/mmog/ - MMO General

AKA depression & anxiety, and NovaRO shilling general

This general is for discussing new, old, and upcoming MMOs, or MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals. If you are on one of these forgotten/niche games, looking for a guild, or friends, or just want to know the state of the game, ask here.


>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development

>Popular upcoming MMOs
*Bless: bless.aeriagames.com/
Dark and Light: playdnl.com/
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
Ashes of Creation: ashesofcreation.com

*Russian version is closing down

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Ded genre

it had about as much depth as you could expect from the game though

Soon, my dear. VR will save us all.


I wish I had as much money in real life as I did in MMOs. I can at least buy my way into happiness.

Really considering to donate to *shill server*, wat do!!

*stock thinking anime girl you saw 50 times without going to /a/ ever.png*

Crowfall when

I'd lean Tera, but even then it's a significant step forward from Doofus' system

VR is shit. We need to go further


We're born too early for this to happen.

Too early for direct simulation, too early for Chobits

>giving Jews money

>tfw born to early and will never get to travel through space and fuck green ooze sluts

Why is it so ded?

the best we can get is just some siri with more bells and whistles

Everyone is too busy playing MMOs or killing themselves.

I'm tired

>not Camelot Unchained

never ever

Waiting for Kickstarter Jews to run off with the money or underdeliver doesn't lead to much conversation, and I'd sooner shove a broom up my ass and sweep the floor than play any of the current popular garbage or old and busted games of yesterdecade.

I've seen Mabinogi mentioned a few times in the generals

so does anyone on Alexina want to play together?

Guessing you backed Ashes of Creation?

And Chronicles of Elyria. Have to cover all my bases.

logging on rn

>Download Kritika
>it doesn't patch

I need to VPN or something don't I?

Enmasse plan to host the NA one.

>play together
You mean like the olden times where people came together and play mmo's with each other? I always though that was something time had long forgotten.

200% more fucked than playing tree of savior

Gee user, two scams?

more like ASSES of Creation, amirite?

I haven't played Ragnarok for like 10 years. I heard they added cooldown for skills now is that true?
The thing I liked the most about this game is that I could mindless spam my skills without caring about cooldowns.
>tfw almost break my fingers spamming Swordman's Bash

Only for a few hundred each. Well worth it if one of them pays off, and if not I lose little.

maybe for some of the newest skills, but I thought that CD bullshit was only for ToS.

not that it matters because I play on iRO Classic

I'm trying to apply to jobs

depends on the skill.

Royalsfag is a fag

I want to play UO bad but lost all my disks.

You can play with my UO.

Someone kill me.

>not playing mabinogi with your mmog friends

For the SEA one, no. I heard they're servers were fucked for one reason or another.

What do you do when vidya gaems aren't fun anymore?

I put on my thigh highs
my skirt
makeup and play with my ass

>tfw born with the body of Chad, the face and penis of Kyle, and the spirit of Stacy
Some of us aren't gonna make it.

I sit around watching anime and pretending like I'm going to start working on my game.

I'm online
but nobody else is

>when current mmos are so bad that lewd posting making my dick hard is the best thing this thread has to offer.

RIP user he was one confused motherfucker


Never heard this one before but it just works. I know one Kyle and he is an ugly motherfucker. Never seen his dick and as far as I know nobody beaides his mum ever will but I'd wager it's a sad state of affairs.

poor kyles

My name is Kyle and I have a big- no, a *huge* penis, and they'll see, you'll all see!

be my bf

>watching that player organized contest on DFO
>people fooling around and having fun
>remember my old days of MMO where I used to participate in those things too
>realize i'll never be able to have fun like that today because i'm totally broken inside
you guys better cherish those moments if you ever come across them

>Been playing LoL for a week
>Still enjoying myself



did you try playing against actual humans instead of vs bots?

I do a couple of both everyday.

>implying bots aren't worse than playing vs humans
I was forced to play bots everyday for months with my ex. Almost went insane.

I'd be happy to spread the word if what you say is true. Imgur works. Need evidence of one "huge penis" attached to one "Kyle".

h...hey can we talk about Albion? Or one of the Darkfall remakes?

I just want an mmo. COH left such a hole in my soul


I need an MMO where I can give a loli head pats.

It's fun until Riot (Tencent) ruins enough things you love that you hate everything.
When done in one fell swoop this is known as the Cataclysm effect. Proper noun Cataclysm but it is in fact cataclysmic. For League these cataclysms were S1 start, S3 preseason, S4 midseason, and probably more since that I have missed.

I need an mmo where I can suck massive girlcock

Hi-rez did that to me a lot in Smite.

Made characters I liked completely useless.
Completely gutted items.
buffing characters that didn't need buffing.

That image is wrong, cute feminine dicks are better than huge girl cocks

What is NovaRO? What happened to Atlas RO?

Did you guys move on to a new RO server less than three months after the last one?

>People getting back into Mabi
Hey, I'm down for that.
Where is everyone playing?

We're doing Shadow Missions right now.
We're all in Tarlach.



>Where is everyone playing?
Where indeed?

/rog/ died, along with the Atlas group.

There is a new group on NovaRO and at least 2 of us are from the original /a/ Limit RO group if you're interested in joining us there.
The guild has been operating for more than 2 weeks now and we're starting to do instances with everyone, and catch-up isn't that hard.

I don't know why I'm surprised. They specifically told me that the AtlasRO thing wasn't going to last.

I'll go look at it, and maybe try to join you guys soon. Thank you.

Ah yes, s*s, the patron fetish of /k/. You have good taste, comrade.

Why do people even play MMOs if they don't plan to play together?


no thanks

anyone want to play DOMO?

he means he's scared of voip

Because they want to play a character in that game's setting.

Isn't the idea of a massively multiplayer game the massively multiplayer part?


That's fine with me famalam, go play on your Talon RO or whatever dead pre-renewal server your clique is playing.

Because mmo's now carter to the single player experience more than the grouping experience.

This is true but it genuinely makes me sad.

Is anyone going to answer this question? Because I would like to know, as well.

I prefer to play with people, but I can definitely see why single players would like to play, as wrote.
an actual dynamic economy, constant rebalancing, updating, and even new content release

I'm sure there are still people who play on Tarlach, Mari, and Ruairi, but the majority are on Alexina.

Alexina remains the most populated server and hosts the Veeky Forums guild.

Veeky Forums guild is dead

The Veeky Forums guild was on Mari back when mabi had a general.

don't reply to me nigger

Oh, I see.
I haven't played since maybe 2009. I have a screenshot of my old character somewhere with the last-played date of about that time. As such, I've forgotten everything.
Apparently rebirths are daily now and I can get stones for free under level 1000. Also the whole thing with Nao's rebirth thing and bombs seems to be gone. So I frankly have no idea what to do.

ok, so not the Veeky Forums guild, but Yotsuba is still in existence and I remember them posting a bit in mabigen.

yeah man, coming back to mabi is a bit of a catchup chore.
so I just try and focus on not thinking about things too much and just try to get used to the game again.

Yotsuba is dead.

certainly not as active as when the game wasn't dead, but leader's still seems to be paying for premium to be able to recruit new members, unless you don't need premium/VIP to recruit new members anymore.

So, for Ashes of Creation, if a city gets kicked down a peg does that mean any freeholds outside of its new area of influence get razed? I don't want to make a reddit account to ask those people.