Does a motorcycle help with depression?
Does a motorcycle help with depression?
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no. a quad or dirtbike does
To some extent. If you work on it yourself and make an effort to become a truly proficient rider, it can.
It's a distracting, constructive hobby which is what most depressives really need.
if you find that near death experiences help with depression, yeah they're great
I used to just cruise around the city for the hell of it.
Was very relaxing and fun and thrilling at the same time.
Find a set of headphones that fit under a helmet and don't block too much noise and your basically in heaven without dying
Yes. Either you make it your "thing" and become someone because if that. Or you get together with others that ride and make a community. Or you buy a fast bike and drive 200mph into a tree and fucking die.
Either option is good.
Yes, because it'll kill you and remove your faggot ass from the gene pool
God bless motorcycles, they're one of the few things that still supports natural selection
What if I just stick to the backroads and avoid rush hour?
It helps a little bit, gives you a reason to get out of the house for a bit if nothing else, and they are a little bit of a confident boost. You can't not feel bad ass getting off a bike after a good rip. Also a good reason to just escape for a road trip and go somewhere new for a few days.
Plus if you don't care if you live or die you can do dank highspeed whoolies all day.
haven't been riding long enough to find out, and it took so long for me to get everything sorted and on the road that I had already made quite a bit a progress via other routes - but I hear it's quite good for depression and it's one of the reasons I started looking into them. Certainly enjoying it a lot so far.
>muh baiku
Its not as bad as non-riders make it out to be, just have to keep your head on a swivel and assume everyone around you is activelly trying to hit you.
Defensive riding goes a long way.
you'll still have people try to kill you
nice baiku user
Jesus; what is that driver thinking? I always keep my distance when around motorcycles. I don't want to be responsible for someone getting hurt.
>keep your head on a swivel and assume everyone around you is activelly trying to hit you.
Where do you live? I'm hoping people are nicer here in the midwest.
Not really, no. At first it was a nice feeling to pass the test and get a bike and at least be doing one thing I spent my childhood wanting to do but then my own self-destructive way of thinking kicked in anyways.
It did for me.
I live in the midwest and got my motorcycle recently, in Minnesota at least it really isn't too bad.
But nicer is a shit way to put it. The people who will fucking kill you aren't the mean cunts with lifted trucks, it's girls on their cell phones, dudes falling asleep while doing left turns, and grannies pulling out of their driveway before looking because their dementia made them forget about driving while they shat themselves.
But riding has become probably the most enjoyable thing I've ever done and I don't regret it at all.
>I live in the midwest and got my motorcycle recently, in Minnesota at least it really isn't too bad.
isnt there alot of deer and moose in MN?
Yes, it helps permanently when you ride it into a brick wall at triple digits.
>in Minnesota
Good to hear -- I'm from MN too. I'll keep my head up.
I have never seen a moose in person. There are a bunch of deer though.
It's better than sex.
The real problem is that your mood becomes dependent on being able to occasionally ride. If you suffer from seasonal depression, it will get worse.
quads are for skill-less faggots.
when you hit a highway barricade that rips your body apart you wont be depressed anymore
It helped me out quite a bit, I always look forward to when I go riding and it brings me out of my depression. I do feel as though I've become slightly depended on it however so winter is probably going to suck, but that's what jeeps are for
Yes but only temporarily as with all methods for beating depression. This shit is incurable.
Eventually the excitement wears off and you'll either lose interest and fall back into your depressed ways or you end up riding more and more dangerously to get the same kicks until you paralyze yourself or die.
i was riding with turbosquids today and averaged 130 on the highway
i feel pretty good right now felt pretty shit when i woke up
you wonder through the roads alone...
just you and your machine, other motorcyclists wave at you, you feel like you are part of something. But in reality you are all alone on that asphalt road, then you get tired, hot, and your wrists start hurting and your ass gets sore, then you got to fend off whores asking about your motorcycle.and this, it's fucking annoying.
Not really, it's about as effective as alcohol in that it's used to make yourself feel better in the short term but it doesn't actually change anything.
