Do young people still go cruisin'? If not, what happened?
Do young people still go cruisin'? If not, what happened?
We don't cruise, we whip.
t. 18 year old
Barely. I knew people in my hometown that would "booze cruise." Basically just get drunk while driving on gravel roads so chances of getting caught were slim. Retarded? You bet.
Iowa is mostly trucks, so we mostly just cruise on gravel roads and have bonfires at 10 pm.
9/11 happened
I go out cruising all the time in my car or on my moyorcycle and I'm from yurop.
Might be right. Oldfag here (graduated in '95) & even in our shitty little town in E Kentucky people would cruise on the weekends. They'd go around in a long line in a big shopping center.
Probably lack of car culture now has something to do with it too.
Eurofag here, I and couple of friends still do it. Car scene is coming back, but they prep their cars for retarded 50km/h-250 km/h pulls. I prefer touge (we have a mountain on the city outskirts)
Modern communication.
Don't need to go to the town hangout on Friday night to find out what everyone is doing.
Still a pretty strong traditon here in Norway. Kids will drive around town in whatever the fuck they own with an engine and four wheels, drinking coffee, smoking, listening to country and folk music
>what happened?
got a car with direkt injection
No, us millennials are to busy melting our brains on dangerous marijuana.
Can't afford it, thx boomers
I don't completely buy that.
While it's true that you used to have to go find your friends and you don't have to do it quite that way anymore it doesn't address the desire to gtfo of the house and go have fun doing anything.
Also, cruising had dropped off noticeably by 1990 and was virtually non-existent by 1995 where I was in South Texas. Cell phones didn't yet exist in any significant amount so it appears that there's a longer trend at work that modern communications has merely exacerbated.
looks like a horrible place to live
>why don't kids play with sticks in the yard anymore?
wrong. cars are boring as fuck and always have been. it's just really obvious now that we have so much entertainment competing for our time. cops being spergs was the final nail.
Every Friday and Saturday night in Fort Collins Colorado all the kids run up and down College ave in their clapped out Subarus. Generally from 10pm to midnight. You also see some Corvettes and Challengers and shit.
When I was in high school in Illinois it was big too. That was when the first Fast and Furious movie came out. The cops actually made it illegal to go down the same road more than twice on weekend nights. Illinois cops were the worst.
Gas prices. When I got my first car (94 GMC Jimmy) I would drive around every once in awhile but the cost of fueling that fucker back in 2010 was too much. Got a 06 Montego after that and while better, it wasn't too much cheaper. Now I've got a 99 Tacoma and while I do enjoy cruising (just to enjoy shifting gears in a pickup in farm country) it's still expensive when I have bills to pay and shot to handle. Plus I work 2 jobs and run my own handyman business on the side so I don't have any time to "just cruise" unless I'm heading to work or to give someone an estimate.
Tldr; Not enough time or money for this shit
>cops being spergs was the final nail
Yeah whats the point when we can meet up in forza with no issue
I do when I come home, otherwise I cruise 500 miles a day and get paid for it.
I will say the car scene is coming back. I remember when people stopped coming to the meets, and the economy tanked, but a few people were still keeping them alive, now it's coming back and Saturday night, on Orange Blossom Trail near Kissimmee, FL, there is a cruise of mostly ricers and Puerto Ricans with clapped out Hondas, but a few of them are pretty god damn quick, and there's food trucks EVERYWHERE
My god the fucking food trucks, if you want real Puerto Rican or any facet of Hispanic food hit that strip up about 9pm Saturday night, I discovered what mofongo was the last time I was down.
It's pretty cool you'll see all kinds of cars, muscle, tuner, stance, VIP hell even a few of us truckers drive their rigs bobtail down the street and see who can row gears faster. Cops literally don't care they park at the meets not to catch street racers but to be first responders if there is an accident, and I have watched it happen. They even stop at some of the food trucks and grab a bite and hangout together waiting for something to happen.
>implying boomers and gen Xers don't lump millennials and gen z together
In Indian River, might have to come up one night to check that out
Well yeah - why do you think people spend most of their time driving around?
The big thing is young people don't have the time or money like young boomers and even gen xers did.
But also, more and more young people are living in more and more congested areas. It's no fun trying to cruise when the roads near me are ALWAYS fucking full.
It's what I would do every night if I had a car. Nothing but drive.
thats what i said i was going to do before i got a car, now that i have one i dont go anywere. there is nowere to go
I sometimes cruise aimlessly,
then stop somewhere for pie & coffee,
or swim in a lake.
Always alone. 0 friends.
>cars are boring
T. Diesel FWD owner
I have an industrial complex that gets no traffic at night. I want to go there, learn to drift.
When I was I high school, girls got wet because cars was my hobby. I drove a manual accord coupe ex 91. While the dudes who just played videogames didn't get any girls.
how do they enforce this, what if i'm going out on errands coincidentally while my friends are? and what is defined as cruising by police anyway?
>"Car cruising is extremely dangerous, and dangerous to those foolish enough to attend such events. Breaches of High Court orders are serious."
