/mcg/ - Minecraft General - complexiality of autism edition

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Copypasting my question from the previous thread:

How the fuck can I use MCPatcher's features in 1.7.10 if Optifine is incompatible with my modpack? Plus, it has to be compatible with Forge



Try posting the modlist and the logs. Or ask the devs but Im not sure if they still care about that version.

I can smell the shitposting miles ahead, but here we go. Thanks in advance for anyone who tries to help.

Forgot the pic, though.

Yogscast is still going strong for a reason.

>little kids love it, I should too

>first mod I see is mo'creatures
>a mod ubiquitously known for being a buggy piece of shit that literally doesn't work half the time
You're damn right it's going to cause shitposting, if that's there I shudder to think what else is.
Post your crashlogs for fug's sake.

Please stop advertising.

>can't discuss minecraft-related content because this guy is triggered

Please stop advertising youtube networks in /mcg/
E-celeb discussion is not welcome here at all, it harms thread quality.

Stop being retarded.

Yogscast has been discussed here for ages, because they're who made moded Minecraft popular in the first place.

No, they haven't.
This is blatant and obvious shilling, please go back to marketing school.

>Yogscast literally popularized Tekkit
>/mcg/ never talked about them

Stop spamming the thread up with troll garbage so that those of us who actually want to talk about relevant content can.


Remember to come here if you want your gregtech autism.

Careful, autismo up there will report you for advertising.

Ignore him, please.

There's nothing wrong with Mo Creatures, you just get triggered easy by the look of things. Vanilla is painfully vacant of decent mobs, and that mod fixes that.

>you just get triggered easy by the look of things
I loved mo'creatures, but it doesn't fucking work anymore, it needs to be rewritten from the ground up.
The configs are literally broken and have been since around 1.5.4

I've never had any problem out of it.

Have you tried messing with the configs to decrease spawn rates or disable mobs?
They literally don't work, at all.

It was notorious back in the day for for crowding out mobs you actually need like chickens and cows. Maybe it's been improved since then, but I wouldn't count on it, since the only people still maintaining minecraft mods are egotistical fuckwits.

I'm the user from the pic.
To be honest, it always worked for me, specially with some tweaks to make eggs and other stuff compatible with other mobs. As the other user said, it helped make MC more "alive".
Plus, deactivating it didn't solve the problem at all.
Though, I'll not be defending something that I don't know a lot about, so I'd like to know if you can exactly point what's wrong with the mod.

Also, here's the crashlog:

>[22:51:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Hello Minecraft!!!
>[22:51:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Hello Minecraft!!!
>[22:51:38] [Client thread/INFO]: Natura, what are we going to do tomorrow night?
>[22:51:38] [Client thread/INFO]: TConstruct, we're going to take over the world!

What the fuck

Autism, I guess.

Only 90's kids will know this reference XDD

Mod devs are just like me, dude! XD

mDiyo keeps those lines in the mod output for Natura and Tinker's Construct as a way of checking cross-mod existence and whether the mod has initialized at all. It's good practice for development, since if the program didn't initialize something went wrong. Given both TC and Natura probably have a shared framework they're bound to have a line if both are initialized to stop conflicts. If it's gonna show up, might as well make it an Easter Egg.

t. Civ V Modder


>t. Civ V Modder
Waaait, which mod(s) did you make? Asking this one question since /civ4xg/ is mostly stellaris right now.

>Shit, really? does it have a boosted capacity to match?

Yep, has more capacity than either a staff or scepter, plus the scepter's vis discount. All it's good for is in-world crafting. Like if you want to jar a whole bunch of nodes in a row.


> inb4 "PM'd you the fix ;)"
Just letting you guys know that the problem was the folder structure of my Resource Pack. Thanks for nothing.

Parrots are fucking garbage.

>user has 8 trillion mods
>his problem is his resource pack



>user responds to a post made last year
>I recognize that post
>it's my post


fucking host the serb
or tell me the serb you play on
fucking anything I need my fix


GT5U or 6?


Thread is dead! Quick! Post rotating lighthouses


Where are my rivers? Why are my rivers not spawning?? I want my flowing rivers! I WANT AT LEAST ONE IN EVERY BIOME!

There, I think it's better to use ender pearls in that wrath cage to spawn Enderman because I'm getting much more than enough of them and the extra iter/praecantatio is surely going to come in handy. I'll leave the beds to spawn villagers on the smeltery to the side.
The green pillar under the spawner is there so I can see if the LXP catalyzer from immibis' Liquid XP mod can make auto-killed mobs drop heads.

And obviously, making the place look less like shit comes later (TM).

Well I know what I'm making when I get off work.

I think a good way to improve vanilla would be if they continue adding passive mobs and then use the mundane potion + passive mob drops for a new set of brewing.

I think a good way to improve vanilla would be just to shoot anyone who came to minecraft post beta 1.7.3

Andesite, Diorite and Granite slabs and stairs when?

seriously though can anyone help me? I have no idea why the rivers are not spawning almost at all and I can't find any config related to it.

