Was South Africa really became a third world shit hole under the rule of Mandela and the blacks ?
Was South Africa really became a third world shit hole under the rule of Mandela and the blacks ?
There was a definite decline in living standards as the ANC trashed the civil service with patronage politics and racial quotas.
Of course, during apartheid, all the niggers still lived in "townships" (read: favelas)
Things have been gradually improving though. It looks like Zuma is slowly getting BTFO.
Dont let the human form of blacks fool they are complete wild beast.
The government is coming up with unique and interesting and also memeish ways to change the googles into becoming humans but they are constantly failing.
If all races are equal how come every country, town and neighborhood that blacks move in end up having African tier poverty and crime?
Why did Botswana turn out so much better than Sudan then?
>trick question, it's because Arabs are even worse at running countries than niggers
If all races are equal how come every country, town and neighborhood that germans move in end up having African tier poverty and crime?
Because Botswana is very sparsely populated and has huge reserves of natural resources.
It's pretty much a non-country.
Because black people are wild beast they are not human mentally.
That's like all of southern Africa though.
Botswana and Namibia are pretty nice.
Angola and Zimbabwe are trash.
It all comes down to politics.
>That's like all of southern Africa though.
No, Zimbabwe and Angola have higher population densities. Namibia is similar to Botswana though I agree with that.
>It all comes down to politics.
Well the political model of Botswana is pretty incompatible with, say, Zimbabwe. Botswana is basically a giant diamond field, which is run by western corporations who in exchange provide the local africans with a decent standard of living.
Most of the time an African country has good resources, it ends up worse off because of it, not better.
Source: Sierra Leone, Congo
Sometimes it's just pure luck of the draw as far as post-colonial governments.
Such as in the case of Kenya vs. Uganda.
Because most black people live in shitholes and people who are moving to better themselves are bunched in with criminals
Once again, the difference here is that Botswana is sparsely populated. Also, it is mono-tribal.
If all races are equal how come every country, town and neighborhood that Manchu move in end up having African tier poverty and crime?
One of my relatives fled the country once the Apartheid was dissolved.
No it's because the policies for Botswana for a protectorate didn't fuck it up for the blacks there as it did in SA as a colony.
Botswana was a protectorate so they had some sovereignty.
They had no resources or anything special during British rule so the British DID NOT invest in the population even compared to other African colonies (It was the poorest in Africa).
This prevented them from being fucked over by settler policies, loss of complete sovereignty or enacting of racial hierarchies or just turning the place into a resource depot of forced labour and cheap resources.
Botswana when independent had it's indigenous government still intact compared most to Africa's where they were broken down or lost any real sovereignty or influence. They also had irrelevancy being a big factor even with the discovery of diamonds.
Thus with no attention, a stable resource (Diamonds will always be controlled to a stable level so easier to plan around compared to Oil), a stable government with a leader people agree with and the ability to build up a society to their image.
is sudan even arabic?
Africans don't need inferior white people.
why does he shave his upperlip like that?
It's Arab. Black Arab but Arab nonetheless with Arabs being the majority.
It's pretty shit if you aren't Arab though and my mother who's been there can attest to how much shit they get especially with South Sudanese folk.
This. 90% of Blacks are literally not human cognitively. They genuinely operate on a lower level of sentience from the average Asian or European.
He's channeling his African ancestor, Ayodolf Hilla.
it did. Everything went to shit and now racism towards whites is commonplace. I moved from there because a black serial rapist was abducting white children and putting them into the slave trade. There is also a black kkk that often has lynch mobs against white people.
But what do I know.
The north is.
The south is black.
Most of Sudanese history is the Arabs killing/raping/enslaving the blacks.
Whites still control the state treasury and financial sector. Everything that racists blame on Jews, literally applies to whites in South Africa.
Humans started off less advanced than this
Resources in the hand of people who can't defend it end being like a curse.
>90% of Blacks are literally not human cognitively
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>became a third world shit hole
nope it became a third world shit hole because of the sabotage by the dirty white trash!!
Does anyone have any quantifiable evidence (i.e. not anecdotes or meme pictures) comparing SA then and now?
murder rates, per capita income, rate of unemployment, state of hospitals and basic government infrastructure, corruption, riots, state sponsored killing, or generally not being a fucking idiot with zero understanding of modern history might clear up things for ya, friend
Most of those things are better now, so what are you trying to say? Murder rate is lower now. Per capita income is higher, etc. Please explain to a fucking idiot with zero understanding of modern history, pls.
>Murder rate is lower now
Literally around 10,000 people die in SA every year.
The ANC should just get rid of fucking Zuma for fucks sake
Which is HALF the rate it was before apartheid ended you moron.
Yh sure negro fuck you subhuman piece of shit.
Meanwhile in Apartheid you could at least walk around Capetown or Johanneseburg without getting robbed every couple minutes.
>statistics are wrong if i don't like them
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
>get proven wrong
>Proven wrong
Why are /pol/tards so autistic
>Comparing two pictures from two completely different locations
That's pretty disshonest
God I hate /pol/tards so much
And I hate leftcunts.
Not even him by the way, hating on africans would mean hating part of myself.
>t. Jeremiah Bullson
Really makes you think
SA was never truly a first world country, so your question is dubious.
However, for the most part SA has moved along despite the mess Democracy is. The only major, overriding issues are the Droughts (which require expensive desalination or water projects to circumvent) and Transnet's use of narrow (cape) gauge and not standard gauge.
Zim is not SA and SA is not Zim
t. white person living in SA
lol, blacks were always racist against whites and whites were never nice to each other during Apartheid. Do you not know what the Boer War was?
>I moved from there because a black serial rapist was abducting white children and putting them into the slave trade.
yes and I bet he ate their hearts too. You're not from SA, the whole "white slave" has ALWAYS been a meme cooked up by the western media to sell more newspapers. It's over a century old at this point.
>There is also a black kkk that often has lynch mobs against white people.
The EFF targets other blacks first, because they're stupid like that
only in the white areas, just like today
Can /pol/ just fuck off back to your containment board?
and before Apartheid stats in the areas Blacks and Coloureds lived in either weren't accounted for in stats or the police barely acknowledged and recorded them (so Imagine if NY state omitted stats of NYC as one relative example) so when you see pre-apartheid crime rates it's lower then it really was back then substantially.
Most stats of Colonial Africa pre-1960's are hard to find, go off estimates or assumptions because the stat recorder back then couldn't travel to all the locations, and lack of resources to help gather data (still is an issue in the developing world), off data, multiple languages, not in the country(you want Rwanda's stats you have to go to German AND Belgium). So often in many cases statistically colonial Africa is a huge guess.
Please don't say that.
You just feed their Jew-tier victim complex.
It was always a third world shit hole, user. It's just that what little wealth there was was tightly controlled and centralised on white areas. And hey, there may have been a bit of chaos when the society was nearly completely reorganised but things have definitely been improving in terms of personal freedom and international openness and economic growth is certain to come out of that.
Like seriously, it's been just 20 years, one generation, since apartheid ended. It's way way too early to make any kind of meaningful judgement.
Some one just got back from /pol/