>Judge McKenna described Kendrick and Roden as 'naive', and said he was sure they would not repeat 'such foolishness'.
>They were each fined £1,000, ordered to pay Wolverhampton Council's costs of £500 and warned that any further breach of the injunction would likely result in prison sentences.
What the fuck man
They go stoplight drag racing in Texas.
I would imagine anything that fits with the police's view of "a large number of cars in one area, moving to another". While proper arranged cruises are met with positive responses from the polices, its the knobheads who think they are billy-big-bollacks fucking it up for the rest of us.
I used to drive around a lot, but not much anymore. In my area (Southeast Michigan), there really are no interesting roads. Driving in a straight line gets boring fast.
No wait, theres more!
>The injunction prohibits two or more vehicles gathering in the combined local authority area "known generally as the Black Country" between 15:00 and 07:00 GMT.
Nowhere to cruise (i.e. actually enjoy the drive without any fuckwits around me) without driving for hours
Yes California valley towns do exactly this in the same cars just like it was the 50-60s all over again. except it's all Mexicans living that American dream now.
I remember in back in highschool we had a mandatory Health class everyone had to take sometime in their 4 years, and a big bit of it was about driving. Under the influence, recklessness, etc, but one big thing they stressed a lot was "Your chances of being in a accident increase exponentially the longer youre on the road so dont be in a vehicle longer than mandatory" Then they show a bunch of gnarly gory traffic accident clips to drive home the point.
So yea I would assume that would play a part in why "cruising" is dead
You know, American Graffiti was partially mourning the death of real cruising culture. The kind of cruising that happened in the movie was gone by the mid '70s.
This is true but it's coming back. I was getting gas in wasco CA a Mexican town has a few neat burger drive up joints and a old main St down town. I always go to the jolly cone. Friday night Mexicans everywhere in their lowered trucks and old classic cars. Just driving in circles around the town saw one of the guys 3 times while I was pumping gas he pulled in complimented me on my ride then drove off.
Me and a crew of 20 or so of my friends cruise to the a pizza joint over the state line on our scooters once a week. We used to drive in high school, but then we got motorcycles. That lasted about 3 years, but last year the cops cracked down, started hassling us and threatening to arrest us for "gang-like behavior" and disturbing the peace, so we all bought 50cc scooters and now they leave use alone. It's pretty chill doing 30mph on back-roads with a bunch of friends and a belly full of pizza. Also the scooters have a cupholder for 'road soda', the motorcycles don't.
That sounds fun there is a scooter club here that runs to the next town to a tap room. but the speed limit is way too fast on the back road so most of them have moved from a ruckus to a grom not really a scooter ride anymore.
We still go cruising sometimes when we've got all the boys together, but not as often as I'd like to because a couple of the guys who owns cars don't like driving long distances, if at all, very much.
But I don't think we've ever actually gotten the entire group together on a night out just to drive around. We always had a destination where we spent most of night at, mostly playing 8-ball or having dinner at a restaurant.
>t. 18 year old
Too many retards in the area now, and it gets worse after dark.
They made it illegal to cruise on almost all the big smooth roads in my home town. Signs that say 'cruising is driving along this road more than 2 times in 1 hour'
Its too fucking hot during summer in az
Show up on a fireblade
fuck oh dear cant they just nuke themselfs already? this is beyond sickening
We do that here in southern oregon
What the fuck is a car cruise?
Tx feels. Humidity was 100% today and walking outside was like wearing an extremely thick, wet blanket while lying in a tanning bed.
Where in K falls? California ruined Medford and Ashland.
Ironically it's been killed by the selfish boomers that are now old and only live to ruin the world. Boise passed a law to ban exhaust "that makes your car louder"
If a police officer sees you go up and down the same street repeatedly, that's cruising and its banned in many cities for causing traffic
Lots of ppl in the mid west and Canada cruise, other than Netflix n chill there usually isn't much else to do other than go driving around at night and get slurpees or something
Oh actually its not the same definition in the UK.
>so we all bought 50cc scooters and now they leave use alone.
the imagery of a scooter group is just too cute the police probably can't help but smile
In Minnesota no not really.
Motorcyclists and some enthusiasts still do. But 99% of the pop no.
You might be meming but it's true.
In terms of actual living standards, we've owned less shit and made less in terms of buying power since the boomers, so we can't really afford to just go out and cruise for hours every day.
I do it on my motorcycle but that's like $10 of gas for 10 hours of riding.
Do you know how to find a group to ride with?
I go to college and really have no friends since I moved.
I have a ninja 250 though so I don't really fit in to romping around doing wheelies, and don't really fit in to your type of scooter thing.
I hope you've seen Quadrophenia.
i'm a young person and i ahve 0 hope of learning to drive or owning a car
isnt that fucking great?
