/stsg/ - Starsector General

Previous thread:>What?
Starsector is a 2D single-player open-world RPG space combat exploration economic game thing, basically Mount & Blade but in space.
Outdated but still relevant introduction video:
[YouTube] An introduction to: Starsector

Official site:
Official forums:

>Current version

>List of popular mods

>My game keeps crashing help
Make sure you have Java 7 installed (not Java 8)
??? suggestions

>The performance is really bad what do I do?
Other than allocating more memory for the game to use, there isn't much you can do.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Onslaught is mah waifu

2nd for high tech Condor

shit OP image

Why would anyone make a high tech version of a converted ship?

wat do

Why not?

Animefags will do anything to find an excuse to talk about their show

That's actually pretty sexy. Apogee-style.

Run fool

Its pretty decent sf show.
Sad things is that there is nothing comparable on West and non anime.

you don't have the guns to take them one on one. fuck far off and see if the wolves follow you, take them out and retreat.

Probably too late to phase-skim backwards, eh?

Die with dignity.

>Diable update
>wanzers are finally good
>still tempted to drop them and just use sparks
When you've witnessed perfection, it's hard to be impressed by anything less.

>tfw no scy

that's just someone squatting what the fuck

Why does it get a light bulge when it activates?

Dammit now i can't unsee.

but i gotta know what that hullmod does

i SINCERELY hope it's not a mission-only ship

>activate burn drive
>extra thruster descends

>condor.fs not found
Anyone else?


>The following rules are followed when loading a mod's version of a core file:

>If the key is not present in the master version, add it and everything under it
>If the key is present in the master version:
>If the valu is a string or a primitive, replace it with the new value

ok, if this is correct, if I write a new market file, and copypaste the contents of an existing planet and modify them to assign it to a different faction, the game would then replace the original data with the mod data?

Apparently Veeky Forums thinks you can load jaavescript or some shit by putting code on a post

Post the end of Starfarer.log so we can have more of a clue.

You can, and it's been done before

Sparks are always the best fighters hands down. This doesn't change.

I'm still trying to figure out what good Emergency Burn and Going Dark do anymore. Going Dark doesn't help at all when you can just sustain burn straight past a fleet, it doesn't help you catch a running fleet, it just turns off the transponder and makes people hate you. E-Burn is supposed to make it easier to run and catch shit except the enemy AI can E-Burn infinitely and you can't so they'll always be able to out E-burn you unless you lure them into a trap

the java thing?

at least they could say it instead of sending connection error and making me think my internet derped

I fucking hate their iron curtain

So, if I do this, and add the corresponding java file to make it understand it's a mod, the game would load the corvus system json, the load this json and make asharu change owner

forgot pic, derp herp

ok user, already finished the tutorial, I think. Im on another system now, without knowing what to do. I sold everything except my wolf frigate
*teleports behind you*
there is no small tanker here to buy, so I guess I will do all the sensor package missions I can find on this ship, avoiding combat and all that.
still trying to navigate with the system / galaxy map, trying to locate stations and all that. also, Im pretty bad at piloting (I didnt like at all SPAZ control, feels bad af for me). but mb its me being bad.

also, trying to figure how much supplies, fuel, crew I need and managing that properly

Here ya go
Thanks in advance matey

Going Dark is good for ambushes and smuggling. It's a solid way to get in between patrols to trade on the black market.

Wolves are some of the most useless ships to have.

>in heavy AI system
>go dark in belt
>even with multiple capitals watch as your detection radius is something like 100

b-but muh blink!

then what starter ship is good/decent enough? like I said, I cant get a small tanker to do the sensor package missions. what should I get for those? and after I got a bit of bank/money?

my plan was to get a small fleet based on frigates + maybe some badass cruiser just to get arround the game, trying to figure shit.

remember, i-is my first r-run ever


Looks like you are using Nexelerin for Starsector 0.72a and tried to load it on Starsector 0.80a.

condor.fs doesn't exist in 0.80a

The beginning is difficult literally because the ships suck. It's why the Survey opening is ridiculous easy mode because you just need 6 skill points and suddenly you can get 200k returns from a Class V survey.

