

>no lulufag btfo

why even live

>insulting the mods

>It is against the rules to create new threads before the limit is reached.
>Mods deletes the thread that didn't break the above rule.
>34 unique IDs vs 22
>80+ post vs 60

It's like the Lulufag is a mod.

Posting best midriff. Shame her new splash sacrificed midriff for tits.

>have to use a support and a top/jungler to protect an adc that won't be able to kill 4/5 of the enemy team

remind me why I'm supposed to want one of these useless wastes of space on my team again?

>other thread has 34 unique IPs, and 83 posts compared to this one's 24 IPs and 66 posts
>this thread was also made well before bump limit on old post

Bet lulufag himself is a janitor

It is. I was ban for it once but for some people it's fine and dandy. Just look at the skyrim thread.

Should I make a thread on /qa/ to ask for new rules that waifu threads should be pruned?

This is no different than avatarfagging actually and I am so fucking tired of having 50 anons fight 5 pedophiles in threadwars.

>sorta useless now

They removed fifteen flat on-hit damage (from recurve bow) and added an additional 15% damage to each of the bolts. It's objectively stronger unless you have less than 100 AD and zero crit.


If the mods weren't clearly biased lulufags would have been purged by now. They consistently break multiple rules daily.

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

Just everyone post an image when you post so we can get this to the bump limit quickly

Does it matter? This thread was made pre bump limit, had less posts, less unique posters, and is a blatant avatarfag but the janitors dont care about the rules.

quick how do I darius
just got bioforge darius
what mastery
I like going agressive and bully btw so no tanky sheild shiit mastery
what build

Waifuposters are not problems. The lulufag is. I don't mind the occasional waifuthread or waifuposts, but when there's someone so dedicated to fill the thread with it, well...

Why is there an ms paint ellipse in the picture?

The SG midriff is infinitely superior imo.

If it ways really 50 anons, there wouldn't be much of a fight. The truth is, most people don't really give a shit, and the complaining about waifuposting is more annoying than the waifuposting itself.

Because Fiddle can BM him, especially with new Banshee's

Well maybe if you guys hadn't ascended to propagandaspamfags your thread would still exist.
How many people do you think even care about your small group of "rebels" against Lulu OP images?
In the future just make the damn thread and don't spam as much as whoever spams the Lulu images.


Doesn't have to me mod, might aswell be Jhanitor Unchained.

understood captain


Will my Lulu posts count?

>the complaining about waifuposting is more annoying than the waifuposting itself.
This one is always pulled out by someone pretending to be "neutral" when they are clearly for the thing they say is "less annoying"

rawr >:3

>This thread still has less Unique IDs than the real one
Well meme'd.

kek I see what you did there

It's almost like Lulufag devoted 5 years of his life reporting every post that was against rules until he applied for Janitor job so he could have total control over /lolg/ threads

>brand free week ending

fucking finally

im so sick of retards going full ap without even a sightstone and shit talking whole game "wow im support my team so bad free dragons for enemy omg"

yeah no fucking shit you dumb niggers, enemy gets free map control if support doesnt do what theyre supposed to

Yeah, but check out Silver 4