I feel bad for you
some cruise but me and my friends whip it hard
Wasting gas and putting miles on your car for no reason? Nooo thnx
>Always alone. 0 friends
For real, user? If you're in north FL, I'll cruise w you.
live in the shithole where that film was shot
I personally do sometimes, outside of the 5.0's and ricerockets, I see a lot of the same hotrods/classic cars occasionally too so I'd say yes
I went to Norway, diesel was $10 a gallon, and your whole economy rides on oil. Also literally everyone drove EXACTLY the speed limit all the fucking time and there is a toll camera autoextracting money every other mile and a speed camera every 500 feet. Bastardized American culture was everywhere too, went to a mall and there were several American stores, somewhat surreal.
Nice mountains and met friendly people while climbing tho.
Check the DBT map, but Facebook is a good resource. Also, check Craigslist used motorcycle ads, ask some of the people selling if they know of any groups. If you see a group of riders out, ask if you can join... not a gang though. Don't join a gang.
If I had a fun car, I'd cruise. There's a real nice, long, bendy highway along a river near where I live, but I don't have time for road trips and my current car isn't a distance runner.
I was not meming. life in general is very expensive now
$1000 gaming setup
$4000 car + insurance +gas +maintenance + can't even have fun because everyone has a branch up their asses
It's where we got the idea.
Do you get into riots with biker gangs?
NIggers and white niggers with their loud rap "music" made people pissed when they cruised around. This made people mad enough to make their cities uncruisable, by passing new ordinances against cruising.
Thanks NIggers.
Hopkins, MN Cruiser ...1982 - 1990
Ya they should just listen to wolfman Jack on their am radio with one speaker.
We did have a playful argument with some Hell's Angels at an ice-cream stand over who got to park in the shade, it was pretty funny. We cruised to a bar and drank together, those are some cool cats, but you don't want to piss them off.
>We did have a playful argument with some Hell's Angels at an ice-cream stand
I saw a really good bareback gay porn movie that started that way.
Is that Elliot Rodgers?
I think young people just don't give a shit about cars anymore. Cars don't excite kids anymore I guess??????
>friend invites me to a small meet
>know it'll be nothing but JDM instagram shitboxes and vapelords
>fuck it I'll go
>maybe 20 cars there
>nothing but uninteresting shitboxes with plastidipped wheels and gay stickers
All of these fucking boyracer dorks just want to play fast and furious and its fucking lame.
>better pop the hood so everyone can see my autozone cold air intake
I loved cars when I was in highschool 10 years ago but I drove a 91 Nissan Sentra with bad brakes and a busted driver side door handle that I had to open from the inside by unlocking the passenger door and reaching over to open it.
My parent's drove didn't drive nice cars either because they were lower-middle class wage slaves.
I guess what I'm saying is it's not like I, or anyone I knew, could borrow my dad's v8 cruiser and take it out on the suburbs
>Veeky Forums plans a Massachusetts meetup a couple years ago
>supposed to meet at a mall in the morning then head to a park for a cookout
>I make food, drive two hours to the meeting spot and get there late morning
>no one there
>drive to park, no one there
>drive home
>find out in thread a few guys showed up, BSed for a few minutes, then everyone decided to go home without updating the thread
At least I got to spend five hours sitting in the sun in traffic in a Miata full of food that went bad by the time I got home
Thanks for the advice man.
Kek though I really doubt any gang would have me with my 250 anyways, unless I somehow found a touge in Minnesota.
i think what you're most upset by is the cornholing you missed out on.
They were born in the poorest generation
This is why I don't go to meets. I really don't give a shit about a stock Civic with wheels and a neochrome steering wheel, a Mustang GT/Camaro with mufflers, or an Impala on 22's with subwoofers. Fucking NO ONE drives any interesting cars and if they do they're usually cocky faggots.
>driving around at night and get slurpees
why do we all do this
Slurpees are gud and 7-11 is open late
each other's dicks maybe
The scene here sucks. Nothing but straightaways and people talking about how they spent their paycheck on poorly thought-out mods.
When I was in high school people pretty much just car trapped instead of cruising. Basically you just find a secluded spot in a park or cul de sac and blast rap music and smoke weed and get drunk. Actually quite fun
My friends and I did this in high school, too, except my friend who owned the beat up Navigator we usually camped out in played grunge/emo rock just as much as rap. Drive in theaters are a great place for this by the way
>I really don't give a shit about a stock Civic with wheels and a neochrome steering wheel, a Mustang GT/Camaro with mufflers, or an Impala on 22's with subwoofers. Fucking NO ONE drives any interesting cars
They never talk about cars either, the most extensive work they've ever done is taking their wheels and badges off to plastidip them.
And they're just there to look like "badass street racers". They didn't even have interesting shitboxes either, yeah dude your beat up G35 is SWEET and totally unique, I really like what you did with your instagram handle windshield banner and the stickerbombed gas door.
And the worst offense
>claim to be JDM boy racer
>has no idea what eurobeat is
>then stop somewhere for pie & coffee,
Special Agent Dale Cooper, is that you?
>instagram handle windshield banner
whew i absolutely hate this, or just people who put their IG handle anywhere on their car.
>mfw no 7-11
gonna go on vacation soon tho
it's like one big cruise
and there will be slurpees
oh u better believe it
nigga errybody likes pie and coffee
>tfw no pie and coffee for 25 years