PSA increase your non-flux speed from 50 to 100

It actually improves combat a ton - you can run enemy ships down and outmaneuver anyone who gets caught up in a fight. Everyone slows back down to normal combat speeds the moment they throw up their shields, it all works out.

Yep I definitely did, thanks

Am I missing or something or are flash bombers just terrible?

No point. Sparks overwhelm Flashes.

q: what the hell is a jar file and how do I use it


the only one you need to use is in the root folder for the game, usually under programfiles(x86)/fractal software

I mean, how do I use it for a mod.

oh, i have no idea, i thought you were just trying to apply the crack from last thread or something

I'm making a test mod to see if I can make shit work

I have no idea what I need to do to make the mod appear on the game modlist, and only two things I see in other mods that I haven't made yet are the jar file and the .version file.

s-slow down senpai. which 6 skill points, Navigation and Helmsmanship? class V survey? is that some type of missions?

Im trying to figure if I can check from the sector map systems with stations and missions, to find the survey type of missions. I didnt find any type of mission agent finder (like the one on EVE) so I will just check a system with 2 Hegemony stations to see whats up there.

don't listen to that buttmaster

put on the intel tab and look for bounties. check the systme bounties, and start hunting pirates. then worry about bigger deals.

the dude wants you to powergame the big missions

put 3 points into industry and then 3 points into the survey skill. always keep a surplus of crew and supplies and heavy machinery on hand so you can get class IV/V surveys for mad dosh

ESPECIALLY terran worlds. always always always survey terran worlds

well, I want to get some good money just to get a decent bank to affor my incoming fucked ups (1st run ever remember), thats why I want to get this "op survey opening" to get 100k or so. I guess that will be a decent amount of money to start with

Industry builds separately from Bounties. If you're going for a Survey start you need 3 Industry 3 Surveying and then suddenly you just need to build up a stock of heavy machinery, crew, and supplies and you can target water worlds, terran worlds, arid worlds and volcanic worlds for higher surveys. Class IVs sell for around 40 - 50k and class V sells for like 200k.

If you're going bounty to start preferably stick to a single ship, because more ships make it painfully hard to make bounties worth it. If you're not running Starsector+ it's even worse because all bounties are in external systems, which means large fleets generally burn fuel just trying to get there.

it's alive

capturame esta.

no homo

ayy que chico cool

That was pretty close


Mods are recognized by mod_info.json

JARS are Java compiled code. Can be assessed by open with winrar or recompiled using a IDE(A program used to program more codes). I recommend Eclipse Neon Java to mess around with the JARs. Winrar is simple. but too simple to do any serious tinkering with. You need a src folder to recompile any mods though.

What the fuck are you smoking? Wolves are amazing when piloted by both the AI and player. The AI actually knows how to properly phase skim so they phase in, unleash their payload, and phase out before the enemy can do shit. In fleet engagements they're still useful due to the medium energy mount.

>tfw you are a tiraflechas for sure
feels bad

How many extra skill points should I give a character heavily invested in military to make up for the fact that they're invested in an underpowered tree?

Wolves are ok in their own weight class. They're completely pointless outside of their weight class. You're pretty much never going to scratch a Mora, and good luck fighting Dominators or Onslaughts.

0. Military tree works fine. It just takes longer and more skill to get to the same point as the Industry tree.

Aaaaand the proof of concept is done.

Next step: Make a new faction and give Jangala to it.

Step 2 will be replacing the spawn points and giving them to the new faction

set levelcap to 100 in settings.json

>Military tree works fine, it just takes more points to be as good as X tree
That doesn't sound very fine to me. Military's confirmed being buffed anyway.

thats dumb reasoning, as not much is ever going to scratch a Mora in the first place.

