Jobs that don't require a Highschool Diploma

>Tfw no highschool diploma
>Tfw not enough resources to get GED (don't ask why, it's literally not possible unless there were free night courses in my area, which there aren't)

>Tfw all entry level jobs available require one or the other

Are there any skill/trade jobs that I can take apprenticeship in without needing a diploma?
Are there more options that just aren't commonly talked about?

I'm dying for a job.
>No car, but more than willing to bus it

McDonald's is always hiring.

You'll be among your kind.

Was trying to avoid fast food but am more than happy to take what I can get
I've even started looking into cleaning houses.

Don't sell yourself so short

a GED is really not hard you can probably study online and not even have to spend more than a couple of weeks

You have to get a GED user, you cannot function in a modern society without one.

Use google and try and find some church/nonprofit groups that help the poor/homeless, they should help you or at least put you in the right direction.

The sooner I could get it the better

I'll definitely look around and see what's available. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on getting a GED, which is my problem.
Worst case scenario I'm hoping to get some sort of temporary job that can help me pay for classes/testing.

I'm telling you: if you aren't completely stupid you can learn on your own

google it

If you live in a city, or at least close to one, there should be some sort of organization that can help you with the costs.

>any skill/trade jobs that I can take apprenticeship in without needing a diploma?

world needs ditch diggers too
also kneepads in a truck rest stop

I'll google it. At least the subjects on the test so that I can google those. I haven't been in school for nearly three years now, so it's a bit nerve wracking and embarrassing.

it's just one short test user

having an ego is not going to help you, best focus and get it over with

Like I said, you can learn in a shortish time if you just focus.

sorry man but if you couldnt even finish highschool.....

I had to drop out. A lot in my life has gone wrong and I am just now able to pick up the pieces.

I know a guy who only became dedicated after realizing he fucked up dropping out of highschool, couldn't get a job like you so he decided to earn a living through day trading. He eventually landed a job at a proprietary trading firm, from what I heard they essentially test you for the first 6 months, shit pay, working overtime all the time, taking hits for other peoples mistakes and if you make it past those 6 months you become one of the big-boys. Its just a question of how dedicated you are and how youre going to prove it.

Why not just lie? I have never heard of an employer asking for proof of high school graduation. If it's an unskilled job they don't care enough to check (although admitting that you're a high school dropout will still get you trashed). And have you considered getting a student loan to go to trade school? Those are not academic programs and every trade school I know of is more than willing to grant an exemption from the high school requirement. You may need a letter of reference, or go to a meeting with an admissions officer to prove that you aren't a complete retard.

Join a unit and referee sports

I took the GED test after having dropped out of high school as a sophomore three years earlier. I did zero preparation and still scored in the 90th percentile. If you were remotely smart while you were in school, it should be easy to pass.

Landscaping if you aren't a pussy

Day labor.

dawg honestly just lie about the highschool.

In none of my dozens of interviews for wageslave jobs do they bother to call check, which why should they. As long as you act as if you graduated and not like a austimo fuckhead then you're ok for the entry level stuff. Now when don't do this for post secondary, then you are royally fucked if they ever catch wind. Also I doubt they would even care that you lied about your highschool if they find out in the future because its just highschool.


lie about it and act like you got some sense u fucking dumb ass. we're all going to make it bruh

I dropped out Junior year, but since I'm not a fucktard like OP, I just stated on applications that I graduated.

Nobody gives a fuck about graduating high school, so they're not going to ask for your fucking diploma.

You must be under 20 OP.

lol poor people problems. i've started a business and im earning 200,000$ a year, previously had succesful day trading career made approx 90,000 a year. lol at these idiots who dont realize making money is so easy.

government worker
learn to lie

I believe that

getting your GED is really not hard though...

you sound like you have a shit attitude

If you cared you would go to the library, check out some texts on bookkeeping and accounting basics and get a job with a local small business. You'd spend the money on food, rent, and classes so that you can a degree and a better job. You probably won't do any of this though.

Contact your local jobcorps

Take courses on udemy or coursera in math(algebra, calculus, trigonometry etc and statistics), english writing as well. After finishing, well good job, you are good at English now and you know math(only subject that really matters in secondary/high school.

If you are so successful, why do you feel the need to brag about it on an anime board to a bunch of faggots?

not everybody can have a cushy jewish job