/5N@F/ General

Mysterious, ambiguous entity Edition
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>Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - SL: store.steampowered.com/bundle/1729/
FNAF BOOK: amazon.com/Five-Nights-Freddys-Silver-Eyes/dp/133813437X
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clzZcsTzZzZh6EUFR-nmF4F7zHiXTCeB4AehZLF1OHs/edit?usp=sharing

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First for Foxy

Y'all think Scott had anything in mind when he first made Golden Freddy, or do you think he was just doing mysteriousness for the sake of mysteriousness?

RIP Fansmut.

I'd say the latter, it seemed like it was just there to spook the player. Or, if there was anything behind it, it was probably originally intended to be the hollow suit that the purple guy lured kids with, before Springtrap or Micheal Afton were introduced.

He said that he always had a broken down robot in all of his games, that's what Golden Freddy first was.

>mysteriousness for the sake of mysteriousness
That's it, really. He made FNaF in a state where he doubted his own faith and was fuelled only by the bitterness of his endless failures, and all he focused in was on making the game dark and scary. He didn't expect his game to be successful, so he had no reason to think up any complex mysteries.
The clusterfucks upon clusterfucks of "plot" in the sequels all but prove he's just making shit up as he goes along.

It's kind of like if Starchy accidentally hit it big, and people were trying to find the "meaning" of his deep and complex writing when he's just doing random shit. It doesn't mean Starchy/Scott is a hack who can't write, it means people are reading into something that was supposed to be dumb and silly way too much.

If starchy hits it big he would be just as bad as bombay

You understand you're basically this thread's Barneyfag, right? As long as you understand.

God just needs to smile upon him again a few more times and things will be hunky dory.
Though I'm pretty sure God's working on it.

He's working on it.

It's also why the first game is so effective compared to the latter ones. There was genuine regret and sadness that went into it, and just like any artist or creative type that sort of emotion makes for the best kind of fuel.

Obviously he hit it big and no longer had those Dollar Store cashier worries anymore, which I'm happy about, but he definitely lost something in that transition.

It is what it is.

>He made FNaF in a state where he doubted his own faith and was fuelled only by the bitterness of his endless failures

Just knowing this sort of makes the game darker to me, in a way.

Keep in mind he was considering suicide to have life insurance provide money for his family.

> to have life insurance provide money for his family.
Which wouldn't have happened because his therapist was a shit and tattled on him.
Which then meant that his death would have meant absolutely nothing.

That's why I said considered.

Just adding to the tale of how FNAF came to be

Truly an interesting tale that only happened due to a few dumb or random happenings.

This is the best Fansmut pic tbqh

I like this one more.

This one is a favorite of mine.

It's a little curious how everyone that's not active in the super secret special whiteknight discord server is chased away

Which one, theres like 5 at this point

Who really caused the bite of 87?


There's only 3
The public, a gaming one, and another gaming friends only one


Just because a creeper that wants to rape and kill everyone isnt allowed doesnt mean It's not public. It just means it's safe.

You guys are doing it again.

I heard Bombay drone striked a whole family in Benghazi

What more do you expect from a three year old general for a jumpscare simulator that kept getting worse the more sequels and prequels were made? Just like the franchise, so too is our quality dropping. It's just like pottery.

That rule doesn't apply to Aftons.

I heard that Bombay has an eight-pack
That Bombay is shredded.

Bombay iz 2evil5me.

I better shitpost about it in the FNAF thread

I once heard Bombay stole Crimea from Ukraine and donated it to Russia

Whatever you say Penguin, go fall off a cliff you fucking mountain mexican.

>I'll hyperbole what he said, that'll sure show him!


Hello J

It's ok J, mommy's got your tendies in the oven right now. There's no need to raise a fuss deary.

I heard he kept papernoodles in his luxury basement BDSM dungeon and she wasn't released until recently rescued

My job has one of those on the wall actually. It says over a year but really I think the entire project I'm working on is an accident.

>Instantly assume its J

ok Starchy

Is she still making FNAF stuff, just not posting it here?


Whatever you say Starchian.

Prett ymuch.

Yes. But all of that stuff you quoted is old.

hi penguin or bombay or hateanon or scott

Fansmut will always be one of my favorite artists. I will greatly miss her.

Pretty much doing the same thing Bombay is. We'll still get content

Evenin' FG

I guess I'd have liked it if at some point we became self-aware enough to stop perpetuating this cycle of crap.
At this point there doesn't even seem to be a point to reporting posts anymore. This is just what we do now.

