I've been at this bullshit for 6 months producing nothing but high quality content and THIS WEEK was the first time I ever made money. Nine cents. Wow.

At this rate I may be able to purchase a candy bar by 2018.

This is fucking stupid. YouTube is saturated, you can't make money online anymore. Fuck all this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Let me emphasize that again. SIX FUCKING MONTHS to earn NINE CENTS.

By the end of the year I might make about $10 if I keep spending 15-20 hours per week, every week, producing videos.

What a dumb fucking joke. Of course I didn't get lucky and start on youtube in 2010. Of course I didn't make retarded friend simulator "let's plays" playing stupid bullshit like call of duty and screaming like an autistic child. Of course I didn't start recording minecraft videos with nothing but a voiceover.

Fuck all this. Life is bullshit.

t. Nobody

I hope you don't make a cent more. Kill yourself, dumb fuck.

fuck you I'm gonna stop and probably make another 4 cents before I delete my channel

You need to build up a following you dumb shit. Without fans who watch your stuff, of course you won't make money or get sponsored.

You provide nothing of value. You need to create unique videos that tap into a market with lots of potential viewers.

Make sure to clickbait the fuck out of your titles too, and show tons of fucking enthusiasm.

>quality content
>not successful on YouTube
It's not nice to lie, user

What's your username and how many subs you got. 1 million subs is the minimum to get a decent living

Well what did you expect, dumbass? YouTube is the exact opposite of s "get rich quick" scheme. You have to be actually retarded to make no money off it, but it takes a lot of time. The only way to really screw yourself over is to get in trouble for copyright. If you avoid that, then it's all time and consistency, and if you want to speed up the process a bit, work on your social media presence. Who the fuck told you it would be fast?

That goes against almost all conventional wisdom of YouTube.

Youtube is trash unless you are doing PewDiePie/Rihanna numbers. Even then it's still shit compared to everything else. Don't think of it as a platform you can use to generate revenue, think of it as a platform to raise brand awareness and direct traffic toward your other digital projects.

dumb ass
you need 100k views a day to make it

>not making videos as a side effect of another hobby
>actually thinking making YouTube videos full time is fun, rewarding or worth the investment

YouTube a side hobby and that's it. If you're lucky, you'll make money. Don't pursue it as a full-time thing.

nigga i upload videos that aren't even mine and make $100 a month ez

are your videos in English? money mainly comes from the Anglosphere - USA, UK, Australia, Canada and then Germany and that's it. That's where the money's at. 85% of all your earnings will come from the USA if your videos are in English.

What vids do you upload?

Personal stories mostly. Sometimes reactions to news events


Really? I made $1 in one month and I just started.

Is this how you cope?

look at the top channels, they all make mass produced trash (its not possible to create quality content daily, and rich youtubers make daily content)

wrong, i know some guys playing videogames making 3k a month, sure beats wagecucking

i upload animations with no text or voice, get 1 million views a month but i made a spanish speaking userbase of 200k subs because of some tags that are very popular there

now im afraid im stuck with this niche

if i start switching up tags, i will be able to rank in the angloshpere, or will the algorithm push my videos in the hispanosphere because of the initial 200k subs push views?

if i could rank videos in the anglosphere i think i can a decent amount of money, i just need to make my animations appear on the screens of kids with rich parents aka angloshpere, but like i said before im afraid it will not get as many views and not rank as good

since there is no text or sound, it all comes down to keywords i guess? i just hope my userbase being mostly spanish speakers dont fuck my positioning up

i wish i started with some more generic us based keywords but i found a nice exploitable niche on the hispanic community, now i just need to scale globally with other animations

and probably sell out and start mass producing gameplay trash because animations take too much time and im sick of spending time on quality stuff while others mass produce 2 videos a day, im just scared viewers will get pissed off but its mostly kids maybe they are okay with it. im too lazy to start another channel from scratch id rather drink bleach desu

Post your "high quality content".

You won't, because you know it's shit.

Until you post your embarrassing channel, fuck off this board.

Your content is shit.

