SO, it occurred to me that 100 years ago, at this time, my greatgrandfather was shittin himself in a trench somewhere on the Alps roughly 6 months before eventually getting killed.
What where your ancestors doing today?
100 Years Ago
Probably chilling in Austria-Hungary making mad Jew dosh desu
Killing British army officers and making up sweet rhymes about how they suck.
Hopefully, I'd hate to find out that didn't happen
hold the fuckin' phone. i know for sure where my granpa was and where he died and - more or less - how.
I will not allow half-assed research in muh thread.
Working on the field
I hole hardetely support you in your ambition
One side probably fighting for Ottoman Empire on some front.One side trying not to die because of Nationalist Greek Guerillas.
Making moonshine most likely
100 years ago? Working the Halifax docks loading ships with supplies for the war, not knowing that the next year the city would be reduced to a bombed out ruin and they'd just be trying not to freeze to death
>tfw you realize most of the people you meet on Veeky Forums had great great parents who tried to kill each other without knowing why
>Mom's side of family
Sucking British cock for special privileges over other tribes
>Baba's side
At long last accepting the British occupying the nation
Shit, realized I know pretty much nothing about my great grandparents. Both my grandfathers were in WWII, so their fathers were probably in WWI. I have no idea.
>tfw you realize that a lot of them succeded
I still love you all, you beautiful austro-hungaric bastards
My Italian side was probably already in America or coming over and my other side was probably bumming around in Canada.
Mom's side, I know my grandfather raised carrier pigeons for the war effort, he got a medal for it and everything that we still have.
Dad's side, fishing I think lolol
>raised carrier pigeons for the war effort,
>he got a medal for it
>a fuckin' medal
here you had to die to get somebody to spit on your body, let alone a medal
Well one of them isn't doing so great since he was executed by the Brits for being one of the driving men behind the Easter Rising in Dublin.
The other was-like yours OP-sitting in a Trench twiddling his thumbs. He'd eventually get captured, escape, send help to the prisoners and then die when an officer sent him to go tell his superior in another trench what super duper great job he was doing.
He got shelled on the way to deliver a "look how big my war-dick is" message from one officer to another.
My great gramps fought for Austro Hungary in Italy.
He survived the Isonzo battles and always fondly told my family, that the italians are great lovers but poor soldiers.
I don't know what his exact role in the army was, but family lore has it, that he was the guy in his company who ran errands for the officers. Like taking dispatche to other command posts and not getting shot at.
He deserted the army 6 months before the armstice, changed his name and then live happy ever after in Hungary until 99.
My Great granda wasn't a dirty rebel, so he was probably sitting near Messines, having been moved there after seeing 5 and a half thousand of his pals being mowed down on the first day of the Somme.
He was recently joined by some other (honourable non-rebel) Irishmen of the 16th, who were also moved to Messines in September.
I don't think you understand how important pigeons were back then.
Starving in some savanah shithole
>Ulster Rifles
I am descended from the banterous rebels in the south but our family since moved north.
>non honourable
There is no greater honour than ripping pride and land from the grubby clutches of the anglo rat, user.
My great-great-Grandfather on my Father's Father's moved to The United States with his family from Ireland where he ran stocks for the NYSE before later getting a job at Grand Central Station.
My great-great-Grandfather on my Father's Mother's side left what is modern Ukraine after completing his service of Austria-Hungary in 1898. With his village they moved to The United States where he became a "farmer" (booze runner) in South Dakota and lived mud huts with Indians before he got enough money to move to Oregon and by a vast stretch of land. Pic related
My great-great-Grandfather on my Mother's Mother's side the son of pioneer to Oregon. He owned a large share of a wagon road company.
My great-great-Grandfather on my Mother's Father's side is largely unknown. My Grandpa died of skin cancer before I was born and I've yet to research much into it.
A lot of the history during the westward migration is hard to uncover unless it's kept by the family out of pride. Most people wouldn't be able to tell you where their ancestors immigrate from. A common catch all for anyone who immigrated and was non-anglo is Dutch, even if they're really from Germany or Scandinavia.
Also chilling in Austria-Hungary, but farming and not Jewish
My great-grandfather was a royal bavarian riverpioneer, as far as I know he returned from WW1 and was a frontsoldier, but there is no one alive who could tell me more.
Pic related is him
>stabbing your countrymen in the back when they are off fighting to keep europe free from tyranny
>Live under rulers that don't give a rats ass about you or your countrymen
>Expected to call the people who live on a different landmass and fuck your country in the ass repeatedly "countrymen"
>Deciding "fuck this, I don't want to die in a war my country wouldn't be fucking involved in if we weren't attached to the anglo faggots"
>Staging a rebellion (fucking again) against the nation which has mistreated your country so many times, for so long
>Stabbing in the back
Typical anglo/ulster unionist ape.