It won't teach you to manage your depression, or how to get your shit together, for that you need to see a shrink and be proactive.
you'll end up kill yourself faster on a bike
Confirmed for doesn't know how to counter steer get good faggot.
Yes, because you're more likely to kill yourself.
With any luck.
yes. you can be reckless and insane but probably not die and it's a great feeling
i also find the pure human adrenaline helps my allergies
they're also comfy to work on
>be riding
>decide to twist the throttle all the way
>keep it there
>as the speed rises my heart races and I form a smile and I'm in pure happiness
>while the speed continues to climb my smile fades
>I just stare at the road ahead of me
>speed is now at 155
>I am now completely empty feeling on the inside
>think about holding the throttle down and steering myself off the road at max speed or straight into a concrete wall of some kind
There is no real cure for depression. It always eats you alive no matter what you do, that's for me at least.
depression is not real. man up
>Does a motorcycle help with depression?
Yes it does. When you do dangerous shit like lane splitting at high speeds and passing on the shoulder you won't have to worry about happiness when you are dead. As an added bonus you can make others happy with your donated organs.
There's a difference between people with real depression and people who think they are depressed or just want attention.
Yes and no for me.
When I'm on a really engaging piece of road at high speed all shitty feelings disappear and I start to feel small bursts of enjoyment as I start to feel a sense of flow. After I finish riding the elevated feeling lasts for about an hour then I'm back to normal although it may last longer the faster I ride and the more I challenge myself.
Day to day commuting is certainly more engaging than driving however I still find myself being alone with my thoughts so I only feel slightly better while riding and that disappears as soon as I stop.
No but at least you get to have a little fun
And before you ask girls don't care
I agree with most here. Its no cure but if you're depressed and have nothing to lose you're going to be better at and probably enjoy motorcycling a lot more than some cuck with a fulfilling life/family to worry about.
>be me
>3rd year of college
>have qt cheat with methhead
>short, wigger, "rap artist"
>reality: just pirated lyrics with a gay beat.
>grades start slipping
>start cutting again, first since early high school.
>only cut on thighs to keep it hidden. I don't want to advertise that I have a problem.
>semi-suicidal for awhile, but now it''s all I can think of.
>have a beat-up, old cx500 I use to get to school.
>start riding it obsessively.
>put 50-60 miles on it everyday.
>super relaxing, seems to be the only time I'm not thinking about suicide.
>live in Minnesota
>winter hits, and I've never felt worse in my life.
>after a week, get drunk and start my bike in my garage.
>sit on my bike for what felt like forever.
>shut the bike off, open the garage door, and cry like the drunk bitch I am.
>bought some snowmobile gloves and layered up as best I could.
>start riding in winter when there is little to no snow on the ground.
>can only do 20 or so miles a day before face starts freezing through shitty helmet, but feel bucketloads better.
>into spring and summer, start getting some help, and in a better place mentally now.
>grades improved, and this summer I sold the cx for an 08 versys 650.
>side note the cx500 was insanely reliable for a 40 year old bike. Only blew the main fuse once in the rain, and tires, but other than that, it was perfect.
>love the 650 I have now though.
>checked on ex gf out of curiosity.
>in less than a year, she'd been with a whole armada of shit dudes, cheated on at least one of them, and ballooned into a cow.
>in a good enough place now, talking to a new qt and things are going well.
For your question, yes I think a motorcycle helps with depression. I'm sure if I didn't have one, I wouldn't be here right now. Also, first greentext so, my bad if I fucked it up somehow.
No. I bought one because I the dynamics of being involved with driving/riding and bikes are just more involving that cars.
I don't have the cash to ride one on a racetrack and I don't know anyone else to ride with so it's actually rather lonely. Girls like the idea of a bike but they aren't willing to take the added risk of riding one unless it's just in a parking lot for 5 minutes.
What a shot, I love it.
??? Sorry, haven't been on the board long enough. If you are referring to candy, I'm more of a Reese''s guy
Nah the trip
The fact that you mention how long you e been here makes me think you know what I on about though
I'm assuming it's another user, just being a smartass, desu.
riding a motorcycle requires too much brain function to allow you to think about anything else. If is almost meditation. Your brain is just empty of everything except the ride.
