/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing, unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Mod Info

>Guides, guilds, Olvia Channel FAQ, and other info
pastebin.com/tGWk2bru (embed) (embed) (embed)

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
If you don't know if the game is "worth it," ask for a guest pass in the thread.

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I've embarked on a mission to collect as many autistic bdo players on my friends list as possible

Which avatarfags or channel/rp spergs should I be going after?

Dunno, feels like you have to have a degree of autism just to play the game.

I dont know where you can find a whole bunch but I like taking pics of weird ones when I see them.

>reached level 59 and 221 AP after 6 months of no lifing
>there's still people (mostly wizards/witches/warriors) who can one shot me while I can't take off 1/3 of their health with a full knockdown combo

why the fuck did I bother with this trash game

There are clearly different tiers of autism

I have a couple from here already but have avoided others because they're seemingly only semi spergs

Fucked up chars doesn't necessarily mean autism

I just started this game yesterday

what the fuck is that constant chirping I hear

is sorcerer as hard as people make it out to be?

I'm glad it's over

I just started and made a maehwa. I got it to 56. But everyone says they are shit. Did I fuck up?


No, those people are babbies who expect to go anywhere and hit one button to clear every pack in the area and think that's what witches and dks do with 90AP.

Get gear, leap into pack, back+f, dash to next pack. Maehwa are fine and the class I enjoy the most.

Yeah, reroll to one of the 5-6 good classes

t. Drow

Is tamer really that bad? Can't choose who to main, currently have wizard, tamer and berserker all 40-50. Started a few days ago

>they had to 3v1 karmabomb me just to kill my undergeared ass

i love my class

yes, switch to your wizard

how many characters and lvls did it took to reach this? it's pretty tempting

tamer is good, but only on 1vs1, zerker is the king of 1vs1 though, way better
it really depends on what you plan to play, if you wanna do node war/sieges go for wizard, it's the most op class right now, for small scale pvp use the others, preferably zerker

Maewha is fine but you'll need skill and gear unlike the other classes that are carried like wizard, dk or warrior


Are we imgur?

I think I remember you

it's from the bdo reddit

>farming pirates
>faggot fotm dk starts to flag
>aoes everywhere,teleports,fucking i frames
>beat him but after breaking my hands on keyboard
why do i have to try so hard on kuno while this class does everything in a few buttons

13 characters(1515 total poitns)
10 are 56 which give x2 points(112per, 1120total)
1 is 60 which gives x5 points (300)
then the last two are 45 and 50 (90)

I just made a bunch of sorceress' since that is my main class, gave them my gear and got powerleveled


ERP valk cassardis.imgur.com/
Titty Kuno imgur.com/a/cqiCM
Creepshots imgur.com/a/iY50t
FutaMistress imgur.com/a/2yqvo
Tattoo imgur.com/a/n3eKO
DrowLewds imgur.com/a/9K56C
CutestTamer imgur.com/a/jq06Q
LewdTattooSorc imgur.com/a/7wzsn
Elf#276 imgur.com/a/XkTwf

Horsefucker imgur.com/a/jA4UM
Cyclops imgur.com/a/2zvPG
Milfsorc imgur.com/a/FZmwV
Mayyd imgur.com/a/5W8Qk
Lesbians imgur.com/a/SAByH
Sharky imgur.com/a/Au4nj
Thick imgur.com/a/sti8o

95* I'm sleepy

come polish my crescent blade, i'm EU too
nice! i have a lvl60 character too and 11 slots, so i guess i could do this easily myself

if you need more gear to be decent with a class that just means it's shit

A challenge. Though she's only the best when she reaches 60.

That's actually really smart. You're a smart gal.

So you can only use the 7 days free trial if you didn't play the beta? that fucking sucks.

but if you get a wizard or warrior to 60 you basically become an unkillable god

thanks :B

good night bdog!

Good morning EU
Good night Sharky


Are you a horse


Be at least a T7 please, thank you

Horse-chan pls post sorc

Nope, going to brew beer shortly

im jacking off anyway, tease


what's a fun game to actually play while I afk in bdo?