It's Japan-tier revisionism to say that the Irish Uprising wasn't justified nor uncalled for. All those cucks that went off to fight deserved the shunning they got when they returned, the faggots.
my great great grandfather who lived through that time got his guts ripped out by a bull on his ranch. my gr8x3 grandmother should have drowned around this time fishing her stupid toddler out of a creek in a heavy dress while pregnant, dumb bitch. another gr8x2 half-chink grandma should be sitting in an orphanage around this time peeling potatoes.
I don't think any of them fought in the war. my ancestors have all been american since the 1800s, and stretch back to the pilgrims. like everyone else that lives inland, I am bred from literally who farmers and ranchers.
Just minding their own bussiness home in neutral Sweden.
my ancestors were tending their apple orchards in the hills of central California. Apple orchards they had cared for for over 4 generations previously.
Probably something hardcore. My grand-dads (his son) first memory was being fire bombed in London during WWII and his father saving the life of the pastor who lived next door who got hit by a bomb. He said he remember him and his brother dragging in a man with no legs screaming and then he died.
That's the only thing I've heard of him as his mother would beat him and he doesn't talk about them, as his father would essentially let it happen. He got the fuck out of there ASAP and married a German.
>this triggers the spud
>Live under rulers that don't give a rats ass about you or your countrymen
>implying the british government hadn't been working itself to near civil war trying to give Ireland home rule.
>Expected to call the people who live on a different landmass and fuck your country in the ass repeatedly "countrymen"
I was talking more about all the Irish civilians, soldiers, police and ofcourse don't forget the dastardly postmen the IRA murdered.
But top kek
>he lives on a different Island so we can't possible have anything in common
>what do you mean michael collins was educated in england?
>what do you mean guiness was created by an anglo?
>what do you mean no one in ireland supported the rising?
>what do you mean Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool and London all have massive Irish populations?
>what do you mean Liverpool elected an Irish national mp 5 times?
>what do you mean we've had the same king for hundreds of years?
>what do you mean the north east of the island is populated by the descendants of scots?
>what do you mean Ireland is able to influence the government because of the large amount of mps we have?
>Deciding "fuck this, I don't want to die in a war my country wouldn't be fucking involved in if we weren't attached to the anglo faggots"
>not remember belgium
>also not remembering that anglo faggots built your country
>has mistreated your country so many times
But not currently, not even in recent memory.
>Stabbing in the back
>Typical anglo/ulster unionist ape.
Alright, no need to be such a big bitch about it now.
Disgusting and nobody even fucking drinks it here
>Michael Collins
I know. I also know he sought companionship by joining a Gaelic club. What's your point?
>No one in Ireland supported the Rising
That's some revisionism. There are confirmations of a few skeptics but the way it's portrayed as "nobody wanted it but the rebels" is blown way out of proportion because there just isn't evidence to support this.
>Non irish places have irish people
No shit
>Ulster being populated by Scots
But I'm not talking about Ulster, I'm talking about ROI.
>"b-but we built your country"
Sure, I never argued that either.
Ireland was treated like utter shite by England and there's just no arguing that.
>Muh civilian casulties
Brutality against non-combatants is more of British thing, from when they first showed up right up to and through the Troubles in precious Ulster.
>not even in recent memory
Irish people north of the border were being dreadfully mistreated as late as the 60s, and if we were back in 1900s anyone that's an adult then wouldn't be hard pressed to think of times England fucked them over.
Why are you so determined to take away from what is an impressive and legitimate, just accomplishment?
It's utter lies to say England didn't fuck Ireland over MASSIVELY many times throughout history-I don't mean when they first came over, though not all of our structures and improvements came from England-and anyone with any kind of education would agree that the rebellion was called for, whether it failed or not.
To fucking who? Come 1916 the men and women of the rebellion had come to the just conclusion that they owed shit all to England and Ireland could potentially be dragged into a war that it is completely and utterly uninvolved in.
England refused to treat Ireland with enough respect and decency to warrant any of them to be "patriotic" and have a history of only letting them really exist on the sidelines.
My great grandfather 100 years ago was probably driving an ambulance in Italy to get wounded soldiers help, he was not 18 at the time but wanted desperately to assist his country ( or so I'm told) and so they gave him that job.
Photo of my great-grand (Uncle?) during WWI aboard SMS Vulkan.
Now you've gone too far.
Chilling in Chile.
Sounds chill
>My grandpa
According to the story my dad told me about him, he was somewhere in Siberia behind the Urals trying to get to Finland because he had deserted the Russian army.
My Italian ancestor was commanding a torpedo boat squadron in the Mediterranean.
