/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

stop letting it fucking die edition

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Mid-Season Reinforcements deployed on March 15th.

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Anime operators

Keep treating your Shitters with respect and care /r6g/.

They are cute and need to be protected.

Continuation for possible Frost adjustments / buffs to make her less of a "I picked her for her gun" operator

Thank fucking god for the new causal matchmaking as a diamond it's the perfect warm up/practice mode for ranked seeing how every other team is diamonds and high plats.

Plus they fucking sweat even harder in casual.

>waifu/anime niggas
lord have mercy

it's PEEK not PEAK

>making casual so awful and so hard to find a game that it forces players to play ranked
its the ultimate ruse

I didnt make the image bitch to someone else

It doesn't take long for me to find a game?

t. spawnpeaker

>be camping behind closet in master bedroom and aiming at bathroom door
>its half broken
>i'm barely getting my ACOG's reticle to the door but i can see the whole door
>what the fuck is that glowing
>2 pixels shining right outside of the door
>wait for half a second
>it's ash
>she micropeeked and headshotted me
>those shining pixels were actually her head

Despite the door being so damn close and me having an acog this shit happened
there's also another incident where i got killed by a capitao and the only thing i've seen was his eyepatch, not his rifle

later i learned that the bullet actually fires from the sight's reticle, not from the muzzle,this hitscan bullshit need to be stopped and bullets need to be their own projectile that gets fired from the muzzle

i don't care how much re-coding this would take, DO IT UBI

peak kek

hitscan is more satisfying and fun to play than projectiles, fucking deal with it you fat greasy nerd


you don't notice the difference, this is a CQB game retard, kill yourself

I fixed it for you OP, please replace

Tell me when the new operators are coming out or I will post more shadman 'art'

Nah, fuck your garbage projectile shit. Would ruin this game.


>you don't notice the difference
then why are you crying about it you fat greasy salad-dodging dorito-inhaling fuckwad?

I hate you so much. kys

>He'll post more images of girls with unrealistic proportions on a chinese reaction image candle wax board.

Means nothing, you're just pissing and moaning because you're too slow for hitscan.

New operators when?
The wait seems to be never ending

like that would be a punishment

>get BTFO by a clearly better player
every time

End of the month.

What even made Shadman gravitate to Siege? Did he do it on his own accord or were they all paid for? He has quite a few Siege drawings.

he doesn't take commissions

Meido operators when?

We have mira

I am fucking done with this game. Even casual is putting me against tryhards EVERY SINGLE match. Fuck it. Ill just go play RO2 or something, at least I won't rage so much there.

see you next week

No I think I'm actually done for a little while now, maybe when the new ops drop but this shit is just unplayable for me now.

everybody has to start somewhere, everyone here was a shitter at one point too.


is that OC?

we have so few drawfriends left i'm dubious of pretty much anything that looks like possible oc

Is this code for "people better than me"?

>mfw he drew frost with a hairy asshole

>implying she wouldn't have a hairy asshole
there's no reason for elite ctu members to shave or wax anything even if they had the time to

i know, seeing it in drawing form was amazing though
if i could draw id be drawing the shit out of frosts asshole

Yes, this is OC. 1 hour in GIMP. I will probably draw more operators because maid costume is my fetish.

thanks user

oh fuck, please draw hibana or mira as maid

I'm drawing one right now, having trouble coming up with the character for my scene though

the boys hanging out, but where is fuze

>tfw i haven't played since bartlett because i raged too much because of nothing.
It became fun again.

The photo turned out great!

ignore my doomsaying, it's just that we haven't seen much drawfriend work recently but we've seen a lot of shitposts.

take your time, don't feel the need to rush

>not posting real "art"

One simple change I would like is for them to make is so that the traps aren't destroyed when placed near a wall that is blown. This way you can actually place them in spots that aren't in the open and it would make it so the attackers have to watch where they step when entering.

Do you like spawn peeking other people?

Another Vegas player? :D

RO2 is more aggravating, though.

>Tfw your shitposting creates OC
You're alright drawfriend,you can hang

he's right, i got "micropeeked" (or whatever the hell he calls it) millions of times, and the crappy visibility of the game doesn't really help either.

It's vek you numnuts.