>be yurocuck
>can't take it any more
>ride into wall at triple digits
>don't even die because cuck units
Most days at work are stressful constantly dealing with stupid asshole staff all the time, so come the end of the day I thank fuck I can get out of there
>Commute home from city centre using 125cc slowbike
>Completely focus on the smoothest ride possible
>gently maneuver around stopped cars and buses
>avoid suicidal peds
>avoid potholes
>avoid oil slicks near potholes
>play the stay upright game as long as possible in snail speed traffic
>watch cyclist shenanigans
>chuckle at supercars thinking they're cool overtaking you when you can smoke em at lights or just sail past them at stop lights and get to the front of the queue
>oggle at ladies behind black visor
>chat with other riders at lights
What I'm implying is riding is fun
>riding a motorcycle requires too much brain function to allow you to think about anything else
It's true, when I used to walk/get the bus to work I would be in a complete zombie state in autopilot and sometimes show up wondering how I actually go to work the first place.
Using the bike on the other hand uses your complete focus even when it's early morning and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.
Ever heard the song Motorcycle emptiness?
well, kkk has an FZ6 now anyway, not a 650 like user said.
good feels:
>rode to church this morning for first time (SV650S)
>showed up an hour early to make the rehearsal in case media team needed me
>they had enough people today so I can take it easy and go home after first service
>still wearing jacket, small talk with media boss (about my age) about bikes
>camera guy perks up when I mention I didn't know squat about bikes in January
>asks me some questions about how I got started, tell him a bit about the nearby MSF class (they have bikes to use, they'll teach manual shifting from zero)
>then just relax, quiet my mind, enjoy the rehearsal, wave to the singers and sing along
>lead singer compliments my helmet from the stage (carried it in)
>adderall I took when I woke up coming up by now
>people start trickling in for the first service, say hello to people, shake some hands, give some hugs, get some hugs (thanks, meds, for getting me out of my shell)
>service was p lit
>head out afterwards, shake more hands, get more hugs
>not too hot yet so I cruise several extra miles on way home just for the heck of it
>encounter three other bikers, all of them wave to me
>cold glass of water afterwards
>ogle ladies behind black visor
man I should get me one of those
but I already feel super exposed compared to driving because everyone can see my head turn when I'm looking at something, and that wouldn't change
my life consists of 3 things
>video games
>motorcycle riding
just put on some nice music in your headphones and start hooning
>everyone can see my head turn when I'm looking at something
You silly, just keep your head looking dead ahead all serious like and let your eyeballs do the rest
my life is dangerously close to becoming this because I got lucky and got a decent job in my field while I was taking a gap year
but damn, I need to finish school before I get sucked in
then I can do the same thing but with more money
My wife and child were killed by a drunk driver last week. I am killing myself. You are wrong.
dirtbike does
confirmed and proven
Things really turned around for me when I got my bike, probably the best decision I ever made.
Dr650? How much did you pay? In looking for one in the mid 2k range
Or an XR
fuck.... sorry to hear that man
I can't imagine happening to me. I'd probably end up murdering the guy who did it
This p much
I merge onto the highway standing up going 100mph and I feel nothing.
Nigga it says 400sm right there, and all the tell tale signs of a 400sm, he probably paid around 5-7k if used. But looking for a DR650 for 2k is going to be hard to find my dude.
I didnt look past the headlight woops
And why do you say that? There's a ton of Drs and Xrs for around 2.5k that are in driveable condition on cragislist.
2.5k is actually the minimum from what ive seen now that i think about it, anything less is too fucked up to but.
is that a sams club
It helped distract me for about a year. I was progressively becoming more and more reckless with my riding and then the other day some Harley rider literally got hit and killed right in front of me so I am wondering if it was a sign from God or something. Selling my shit now. I'll come back to it maybe once I am around 35 years old or something and just get a nice s1000rr
No, but It's fun
>>start cutting again, first since early high school.
>>only cut on thighs to keep it hidden. I don't want to advertise that I have a problem.
