why bother edition
Planetside 2 general /ps2g/
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you let it die
fuck you nigger OP
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart
stop letting it die
also old bread
Do people still play? I just got back from a very long trip, considering reinstalling. Oceania, so Connery's my server
Good night!
I've heard that Connery has been overrun by gooks and chinks
those pastebins are ded
I quit when the studio was sold by Sony.
How's the game now? What did I miss?
I've heard that Oceania has been overrun by gooks and chinks
it has been, the chink servers were shut down, now the slants control the day hours and the rest of the planet has the night.
gn babs
just construction. right now werl and friends are trying to make their game relevant but also figure out how to implement construction to be planetside 1 esque.
so nothing
>someone destroys my only tank with friendly fire
>i destroy their only sundere
fair game is fair game
>just construction
That's all they managed to do in 2 years? Disappointing.
True. Works out because half white/half east asian women are the prettiest in the whole world
Been playing on PS4. Seems like it's picked up in popularity lately. Been some massive battles gp8ng on and pretty organized with people actually moving on waypoints and stuff.
I wonder why all of a sudden.
Anyway, it's fun on ps4.
My pc is broke and i would play on ps4 if not for the fact that you cant disable shadows and edit graphics. 30 fps max on that shitty thing. You think optimization is bad on PC, just wait until you get on ps4. The only good thing are that there are no lag wizards.
Good morning memers!
this thread deserves to die
just like the game
clab is dead mate
only lalu and joe still play
Two other long gone memers were online lately :^)
But yeah, CLAB is ded since Anthony has left me :(
Guys we need to talk more about Planetside 2
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
who's gnna stop mre
How much longer will this poor game have to suffer?
until ps3 comes out
So until someone buys deybrake from columbusnova
Guys guys what if Columbus Nova is using their Games to expand Putin's botnet?
>implying anyone using a botnet would deploy it via Taiwanese Duck Hunting Simulator copies
I'm not a duck :(
yeah, you gay
I don't play VS
What weapon do you buy first
t. 5.0 ivi kdr
medkits, HV-45, Phaseshift, C4, Eridani, Commisioner
Benis posters are the worst.
u calleded?? :DD
What's the best weapon for NC medic, first time playing btw
If your playing medic just use the default gun, it's the best around until you get the ones that can take a nade launcher.
Gauss Burst is fucking brutal if you can aim.
Fuck the Gauss S, the underbarrel grenade isn't worth it, Underbarrel shottie would be though.
Alrighty. Thanks. I'll check it out.
After you purple drank the default gun, try the tross or reaper.
Guys you need to post more
How long until PS2 servers are shut down? H1Z1 is rapidly dying so they won't have the funds to keep PS2 going.
God, this atmosphere is terrible. And I'm from dead fps's general (/arena/).
Shame about the game.
I knew things were bad, but not this fucking bad.
What kind of fucking skeleton crew do they have left? 2 people tweaking numbers, maybe one guy making forum posts / website stuff + Werl?
>unless people do our work for cheap, we ain't doing shit lmao
thank u werl
. . . . Gives me an idea.
*Starts drafting up 800 rpm tr carbine.*
Jesus, this really is over
>Shame about the game
It got what it deserved for trying to be Call of Battlefield.
Only bad thing is that it tarnished the Planetside name in the process.
Honestly it just looks like the studio needs more people working there. We can easily fulfill the needs of a Dev team just by signing on. This tells us one thing about where most of their problems are coming from. It's not the lack of money, it's poor management.
We've been saying that for the past five years. How new are you?
Less then a month. Been playing over a year. And I want these fucking chinks out of Connery.
>And I want these fucking chinks out of Connery
t. miller
Good night!
Okay /ps2g/ let's make a dev team
I'll be the Lead Designer for weapons
what gibs do u want?
eight barrleed porlwer that shoots titan shells and prowler has permanenet lock down but you can do that while moving,m and it also has boost becaus TR is the gotta go fast fraction
Stop being autistic.
TR needs non assault rifle weapons that shoot faster than 750 again, reduction to horizontal recoil.
VS weapons with more focus on odd functions (think the way NS weapons have been, less focus on perfect accuracy.
NC Slightly more bullet velocity.
>no fun alowed
kys your self
>can't even make new weapons because they don't have the "time or manpower" and rely on outsourcing
>meanwhile people create stuff for Insurgency in their free time and these weapons surpass those in ps2 by far in terms of quality
Maybe if that dogfucker Chris Bishop wouldn't spend his time making shit no one gives a fuck about, and instead started working on something for PS2, then we could have some more weapons and they wouldn't have to outsource that shit.
no i mean seriously how do you get a mouth that big (before the shoop ofc)
that thing is huge, fuck
which faction violated the NAP?
they are literally corporate-backed terrorists
the story goes something like this
>TR colony
>some autist really be like "we wuz aliums n shiet"
>TR is like "meh"
and then NC blew their shit up
What damage stats would go to a 825 fire rate TR carbine?
>maggi is gonna cosplay 2b
suits created liability after liability to NS to make weapons and shit bc of high interest rates. cutting bonus chequee ;dd is just way of making you pay more interest in the future. but since nc keeps tking each other to fight the bourgeois suits accidentally and destroying assets to WIN THE WAR. nc in debt go boom. cant be in debt bc u owe us money u fegs so we can make our dildo-powered machine says tranu. tr commie-fascist-democrat want taxes but get nada. they all violated the nap and ns is making them wage eternal war for a few smed bucks to buy fagen's havoc helmet/armor and look smug and snug and ebin ;dd
Good morning memers!
for what purpose are they in the game
did someone not consider that a game where subhumans regularly have 500+ ping and cloaking is client side, that perhaps an invisible 1 shot class would be a bad idea?
was it purely to pander to """sniper""" fetishists?
>cloaking is client side
unplug your router and try cloaking
Planetside is so dead it can't get anymore deader when it already is the deadest game available. Game is ded.
>caption 3 goes here
VS is the most difficult to design for because if they're weapons are gonna have unique functions they need a programmer (and really most things you can think of aren't even easy to do in an fps with thousands of players).
The idea of more unique faction weapons is dead because of this component we would only get faction specific weapons in the cosmetic sense.
Cobalt is infested with cheaters again, I'm really close to drop the game, I'm fucking sick of people rage hacking on me after I killed them 2 or 3 times.
Oh and Eastern Europeans should be banned from every European server of every single game, so many cheaters god damn it.