Do some hot knife videos.

how often do you upload videos. that's all that matters. youtube has never and will never be about quality. vloggers get subscribers--shit is uninteresting, it's bad content, but if you're not in people's face every day they won't care about you.

>high quality content

Theres your problem

The people that are dumb enough to watch without adblock want retarded shit that has been recorded 50 times stacking into wat is maybe a max resolution 240p garbage. Just record some one elses video, put some shitty mark on it and brand and there you go.

The Youtube boat left a long time ago. Now it's an over saturated market with established franchises.

Famalam if your intention was to make money, you should've done your research. Most money for Adsense comes from the Anglosphere, period.

That's because Americans get jewed with ads left and right.

No text or voice will fuck you big time. If you had voice, you could've added CC subtitles which really help index your video really well. Tags also help, but be very careful. Don't put any controversial tags like Syria, ISIS, Iraq, Israel, fight, attack, etc. YouTube is now fagged up like no tomorrow. If your tags contain ANY controversial words, they will auto-mark your video as "non-advertiser friendly" aka not faggy enough.

You have a big enough userbase to start branching out into other shit. A few thousand people might be pissed off, but fuck'em. You're already a giant snowball and you'll only grow from there.

git gud, faggot.

find a decent niche or it's not worth starting.

you're fucking stupid
learn seo and take advantage of youtube's algorithms

>made only 1124.30$ in a year
>git gud

post your gains, fag. I started the channel less than a year ago and post about 2 videos per month

protip: your opinion is invalid unless you have proof of youtube revenue to back it up

nigga did you make $1,124 in one day and then 30 cents the rest of the year?

>friend simulator

i made like 700 in one day and 250 or 300 the next. most of the time i get about 2 bucks a day

which, i should add, is accelerating. it's just hard to see anything on that chart because of the big spike

January is the worst. Hopefully it picks up at the end of spring.

eh $355 total for me since about mid 2015, just doing weekly videos on tech stuff I already own etc, goal isn't to make money so w/e

>he fell for the jewtube meme
Fucking laggard lame-o

Let me give you a tip: if everyone is doing it, IT DOES NOT FUCKING WORK

youtube isn't particularly profitable
since the type of videos I create are extensions of my regular hobbies i mostly use it to supplement my income
also, the kikes at google control who is and is not allowed to trend anymore
if you aren't a transgendered mullato muslim you aren't going to be allowed to trend in 2017

forgot my 2016 stats
i put out about 60 videos last year

Are you spamming your channel on boards that might agree with you? How about boards that disagree with you? You gotta get some bitches shilling your shit or they won't find you.

Post reactions about other videos and add a little criticism. That'll frost their cupcakes but you will get views. Troll, troll, troll.

You use youtube to generate traffic to market some kind of goods to your services
Pewdiepie is pretty much rich because of ads and affiliates who pay him to increase awareness about a game or product
If you just think all it takes is making a video, adding some tags and raking in views you are truly on some nut shit

Start selling merch and stuff you know your niche would want to buy and use your traffic as a leverage while networking and collaborating with other big name people, that's how you get rich

Well, let's see your channel

why are you getting such low RPM?

The problem is that you didn't make stupid YouTube videos. You made quality content that you like. You need to be making content for idiots that watch YouTube all day.

You need to appeal to children (who watch all day) or young women (who watch all day).

>No text or voice will fuck you big time
how? all those no-voice videos of people dressed as spiderman and hulk get millions of views

a global audience is better, something that potentially every kid in the world can enjoy (since i've ended up on such a niche)

japan CPM is EPIC. Anyone getting 1 million views from japan a month is rich. I wish i could somehow rank there, but i will be happy to rank my content in US. I'll try to get some of my shit suggested in similar videos by the use of titles and keywords and go from there.
Actually some of my videos got a little text here and there but i've translated it all in english it doesnt matter, i think keywords + content + titles is key, lets just hope my big userbase being from spanish speaking countries doesnt somehow tell the algorithm to rank my videos priority in spanish speaking countries (we dont know how the fucking algo works after all)

btw trying to monetize with affiliate links is fucking useless. i added g2a links on my header, vid descriptions and chanel description and nobody bought shit. maybe its the niche being kids specially from non us/euro countries

again, my niche is kids and most aren't going to click on shit and buy anything unless they know how to read and tell their parents

and i need to rank on the algosphere first to get any real chances since they are the spoiled white kids with the money

What's your channel?