>Convince steam friend to play
>He says the game is too easy
>Convince him to try Starsector +
>Says it's still just as easy
>Probe him for more information
>This fucker plays on ironman but alt+f4's every time he loses a ship or gets into a fight that's too big for him to win without losses

Wasn't it just Industry getting nerfed to hell?

military is if you want to solo fleets and pull crazy stuff like sending one ship at a time then changing hands when CR runs out

completely different play forms

What's there to nerf about it? Most of the tree is literally nothing but free money.

I've checked every market in this fucking sector and no-one is selling the front-shield emitter modspec.
I just want to get rid of these shitty omni-shields and replace them with an actually good, wide front-shield but no-one fucking sells them!

Omni-shield isn't all bad. If you're fighting an astral with squall+daggers or a conquest with squall+MIRV you can angle the shield specifically so that the kinetic missiles get through and the HE missiles don't. I'm pretty sure the AI isn't smart enough to do that though.

Easy to just nerf it by making the cost of supplies higher like 100 or 200 per run and reducing the value of surveys like Class V's down to 50k from 200k, Make salvage more dangerous by making you lose crew if the salvage ships explode, or make D-mods even worse. Lots of shit that can be nerfed to make Military more appealing.

omni-shield isn't bad, it's just that the player will never be as good as the AI with it. Managing weapons and ship control is usually the limit of most people, and you would have to sacrifice efficient control over those aspects to actually control the omni-shield.

I just want a 360 front-shield. You can kit them out on some ships with a clever combination of front-shield emitter and extended shields.

>front shield
>not using omni-shield
>not firing from your broadside

sheeeeit this just rushing into survey missions is easy as fuck, traveling aint as hard as I thougth, just managing fuel/supplies and crazy profit

Where do you guys find actually good derelict ships? Best I have found so far has been large tankers and a sunder, and that one only because it had some nice weapons

ive never found a good derelict, besides an astral that i didn't get the option to salvage out near a black hole

Omni-shield is fundamentally shit for players because you control the shield with the same thing that controls your weapons. Front Shield Emitter should be 0 OP and included form the start specifically because it's literally a handicap for the player.

>Easy to just nerf it by making the cost of supplies higher like 100 or 200 per run and reducing the value of surveys like Class V's down to 50k from 200k, Make salvage more dangerous by making you lose crew if the salvage ships explode, or make D-mods even worse. Lots of shit that can be nerfed to make Military more appealing.

You won't make surveying more interesting by nerfing it into the ground. People do it because it's easy money, but that's not strictly a bad thing. The problem is there's not much actual gameplay involved.

The Neutrino Hammership might just be the single greatest thing in this entire game.

Blow the fleets up yourself. Otherwise in the vanilla game open hostilities don't mean that they'll actually invade each other, so you don't get large fleets fighting one another and will probably find pirate salvage for the most part, which aren't good ships all the time

go find research stations and loot the fuck out of them

>Browsing Hedgemony reserves
>Notice I have just enough rep and credits to buy an Onslaught
>Haven't used a capital ship yet
>Buy it and try it out
>Rev up booster and dive into enemy fleet
>Delete everything that didn't immediately get out of the way
>That satisfying laser canon thud thud thud thud
Well that's something else.

Yep, that's what an Onslaught does. It's nice that it's one of the Capitals that you can get easy even without Hegemony rep

Do stations respawn and remnants respawn?

too ez, it should delete your save if you alt+f4


ORA is probably the best mod when it comes to broadsides

>tfw broadside hullmod
so good

words that end with

voltr"e" --- voltr"eans"
salar"ia" --- salar"ians"
ku"sh" --- ku"shans"
jangal"a" --- jangal"ans"
ashar"u" --- ashar"??s"

It'd be nice if going into low orbit after you survey a planet you could get something out of it, like a colony or something, but that would only make Industry an even more lucrative option


I would strongly argue that the player not be able to actually start colonies

maybe financing an orbital station or some industry, but not outright entire colonies. thats going a bit ahead of what the game is imo

You faggots don't even know the meaning of ship superiority.

and approlight doesn't know the meaning of being updated

but I know the meaning of the ultimate boipuccisuperority

AOE titan doomsdays when????

Will there ever be an up to date eve mod lol