I play a lot of Elite: Dangerous, Shellshock Live with friends, started MGSV again. Uhh.. You might want to aim for games which won't overload your CPU with BDO.

you can afk bdo while playing Elite Dangerous? what's your rig? i've always considered playing it

Nothing special, to be honest. Elite is very well optimized




You can play DOOM while bdo is minimized. It doesn't really matter much unless your cpu is from before 2009 or you have povery ram amounts since it still requires a 3.5gb commit.

Good morning! :3

Not the same guy but I would say it depends more on the settings you want to play DOOM on. I can barely run it maxed out with Vulkan at 3440x1440 while BDO is running in background.

You need to turn down BDO's graphics settings since it still sucks up massive amounts of VRAM while minimized.

>he wasted 6 months on a shit class

git gud faggot

get good kiddo

You just have to take a deep breath and git gud

Accuracy > AP

shut the fuck up euroshitter

I'm NA, but what does Europe have to do with this?

>na trash being ap monkeys again

not the guy from before
evasion and accuracy are a meme on Europe while NA is all AP monkeying mostly, that's why people relate these things

makes sense considering most of europe is getting raped by monkeys and are too mental to fight back.


Just ameribads being bad at yet another online game, the usual. Only a matter of time before they start importing Korean players to play on their server.

>tfw sleeping alone

i will sleep with you! :>


gr8 m8 i r8 8/8

Why does camel feel so fucking slow.

It's low level or you're using it on hard soil

Some fag complained a while ago that the game is p2w, is that true? I've been wanting to try it out for a while but that is kind of off putting desu

pay2convenice. things like extra inventory space and more weight limit means you can carry more and have to take less trips to the bank while farming. Pets to loot faster for you. Maids that can transfer items to your bank for you or allow you to check the marketplace while not in town.

These items make the game a little smoother, so they're worth getting if you're serious about playing. But its not pay2win because they don't make you stronger in pvp or pve or anything, just convenient to have.

i would call it p2relevance, but definitely not p2w.

You can't "win" the game, like you can in some abstract way in WoW for an example.

You won't top the processing ranks without a maid outfit etc, but it also won't matter.

You will have minor disadvantages in other departments, but the best players are not the best because of the cashshop, but because of nolife they are.

It is p2l

The only winning move is not to play.

thank you, downloading as we speak
any class that is complete trash or are they all somewhat balanced?

No class can compare to Tamer.

Play what you enjoy, but the overpowered classes are Witch/Wizard/Warrior/DK.


All classes are OP beyond +250 AP, but those seem to be the ones that can be dangerous at low AP as well.

I'm between Witch and DK but the biggest thing for me is instant casts. How much of Witch after awakening is instant cast attacks, or how long are the cast timers on the moves that aren't instant at level 5 casting speed.

>How much of Witch after awakening is instant cast attacks
About none of it

Does this mean she is good or she is bad, or she is objectively the best because she is the cutest?

They all have 1-2 second cast times except for Detonative Flow.


1-2 second cast times isn't instant


Literally every class is fine. 99.99998% of the game is actually mindlessly grinding easy to kill mobs or sitting afk in town smashing tree trunks with an ax.

Xp area PvP is entirely about who has the biggest no-life dick gear and only .00008% based on class. GvG shit is who brought the most witches and bodies.

All classes excel at all of these things, but valkyries seem to be much better at cooking and smashing tree trunks. ymmv. Play what you think looks/is most fun.

Fuck off Rick you disgusting freak



Does this game has poor optimization or something? Can't get stable 60fps on i7 and gtx980, with high-end mode off and stuff in nvidia panel tweaked (was even worse before).


last patch fucked up the framerate, went from 60fps to 30 in heidel

Make sure you don't have the power saving graphic card mode activated in the game settings, also make sure you don't have the target fps on too. My game likes to set them to on for no reason lately.

Hopefully it will come back.
Yeah, they were both off.

CoherentUI or w/e it was is the culprit, just end the process or set it to very low priority.

Yo, what program is that? I need a new tool to measure temp and thats pretty concise looking.

Friend and I want to get into this game just for fun, I understand that recently it was announced it is coming to steam as well.

Does it matter which one we choose? Are servers separate? Seeing how as the basic package from the official website is $9.99 it seems like the way to go unless steam has something special going for it

I use the same thing, just google "speccy"