Step 1: Get a intro, tons of free ones online, people love branding and electronic music.
Step 2: Flood it with shit posting recycled stuff like in the video.
Step 3: Finish it up with a up next click annotation to link to another of your video.

Remember click bait titles and a girl ass will make people want to click your video because people are idiots who only think about porn and hate being challenged. Also bitches love small letters they cant read in the thumbnail. Spam your tags with everything so google crawler picks it up

There you go your on your way to a million. If you still dont understand I made a new account and made a shitty thrown together video version of what I just said.

Enjoy Will delete this channel soon.

OP pls dont delete your videos. me and my girlfriend watch compalation videos literally every night and your are good. they are making her happy!

I sub'd, pls buddy dont delete it

And yea threw this all together in about half hour, including intro and end renders. You could shit post these all day like every one else on utube ever 10-15 minutes.

You forgot to tell people about your channel. You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows it exists, nobody is going to buy it.

just be a qt
> she makes $7k per month

>6 months producing nothing but high quality content
>THIS WEEK was the first time I ever made money
>if I keep spending 15-20 hours per week, every week

ITT OP gets his first taste of success with his poor work ethic and feels like quitting because it wasnt a full course meal

If it's not making money, and that's your purpose, it's really not quality content. Sure I hate most YouTubers at the front of the mainstream but they do what they aim for.

>not ASMR Darling

Go on fivver , charge people to promote something in your video

Any niggers what to actually post their YouTube channels instead of analytics screenshots?

I'll sub to you if you're good.

I make gaming commentaries and sometimes memepost. Subs have shot up like crazy recently so I'm trying to keep the momentum going.

ukasmr is my favorite. her and springbok put my dong on full mast

not my video but I saw it posted on another board; channel owner probably lurks Veeky Forums. Very new channel from the looks of it.

I watch a lot of gaming channels on YouTube. And the images of your videos don't look very clickable. Its a bit of an information overload.

ASMR is the next boom, get on it while you still can.

its really hard, i tried porn titles on youtube and only got like 100 views

>tfw ran relatively succesful jewtube channel in 2009 as a young teenager
>tfw had 30,000~ subscribed faggots that watched me play vidya in a really subpar manner
>tfw it was just me playing my flavor of vidya for the day while talking on Ventrillo
>tfw quit in 2010 because I was scared people would find my channel
>tfw if I had kept at it I might have struck gold


? Don't agree with you there, they seem pretty simple and concise

vi sitter har i venten

How popular are those picking up girls/awkward social experiment channels? I remember they used to be on fire with vitaly and all, but I can't imagine the demographic that eats it up (14-18 males) just magically disappeared. I feel like with the proper content and production it would be a gold mine

So buzzfeed?


Either you go viral or not

ASMR is not subconsciously sex related is it?
Have I been lying to myself?

That's interesting since most people tell me they love my thumbnails.

This is one of the videos I'm proud of the most, but most of the big time investments rarely get big views.

just make videos of elsa giving her poop to spiderman

50 views and 0 subs! what a success

how are you supposed to scale that

S A D B O Y S 2 0 0 4

It was just to show him what I meant and how easy it was to do so.

If I was going to make a jewtube jchannel it wouldnt be dank memes. And you can scale that easy, just shitpost compilation 1-5000 linking each video to the next. I guess I could have made a longer ending saying "subscribe for like 10 seconds and more to come every 10 minutes.

I barely watch it, but I never click on videos if it's a guy. Even if it's not focused on sex, it just seems like it's intended to feel intimate.

Okay Veeky Forums, r8 my channel.

I'm not sure what to do with it because my videos rely on things out of my control like the time of the year or error messages for them to make sense. I want to know how I can branch out from here.