He looks worried.

i wonder how many anons are fooled into thinking it's hoesof and not people posting with the name hoesof

What do you mean? Of course I'm Multi

All the hoesof posts in the thread have been done by yours truly silly boys ;)

I'm also totally Fleur, what's wrong with you

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm *the* Hoesof.

What's the best set of headphones I can buy to get DareDevil wallhacks?

You totally are!

Will the real Hoesof please stand up?

Like anything will work.

god fucking damnit


I wanna marry Fleur!~

>Docposting gets a nigga a warning and a deletion because another shitposter starts spamming it because that's his only way to fight it, but this sort of shit is a-okay

We live in the worst timeline.

What are you even filtering user?
Do you just hide all the posts to start shit?

No, she's mine, back off

They'll come out when they're done, sweetie

Personally, I use Hyper X cloud 1's in conjunction with Razer Surround Sound Pro. It isn't going to let you hear an enemy across the map, but it'll give you the general direction of someone in the room.

The problem with Siege to start with is that their sound is fucky dooy. They tried to model sound bouncing off of objects but it just fucks with you. Good luck trying to sound whore though.

On a separate note, even if you don't use the hyper x clouds to hack, I completely recommend them for anyone looking for a comfortable and durable headset. I accidentally kicked them at a wall once and they still work like a dream.

sucks, i was hoping this one would be better since we started out pretty good

your graph is missing since release, although to be fair the wave would've been pretty much the same. maybe a dip in black ice because of deadness

and then it's also missing when that kid in the TS got banned (littlebrother-gate), it's missing the doxxer douchebag getting banned from TS, it's missing hoes' train wreck of an admin career on the TS, and it's also missing the Great Booru-DogPoster spergout of 2017, just to name a few.

there's been plenty dark moments for /r6g/ but honestly i feel like we just keep hitting new lows

I thought he did? For like 200 a piece so people would stop asking him

My admin career was glorious but it was purged by the fascist administration

It was terrible
Your presence here is still terrible


hey aren't you that guy that was so bad that he got carried to plat with like a 0.6 kd?

Take it up with someone who cares famalam. Im here to stay but you can always filter me if you like :^)

Sure am, buddy!

No man you're wrong, remember we gotta go buy our autism meds

Yep. Thats me my ranked k/d is slowly going up tho!

That's right. My best friend Multi carried me! It was honestly kind of arousing.

So... things are still the same I see...

>buying autism meds
C'mon me you know its covered by mom's work insurance
you think multi will ever wear a maid outfit?

Hi friend! I'm Hoesof, what's your name?

hey guys my name is hoesof, i want to be buddies with all of you guys!

they should really reinstate me as admin, can't you see how everyone likes me around here?

I admin the discord now. You know how power hungy i am me! Haha

Hide the stubs, if you are gonna filter, then filter right.

Funny how I started with a simpel filter for just Fleur but now I'm filtering: Hoesof, 2007, freakin' sweet and doc posting. I've actually stopped filtering Fleur since atleast she stays on topic.

Please just nuke this general from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.

Remember last thread when i asked what everyone used on the mp7 but no one replied? Yeah people really do discuss the game here

>filtering docposting

Why? It's fairly rare

I mean I guess once you saw his PSA on filtering/or you know how to filter already then that's okay, but still.

Knowing him, he'd probably be okay with you filtering him anyway. Using the tools he preaches about and all.

What other operator hates bandit the most?

He's the absolutely-no-drugs grandpa

I'm using the HyperX Cloud II.

Overal good headset, don't use 7.1 sound however since it throws of directional sounds while playing.

nothing anyone says is going to stop this, even nuking the thread and starting w new one. the namefags could do this shit in the discord or TS but they won't. they get a pleasure out of destroying things other people care about so this shit is only going to continue, they don't care about the general or anyone on it at all.

>I've actually stopped filtering Fleur since atleast she stays on topic.
Thanks! :)

I don't remember seeing this. What did you post about it?

What are some sneaky/lesser known strats and spots that you all like to use in game?

soccer user are you still there? how are things coming along? is there anything we can do to help or contribute?

who is soccer user?

A friend showed me how to get past the mute jammer on the basement table in oregon as hibana. You just shoot a charge at the bottom left edge of the classroom wall. Ill load up a custom game and take a pic later