Is there any projected release date for the world of colour update?

Still have to use an electric blast furnace to turn it back into an ingot though.

the same day of a horrible accident involving sewage, a truck, and some cabbages at mojang HQ that results in everyone being kill and the serbs corrupted.


a setup I had in regrowth was a 9x9 farm with harvest golems and a hopperhock to collect the items (much faster than a golem)

>ie lanterns keep mobspawns away
>zombie awareness makes zombies attracted to the light so they come anyway
Well this was an unintentional thing

you can also use thaumcraft lamps of growth to speed up the growth of crops or botania's drum of the wild to harvest

I had 101010 agricraft crops and it was so fast the golem barely kept up

Build a wall an make the zombies pay for it.

>sunlight speeds up the process
They keep saying that, but I don't see any visible difference.

not even that bad considering the power of moss and the general retardation in that pack

Inform me on the GT server, where's it's info and how many people typically play on it?

CTRL+F autismserb

Are lava boats too OP?



Finally a proper OP. Thanks.

>take a vanilla texture
>colorize it as a primary or secondary color
>crank the saturation to max
Why do so many modders do this? How can they look at the finished texture and say "Yep, this looks fine" and release it to the public with their name attached? Who do they think would even use these? How many times are you going to build a clown castle?

An octopus tree

I wholeheartedly agree, if somebody wants to build a clown fortress, why not do so with a texture pack?

Modders aren't artists, they probably wouldn't know the first thing about color choices or palletes or anything like that.

They've got eyes don't they? Plus the planks in the original picture don't have an excuse because greg's got someone with artistic abilities working for him.

I remember a time when gregtech would get you laughed out of the thread just as easily as sphax
What happened to you /mcg/

We grew up

It's only good in GTNH.


I have to admit that I used to despise the idea behind GT back when it was popular during 1.4.7 days, but now I kinda want to play a bit with the mod just so I can set up automation with it.

How long until /mcg/ is so ded it has to merge with /egg/?

Never, it's not allowed to.

I thought that restriction was based on dedness levels?

No, /mcg/ has too much cancer for /egg/ for it to ever be allowed, if all vanillafags, factionfags, underaged cancer, e-celeb retards, and the like were completely gone, then maybe.
They've discussed this many times.

People have accepted the gregdick it would seem

what's wrong with gregtech?

>user reveals that staff cores can be used to make OP scepters
>get all the necessary pieces together
>with my best discounts I am 1.2 vis short of being able to craft it

there's literally nothing wrong with Gregtech

user, those things are garbage
They can ONLY do in world crafting.
Like, warded jars, making crafting stations, any "right click with wand' action
You can't use them for arcane crafting, you can't use them with foci. Maybe you can use them for combat if they inherit a staff's iron-sword-level damage?

It ain't worth it unless you need a super-vis-battery for bottling stuff or running your runic shit.

I am after bottling everything.

Uh... I did one for the Republic of Rome (Julius Caesar), one for the Kingdom of Kent (Aethelbert), one for the Shogunate of Japan (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) and one for the Republic of Genoa (Simone Boccanegra), as well as random assorted work (for More Civs and JFD and senshidenshi and ryanjames).

The Civ V modding scene was a bunch of weirdos, ranged from chavs to a dude that literally dissed post-80s music, and it had a handful of peeps that shitposted around here. Mostly the artists, though (COF more on /a/, Janboruta was heavy on /aco/, Nix - kind of a newcomer but he has some stuff - was more of a Veeky Forums guy), though ViceVirtuoso did make an April's Fools Civ entirely about Baneposting and I think Kramer/RawSasquatch was a /k/ommando dude. JFD was really into /vp/, which is... not really that surprising if you know the guy.

Ahh. Well, you can still use normal sceptres for it, or make multiple wands.
I am not sure what your mod setup looks like, but I know thaumic explorer, forbidden magic, and maybe thaumic bases have good options for wand parts that can be powered off other things to get their vis back, like mana or blood or whatnot.

Do you have the endgame robes and whatnot? (or was that only from tc5? I remember it having some high discount gear that was more potent than the stuff you make at the start)

not sure, but these cultist shoes might give you the missing one

Any recommendations of mods to make Villages better?

What blocks fit the AE2 aesthetic?

Particularly metal or industrial blocks.

More like merged with the terraria general and defunct starbound general too

/build/ when

The mod is just shit and breaks easily if you have other worldgen mods installed.

We have Explorer and FM, but I'm not well invested in either. Using the basic Thaumaturge robes I have, as I'm nowhere near endgame, I might actually be able to make an infernal or tainted scepter for a 225 cap. I had to load up creative to check that out, I assumed their caps would be somewhat lower.

I fiddled with blood magic for about 10 second, and would have no idea where to even begin there.

Check his base designs. He has a great thing for alternative palettes and tech base design.

deder than /ded/

the /ded/enest