Damn! I've seen that daylight savings video before (on /x/ or something). Glad to see you browse Veeky Forums.

>Click on your own ads to make easy jewtube moneyyz
>fast forward 2 months earned 3$

if jewtube notices what i did and my adsense account will be terminated

Thanks user, glad you like it. Any idea where I should go? I have a long ways to go before making any sort of income off of this. Long term goal to is make enough money from the channel to make a living, but have the videos be good and not time-consuming to make so that I can keep my regular job, plus the amount of money from a full-time job in YouTube, plus investing, to become rich.

Now I know I'm really far away from that so for now I'll keep my job and put the grind into my YouTube channel. I'm just wondering what direction I should go in, and if anyone has any feedback.

It's seriously that low...?

Jesus I might have to see if I can think soemthing up. That seems like a very reasonable target for a long-term project.

how are you going to edit 5000 videos without being too obvious you are uploading the same clips all the time


you can literally just download other peoples shit. Throw a few edits like sounds or images and clip them in different order. People are to stupid to care. Take a look at the like 500 vines channels that all recycle each others garbage, relabel it and get 100k+ views.

Not hard to get more videos want me to make a few more videos ? just to show how ez it is to do?

already put up 2 more videos. so much content on the internet, its hard to even repeat what you use.

If you know how to record vines, they are hot right now. Can make some shitty utube channel and use their content and youtube doesnt even care.

dude kill yourself holy shit

Start mining bitcoin.

Take out a loan for 10k (or sell your home), buy as many quality miners as you can afford, buy ethernet splitters, and start living in "extended stay" hotels.

ASMR has been around for a while. Niche, not a boom though.

fucking faggot, I just clicked that ad on your video, enjoy your doubled revenue this year.

OP here, I have not and will definitely not post my youtube channel here. No offense to you guys, you just can't be trusted.

This dumbass has the right idea. user you should keep doing that and replace your fulltime job making trash videos like those. Clearly it doesn't take much effort.

YouTube partner here

Unless you're FazeRain, FouseyTube, PhillyD, or some other fake fuck, you're not making shit on this hell hole. I made a video that got over 1500 views. Got like a dollar. I could make more than that begging at a red light.

Typical payout is 1-2 bucks per thousand views. If you have a high-demand audience, say Japanese nationals, then that could be as high as 6-10+ dollars.

Nah, here's what you do. Make a beef with some big YouTuber where you call him or her out on your channel and on Twitter. Drive traffic to it.

Or you could be a quitter. I'm not calling you a quitter but I've tried YouTube 3 times. Never even hit 100 subscribers.

You know how long that takes to even break the 100 subscriber threshold? A while. You don't get on the front page and into anyone's line of sight on that site until you've got a substantial amount of subscribers. Or a shoutout from a bigger channel if you suck enough cum out of their balls.

Everyone wants the golden play button but how many can actually get one?


These channels were around for YEARS. Shaytards? YEARS
Philip DeFranco? YEARS
Toby Turner? YEARS
Onision's faggot ass? YEARS
Casey Neistat? YEARS
Fousey? YEARS
DashieGames? YEARS

If you've been at it for 3-6 months, turn it into 6-12. Then into 24, 36, 48, 60, and so on.

I actually agree. These top YTers have other streams of income. Whether it be brand deals or what, if they left YouTube today, they'd still have plenty of money. YouTube is just a digital soapbox to talk to the masses to peddle your bullshit. Nearly every single large YouTuber has merch. If you're not at that level, then get there. And don't bitch that you're not living in a mansion yet.

I've had worldwide traffic on my channel and guess what? Most was from people who didn't even subscribe or stay the entire way through the video. People have little if any attention span at all. They want jump cuts and all this fancy shit.

1000 degree knife vs 4channers

This. They want family-friendly content because I guess they don't want people to swear or act like autistic bastards.

They want you to cater to little snot nosed brats with iPads and women.

So either be a fuckboy or Jimmy Comet

I wanna marry her so she can just ASMR all night and day