>My Great granda wasn't a dirty rebel
How could you rebel against invaders?
I'm pretty sure at least one of my grandparents was in the uprising.
Mate, it's one of the dirtiest beers out there. I'm quite convinced a majority of the people who drink it only do so because they were numbed to it by forcing it down their necks so they could SAY they drink it.
Farming in fucking western Kansas, the flattest place on earth. I don't believe anyone fought in WW1. Nobody talked about it, if they did.
This didn't happen exactly 100 years ago, but there's a fun anecdote about my great^x grandpa was killed by cattle rustlers, but my great^x grandma killed them all when they came back. There's a photo of her posing with all 6 kids in fromt of a dug out home, from the front page of some old newspaper. I believe she was holding a shotgun.
This one splits. My maternal grandmother's side, I believe an English doctor had immigrated from the Carribbean colonies and was practicing near Puerto Caballo on the east coast of Nicaragua, around this time.
On my maternal grandfather's side, my great grandmother was about to be born on the family farm. It was less a farm and more a post-slavery plantation. There's a specific name for the system, but I don't recall it. Basically all the former slaves still worked the land, but paid rent to great^x grandpappy. This was about 30 or 40 years before the plantation (in far East Texas) was divided and drilled on for oil. It's too bad, I believe the old houses were all bulldozed in the process.
Father's side was shitting around as a businessman in Singapore
Mother's side was running away from China
Mother's family just farmer chickpeas producers in south Spain
Father's family starving in Spanish Morocco
coz no food from the landscape coz berber revolt and no food from Spain coz muh german submarines
My great great grandfather was a footballer. I've been told he was a soldier but not sure (apparently he was pulled out of france to play in a cup final).
What I do know is he won the Irish cup and Irish league after the war, and that he signed the Ulster Covenant in 1912 with his family, including his big brother who was also a footballer.
Most likely transporting fish to the british isles under a neutral flag and being scared shitless of torpedoes.
probably farming
my greatgrandfather on one side was paying taxes in rice for the privilege to leave the motherland, only to have his business confiscated in ww2, and then have his grandson barred from elite schools by the asian exclusion act.
on the other side they lived in trois rivieres probably doing a whole lot of nothing, because canadians chilled and smoked weed before weed was a thing
switzerland must have sucked 100 years ago. at least it's cool now. we have to deal with heroin dealers with aks
me grangranpappy was committing what we now call 'statutory rape' in the old country (he later stole her away from her parents and left to Sweden, and eventually Canada).
I don't know the exacts, but I know they had a child before they left Europe. I could call my grandparents but they would waste an hour before getting to those details.
my greatgranpappy basically bought his wife via interpals:paperback edition.
those were the times...
>great grandfather too German to fight for Canada in WWI
>grandfather had health issues that disqualified him when trying to enlist in WWII
Okay I guess
My great grandfather from Prague left Austria-Hungary in early 1914, so probably sitting on his farm feeling pretty fucking lucky. My other great grandfather was in the United States Army and fought in WW1, so I'd imagine he was doing mundane army things.
Doing manual labor in Mexico while anglos continued to kill each other.
The Irish uprising during ww1 is one of the most shameful episodes of the entire 20th century. The Irish should've been genocided.
>Cromwell kills Irish
>make all the elite proddie Scots that surround Irish
>let Irish starve to death and reject foreign help (Brits lower than Turk cockroaches)
>Hurr why don't Irish love us?
I think it was called sharecropping
My great grandpa supposedly got killed by a kicking horse when he was 25
I'm the descendent of ulster scots, and to be quite honest, as much as anglos are fucking jews, ulster scots and irish are pretty fucking stupid overall. I'm amazed so many of us ulster scots are even inventors and the like.
we're pretty fucking dumb overall. we just have a keen sense for not getting dicked over by the english, which is why we represent such a strong voting block in middle america against new york faggots
Mom's side: getting screwed by the war, losing all they have because their wealth would become worthless.
Dad's side: chillin' in Iraq.
Goat herding and making shoes
Where are your ancestors from?
>300 years ago
Not doing much to convince me
Idk but i know 70 years ago my great grand father served in North Africa and Cyprus (also Palestine IIRC) and another fought in Burma
Working the land and getting scammed by a landlord, probably.
Don't know
Died in December when he fell trough the ice during an army training.
My great-grandfather on my mother's side was probably on his way back home from Verdun, nursing his festering arm wound and getting shot at by German farmers for stealing potato peels from pig pens to feed himself.
>be Polish farmer in Silesia
>drafted to German Army with brother
>sent to Verdun
>charging french fortifications
>70% of unit dead, including his brother
>unit withdrawn
>great grandfather got shot in arm
>received some first aid
>"ok your unit is dissolved, you can go home"
>receive no pay
>have to go back 1200 kilometers back to home village on foot
>boots fall apart halfway back
>arm got some complications and had to be amputated
Boy did he hate Germans.
