Is now the time to buy up Military stocks?
Is now the time to buy up Military stocks?
What is a military stock? Can you name some?
Blackwater? Lockheed Martin? Boeing?
You got to be a dumb ass if you think Trump can just force Congress to go to war because he wants to smash smash some darkies
Luckily for him he doesn't need a war declared to use the military however he wants
If he keeps going like this he'll get KENNEDY'D
honestly waiting for this. guy has no sense of proportionality.
you must really be clueless about the influence defence contractors have
Whatever company is building drones.
There is ZERO need for manned aircraft.
The limiting factor in next gen fighter planes is the human body. Pilots literally cannot push a plane to its limit because of the g-forces knocking them out. They will still have jobs, but they will be on the ground.
No, now is a horrible time for defense contractors.
Trump is out of the loop (eg, not corrupted by) and is appalled and offended by the extortionate prices defense contractors charge for planes and military equipment.
Expect hard, difficult negotiations for anything they provide, competitive bids for contracts, all shit that ruins military-industrial complex stock prices.
Trump will wage war on a budget. Sell now. Wait until the next naive or corrupt dipshit democrat to come into office and try to save the world to buy into defense stocks again.
>difficult negotiations for anything they provide, competitive bids for contracts
It's one thing to believe the hype, but it takes a special sort of retard to then bet on it.
trump doesn't have time to negotiate even a fraction of the millions of defense contracts awarded every year.
and he can't magically make competitors exist where there are none.
He HAS promised to increase military spending by yuge amounts. that he can do.
Have fun losing money. The president is in the best position there is to neigition contracts with defense contractors who are some of the most egregious, extortionate firms inn the world.
They only have one customer, and that one customer is the US Gov't and Trump is the guy in charge. You think he is going to sign shit that rips people off (rips him off) when 'making good deals' is his entire fucking persona?
Good luck with that shit. Even if he doesn't have time, he'll come down and fuck up a deal which will scare the other defense contractors down to reasonable rates to avoid getting fucked up by a rejected contract.
Read a fucking book or something, ffs.
>They only have one customer, and that one customer is the US Gov't and Trump is the guy in charge.
they all sell to other customers including other governments.
if their prices were actually that high it would spur competitors to come in and undercut them. The reality is we already get the lowest bidder and we already have people negotiating for lower prices.
>Read a fucking book or something, ffs
one of us actually is a defense contractor, and it's not you.
>Trump will wage war on a budget. Sell now. Wait until the next naive or corrupt dipshit democrat to come into office and try to save the world to buy into defense stocks again.
They did pretty well under W.
ISIS isn't going to eradicate themselves.
You need bombs and aircraft
northrop grumman/noc is a good play then
I-is he gonna glass the middle east?
no, read his book.
his negotiating style is going in with big threats and then backing off to make what he really wants seem palatable by comparison.
if anyone should be worried it's Russia.
He has a literal history of destroying his friends and partners.
So is he gonna play a brinkmanship game with Russia? Again?
So we're going to have to fight off China and Russia without NATO?
Fucking wonderful.
he's already said he wants to increase nukes.
Russia is the only power where that would matter.
silly since Russia is now irrelevant on the world stage.
Alright mate, where do I buy some of that?
I wish I had invested in Northrop Grumman in 2011
You can't Blackwater (now Academi) is not publicly traded.