Hi J or Starchy or Paranoid or FG or Skelly

It's a shame, I know. Oh well. Best we can do now is point and laugh at the autists writhing in their puddles of shit screaming about strawmen attacking them and their valuable feelings, I suppose.


The much anticipated second installment of the Ice Cream Man story that was promised two weeks ago. A story about good ol' Bill doing what he does best- serving frozen treats.

Criticism is very welcome, and very helpful in the editing process.

First chapter is here, in case you need a refresher.

>waah waah the girl who I creeped on rejected my advances woe is me!

A lot of people are here more for the intricate and engaging lore than actual gameplay. As time goes on though the lore behind Five Nights at Freddy's became less and less appealing and the lore behind artist drama more intricate and stimulating.

Hows ParanoidTool involved?

Fuck off OCfag, this thread is now for Discord people who pretend to be friends in the Discord but bitch about each other anonymously in the thread.

>that pic

jesus christ its been a while since a robot pic legit creeped me out

Foxy did, originally. Then in FNAF 2 Scott changed it to an AI, as the idea of one of the ghost kids willingly maiming an innocent, possibly a child even, probably didn't sit well with him after he got back into Jesus.

>Bringing off-site, non-FNAF shit here
For being the apparently high and mighty saviours of the general from yon white stallions and glistening armor, you guys really do act like tumblr-headed dickheads. Penguin was right.

Let me repeat myself.

This is my favorite thing she's ever drawn, partially because I wrote the greentext that inspired it.

penguin put your name on, it's getting embarassing


Don't ask any questions

In fact at this point, take any names thrown around with a grain of salt

Can you AIDS-ridden cock-smoking faggots knock it off already?

Again you assume I draw as badly as that spanish speaking hill monkey and again you're wrong. Not everyone with a dissenting opinion is your personal bogeyman, stop posting any time now because you're the one getting embarrassing here.

fuck off Ace

Point taken. Its just so damn annoying seeing this all the time. I hate seeing Bombays name, Penguin, ect, ect, ect.

I just want Chiggins and Foxes

If you consider a rubberband ball intricate.
I liked it better when it was about some run down pizzeria.
At least then it was easier to follow instead of the not canon but still totally canon spinoff that really isn't a spinoff

Alright, this is too much for me. I'm out. If this general is still around in a few months I'll peek my head in and say hi.

prove it penguin, post a drawing right now.

Alright, I'm the user who did this. Eat a dick.


What about rabbits and bears?

Holy shit, that sculpture is nice.

FNAF lore is pretty simple and easily solved in reality, all the stuff that is actually worth caring about anyway. It is all the outside speculators adding and confusing random shit that makes it so frustratingly convoluted much like artist drama

user please I love you

>better than penguins art

I know he has lot to improve but sheesh, you didn't even try.

No, I dont want them.

And here's this I just did.

I only started a few months because I enjoy Weaver's stuff, but even then I feel more confident about my stuff than his. If anything he's FHF-tier.

Aren't you sick or something?

Sums it up, really.

>Another Weaverdroneâ„¢
We have enough, get out.

I'd do the same, but I don't have anywhere else to go. /co/ is just as bad is this place in it's own special way, and it's not like I've got anything else to wake up for.

fuck off weaver shill

>Another Hateanon
We have enough, get out.

I'm happy to hear that, I like to think I have good taste in what I post. Have another one, it's on the house.

So did the Discord party club leave yet?

For fuck's sake. Stop responding, stop escalating. The worst part of all of this is that nobody seems to have learned anything.

Then maybe we should start requesting the mods to delete these threads. I loved this place, but perhaps it's now in our best interests to be euthanized instead of being left to slowly die from rabies. Perhaps this means that we've reached the point we've become so inundated with cancer that we can neither function as a vidya general for discussion nor as a community hub for FNAF-related fan content. Maybe that is the only way to break this cycle.

Strike him down. Do it

I'd guess he's talking about replies, or the lack thereof. We'd probably have less drawfags if they got the same treatment writefags got, so he might be right, but on the other hand one could say it's like natural selection where only the best and most dedicated persevere.

Why complain? We cried out for artists and we got one, didn't we? Give 'em some time and maybe they'll develop something new or branch out. Just don't go shooting down every good opportunity or we won't have anything left to run on.


The sad part is you really, honestly think that this huffy "omg don't respond!!!!!" posting is any better than the shitposting, or the replies. You're bitching about it exactly like everyone who replies, except you're deluding yourself into thinking your little rant is better than anyone else's.

It's the only way.

Which character is the best and why is it plushtrap?