/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


Tharja a best and canon

Azura is shit

report early tripfag threads




The GBA games are garbage because they have no skill or difficulty whatsoever due to some of the worst balancing in the history of videogames.
>lmao let's make this one unit be able to solo the whole game, bonus if you bring Dart for faster map destruction
what were they thinking?

Azura a best!



Meant for

Reminder to report signaturefags

pls bring back double sp

Who are you talking about?

Holding hands with your best friend!

why not both?

> Omikuji orbs and feathers on the 11th


Dart is garbage on anything above ENM, though

Omikuji rewards when?

Mae is my wife.


The space between LEDD and IT had me in stitches. Good job user.

In FE7 it's Hector, In FE6 I did it with the green haired nomad girl whatsherface and in FE8 I did it with Seth.

I'm pretty sure any unit can solo FE8 by the way, not even counting grinding.

Posted with in thread at limit by mistake, so I ask here as well - are there any tables/ranks about best pairings in Fates Revelation?

For example, would those pairs work? (I mean I will play male Kamui so I will change few things for sure but as a base).


Were you playing on Normal?

Why do people call Delthea "Doot?"

grabbing Mae's hair while fucking her ass

Okay Boey.

epic, literally epic

Oh that's another flaw in 7, you're forced on a 10 chapter unskippable tutorial on normal mode until you beat the game and re-play it.

Japanese name is Dyute

Her name in Japanese is Dyute.

Dyute sounds like Doot.

What do ((we)) think of the localization lads?

>any unit can solo FE8
Not Eirika.

Just DL a HHM save from Gamefaqs next time, it's what I do

Who /rank15/ here.

everyone who likes it needs to die

8-4 >>>>>>>>>> Treehouse

Raven carried my ass in HHM
Percival carried mine in FE6 once I recruited him.


8-4 does it again

The teeth I suppose.

I personally enjoy it, but then again I like 8-4's flowery style.

>+Atk/-Def Ike

Could be worse I guess.

Has Echoes NA leaked yet?

those are all pretty shit except for Odin/Elise.


So, i've got 3 Azuras.

What stats should i look out for ? +Speed or + Atk?

Seth is the only one who can solo without excessive babying.

>carrying anything
I love her but no it takes forever until she's decent


Why do people keep calling 8-4 flowery? SD and Echoes are flowery but Awakening wasn't. There was modern lingo all over that game.

>that awkward period of time /feg/ thought Treehouse was way better than 8-4

So I just got Tharja out of a roll....how do I use her?

No seriously how do I use blade tomes? Who do I pair her with?

The flowery style suits a medieval war simulator much better than the modern anime trash characters like Severa spouted in Fates at least IMO.

When it leaks you will most certainly know and not need to ask, reddit


She's a support not a damage dealer. Just because she can fight doesn't mean she should.

Pretty solid pairings overall desu

Have Ephraim on her ass to boost her attack.

+Spd/-Atk. Her defenses going down lets all kinds of stupid shit kill her, and Sapphire lance+ means a few less points in atk mean squat as long as she's in front of a red unit.

They work well with buffsluts like Eirika or His boyfriend Ephraim

I distinctly remember Tana tearing the game a new asshole, especially when you get the anti-arrow shield from some boss.

I like you

>Any unit can solo FE8
>Natasha, Moulder, Neimi, Eirika, Joshua, Marisa, Colm, Rennac, Ross, Amelia, Ewan, Knoll, Innes, Lute, Artur, Vanessa, Garcia, L'archel, and Myrh
>Soloing the game without grinding

Tana is fucking godly, especially as one of those Snake Wyvern Knights

Good shit yo.


Her HP is already decent and you don't want to lower her attack because she can't damage certain threats when you really need her to. Also she only loses 3 points in HP and that can be fixed with a +3 HP seal anyway.

>flowery style
>medieval setting
Is this going to be the new meme? We get it you love 8-4 much more than the original writers.

>Wasting Mozu's superior growths on Dwyer.

The games are so easy even on the missions with objectives that aren't ''route the enemy'' like ''protect x'' the best option is still to route the enemy because of how broken your units are.

It's one of the few sort of okay supports and it's a nice hair color. He's not a bad kid either if you go full physical.

The original was written better than it's Fates counterpart too

The dialogue had the same appeal instead of "B-BAKA HENTAI IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING" or Felicia in general

the only pega-pony I bothered to max out in any fe game and I did not regret it. Dodged and crit everything like a beast.

Im confused ;_;

I actually found it somewhere. I have no idea on my own, which pairs works best. Which is why I asked here.

8-4 is just adding some flavor to the original text its still very much the same.

Most games in the series have at least one hard carry besides your main character so that you don't get completely screwed over if most of your troops die horribly. There's usually also some super unit for Endgame as a last minute just in case, like Athos in Blazing or the Laguz Royal in PoR.

Are Ike/Soren/TitsOnYa/Mist already in the general hero pool or do they go in once their banner ends?

But do I use Hone characters and stuff like that as well?

Also do Spur work with the buffs?

FE in general is very casual friendly, the only times I had issues with was in FE5 from the boredom that is.

Should I give Linde Breath of Life?
Her IVs are some irrelevant shit, I think she's -hp +res

they go in once their banner ends

>adding some flavour text
That sounds so nice. But if for example there were a character who wasn't known for being funny and now he's got original jokes then it's not the same.

Who is Veeky Forums's Wrys?

The latter
I, for one, hope that Ike gets the Marth/Roy/Chrom/Eirika treatment and becomes 4-5* but I know too well that it won't happen


Yeah, I too wish my anime games were less anime.

Good luck on all your rolls!

die pedo waifushit

not an argument

drill, take your meds and stop lashing out at every single post

>I, for one, hope that Ike gets the Marth/Roy/Chrom/Eirika treatment and becomes 4-5* but I know too well that it won't happen

He won't, It's going to be Soren and Titania because for some reason IS is allergic to making for 5* Healers 4*.

Have Hector,Zephiel and Effie. Who else for /armored/ ?

Do NOT bully Boey.

>There's usually also some super unit for Endgame as a last minute

Gotoh archetype is the term I believe

How can anyone like 8-4?


Rolled -Hp + Atk Tharja
Worth using?


That's it for now, the other options are all shit until we get someone like the Black Knight or Hardin.