He died in the 1970s and I've heard some of his stories through my grandma and mum.
My grandfather (Algerian) fought for France during WW1 and WW2. He came back alive.
My great-grandad was a stretcherbearer during WW1. I don't know anything else.
Probably bribing some officials to not get conscripted.
The one from my mother side was probably making trade through the semi-arid land where he lived
My the one from my father side was probably fighting in the WWI
Having half of his property confiscated by the Austro-Hungarian authorities a decade after they've annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.
>let Irish starve to death and reject foreign help
You realise the first potato famine was staved off by the British government? It was only the laissez-faire meme ideals of the Liberals that meant the second potato famine was an utter shitshow
Why didn't they think of storming the trench lines at night?
A hundred years ago?
Most likely farming, or being land owners when it comes to the rich part.
My greatgreatgranduncle was an important general but that doesn't count.
probably being poor and/or hungry in ireland or nice and well off in england
Establishing a family in America after dodging the Prussian conscription of their Carpatho-Russyn tribe.
Probably being shot from crossfire on the eastern front
My ancestors havent done shit. They mostly did what everyone else in Norway has done since the viking age. Farm and fish.
Only exciting thing my family ever did was fight the Russians as volunteer and do literally nothing in the Norwegian-Swedish war.
What's wrong with that?
My ancestors haven't done anything since the war with Spain, and they did alright.
They did alright aswell. But i dont have any cool pictures/stories or anything to share because of it. My family never kept any records of our history, then again that was probably because we never did anything.
My Great-Uncle either just had been or was about to be catapulted over 100ft and survive when a shell hit the entrance to the dugout filled with old ordinance he was firing his machine gun from at the somme. My Great grandfather was enjoying having been promoted up through the ranks on his way to Captain, mostly by virtue of not dying during the 2nd battle of ypres. He would go on to be a serious war-hawk, serving as a volunteer in The Spainish Civil War then training troops for the Americans when he didn't make the age cut-off to enlist for WW2. My Grandfather still has his official declaration of gratitude from of the state of Massachusetts. Interestingly enough when my Grandfather was considering Volunteering to go to Korea, he had been too young to fight in WW2 and felt he missed out, GG-pa told him not to because "We don't owe those chinks shit"
Goddamn French and Norwegians playing chicken in the harbour
Most likely starving and thieving their way through whatever ratholes in Europe they eventually crawled out of, my family probably hasn't had a respectable member since my grandparents' generation. Everything else I've found out hasn't been good.
God I'm an idiot, I meant the complete opposite, everyone before my grandparents' gen were real bottom of the barrel folks
Being poor peasants in rural Sweden and slightly less poor farmers in Nebraska
Being oppressed by white bois during Jim Crow times.
either being poor farmers in Romania or Russia and either dying on the Eastern front or due to disease
not sure which tbqh
My great grandfather was in a French prison camp
What a coincidence, my ancestors were farming too. Although they were managing plantations instead of dirt farms.
One of my great-grandfather was an officer the cuirassiers in the early days of WW1, so about 102 years ago he was getting BTFO by German machine guns. Saw all his men get decimated, his horse was shot under him, and it crushed his leg when falling. But he was lucky, the corpse of the horse acted as shield. Stayed a while in the hospital. The French army realised pretty quickly that cavalry charge weren't that effective anymore, and they dropped the horse and the plate armor. After that cuirassiers were just deployed as normal troops. So by now he is somewhere in the North of France, in a muddy trench.
One got drafted, he owned a bookstore in Paris. Apparently he was kind of a nerd, but he thrived in war. Was field promoted, managed to only get wounded once in the entire war. They both got awarded the croix-de-guerre, and commemorative medals.
Another one was too old to fight in WW1, but he owned mines and factories in occupied territory. Probably spent the war raging at the Germans.
Last one was a teacher in Spain. I know basically nothing about him.
He's about to get crushed by a bigass rock at the battle of Isonzo. Bastard Italians made a trap in the mountains
he was working in New York as an expat (from central italy), eventually coming back in 1925 or something like that
My great granpa had a tank passed on his finger (voluntarly) so he could no longer be abile to shoot and he was sente home. What a fucker
i'm guessing the Middle-East
Cucking everyone from his town that was drafted
Preparing to kill commies just 1km from where i live.
> Living hungry and missery on northern spain. Many years later his son would escape that shithole and fascism, aged 15, and come to my country in Latin América. Thanks Franko!
> The other side were inbred farmers, like forth generation from spain, and were living a comfy life planting shit.