Shouldn't have fell for the SS meme user.
that gif is both arousing and adorable
Fall for the SS meme?
Apparently I need to lurk more.
It's an inside Veeky Forums joke about Starting Strength fitness program that supposedly overdevelops your thighs. this nigger is autistic
> this nigger is autistic
I thought it was pretty funny but I guess I might be autistic too.
That's ok, we can all be autistic together.
>Oh look, I could easily and almost painlessly kill myself if I go 150kmh and hit a wall head on
It will only make it worse
fixed mine
someone please post the GIF of the depressed bike chase guy who at the end flops into the sand and let him get cuffed
You wanna hang out dude? I live in Oakdale.
try r9k faggat
r9k is full of normies now
My pastor's wife of 9? years was killed by a drunk driver days before they were both going to be ordained into the ministry. He was devastated, but not broken. Today he's remarried, has two sons in high school, and is one of the realest people I know. He loved his first wife, no question about that. But he's been able to grow through that grief and loss and build an amazing life regardless.
Please don't an hero, user. I know I can't relate to what you're feeling right now. But you might be able to find something in common with Ricky. He wrote a book about the accident and how he got through the aftermath, it's like $12 on Amazon. You might hate chistfags or whatever, but hey. If you're planning to kill yourself, literally what do you have to lose by checking it out?
you're talking about this
the asinine reporters make me rage every time
i heard user say something about his wife and friend dying, possibly he killed one or both of them, but i was never able to find a sauce for that nor any explanation of what the story was. sans explanation and given how many mirrors he punched and that he removed his watch and gloves, his behavior at the end might just be pain from broken or sprained wrists?
>know guy
>good rider
>super defensive
>gets killed
>by some dumb bitch
>who pulled out in front of him
>while he was trying to go home
>only two blocks away
you are kidding yourself if you think you're not going to crash or get rekt
it will happen, the question is when
watch manchester by the sea
This. Defensive driving is only good for obvious problems. I got t-boned by some black asshole in the middle of the night as he came out of his driveway with no lights on.
Yes do it user you won't regret it.
Only if you ride it into a wall
It works as well as anything else that occupies your attention. I've only ever had borderline depression but the advices I was given is that an activity to help with it should be one which you actively participate in (as opposed to passively). This is why motorcycling or (challenging) video games are more effective than, for example, watching a movie.
For me, there's a series of quiet farm roads that are basically antidepressants rendered in tarmac.
Yes. Situationally, in that it provides a new hobby and community. Chemically in that it provides new experiences, light physical activity, and raw adrenaline.
It's not a cure, but it's a good contributor to a solid "treatment plan." Pair with professional help, or major lifestyle alteration. Possibly all three.
Coming to terms with mortality is fucking freeing, man. Trust.
t. Bipolar II (major depression with episodes of irresponsible bliss), PTSD girlfriend. We both ride now.
don't get me wrong my dude, I'm an idiot too
You can have someone pull out in front of you in your car. You can choke on a ham sandwich or get struck by lightning. But nah better to just have this irrational fear of a super specific thing because of my proximity to it. You're worse than people who won't fly on airplanes.
celty a CUTE
not him, and I'm a biker who's posted already in this thread in favor of biking
but you can't deny that you're more likely to get pulled out in front of when you're on a bike than in a car. it's just less visible. no one pulls out in front of a vehicle that they have already seen.
ofc this doesn't mean wrecking a bike is inevitable like user was saying; it's just more likely than wrecking a car.
I feel like you need to have more spacial awareness on a bike because of people who don't "see" you because they have no business driving in the first place. At least where I live it doesn't seem to matter what your in a huge penske truck or a bike you're going to get pulled out in front of regardless.
>female clergy
Deus vult heretic
>I feel like you need to have more spacial awareness on a bike because of people who don't "see" you
You develop it naturally, assuming you aren't a retard you eventually become accustomed everyone on the road being blind, deaf, asleep, and fucking stupid so you learn to avoid danger.
Not gonna stop you being killed but being on a road isn't exactly safe anyway.
>tfw nothing does
if you do it alone its fun, if you go with friends it actually is very fulfilling