Post you're shitbox
Post you're shitbox
>inb4 nigger
Basically one of these. I am not even joking. Its boring but its really a swell commuter and the cvt isn't as bad as you would think. the awd is meh good enough in moderate snow that you wont even care about what a subaru could do., that is literally the only nice things I have to say
The Shittiest Box
It's okay, I get called a nigger too
I want a clean 4th gen
kys shill
Tell me how this is a shitbox.
>you're shitbox
>you are shitbox
Yes you are. I want summer to end.
This where i shit
Honestly why the fuck does it matter. You know what he meant, you pretentious fuckwit.
What's a good price for one of these used?
Sometimes you get them on craigslist for free. Just need a good cleaning.
Should I get a manual flush or an automatic?
He is not a pretentious fuckwit, you ignoble ragamuffin
Automatics are shitty.
whoa whoa whoa. calm you'reself
It's a really nice shitbox
But then it's just a box, since that precludes the notion of being shit.
It is a pretty nice box tho
>I want summer to end.
t. fell for a common meme
heres my shitbox pls be gentle
All about perspective I suppose and where people draw the line of shitbox v. nice. It's got dated tech, but comfy and enough power for a daily.
It is a nice box though.
>had to pull the seat back because I'm a hamster
No you're a shitbox!
Here it is
/end of monty dump
I really wish someone would hurry up and send one of these to my local junkyard so I can replace my hood already. It's been almost 4 months and not a single one with a scoop has shown up.
>tfw this picture is 15 years old
dood, your garage is haunted
my fleet. just fixed the rear suspension on the Volvo today so its not dragging ass anymore,
Here is my dirty lesbo wagon.
why did you buy the coupe version of the same car you had
Few reasons:
>Back seats fold down. The sedan's don't retardedly
>Despite being a coupe, back seats are pretty usable. Took 3 other adults on a short road trip recently and it was pretty comfy for everyone.
>I like the styling of the coupe a little more
>More after market because it shares aftermarket with the 370Z with most parts
I suspect youve probably gotten a few notices by the city about all the vehicles in your front lawn by now because neighbors dont like looking at them all?
Neighbors need to mind their damn business, it literally isnt hurting anyone.
(I got one for leaving a my small trailer parked in my drive way, it was horseshit, apparently you can't have a trailer parked in your front drive way, only on the sides or back of the house) I hate ordinances like that, retarded as hell, literally doesnt hurt anyone.
Premium shitbox
Just sold mine.
t. assmad manualcuck
>I want summer to end
And I want newfags to get out.
>shares aftermarket with 370
are you listing this as a pro? topjej
>gets part cross compatibility from 2 sports cars
>also get parts like coilovers, exhaust components, clutch, engine components, and from some of the top aftermarket manufacturers. Amuse, tomei, kw, tein, etc.
>stores dedicated to the Z cars also carry a fuck ton of G parts because of this.
Uh, yeah. I kind of fucking do.
Alright Bubbles
never had a problem, i live in a small redneck town in ontario, like 1 in 4 people have a lawn car.
my neighbor lost the keys to his grand am a month ago and its just been sitting half on the street half on his front yard since.
you should see the cars that come out about a month before the annual town demo derby, fucking glorious 90s shitboxes painted every color of the rainbow parked in peoples driveways.
Ultimate shitbox: Bald, mismatched tires, worn bushings, blown wheel bearings, leaky tranny leaks a bit, interior falling apart.
>but I still like it
I've considered getting one of these. Are they really as unreliable as people say?
If you get one that has been maintained, they are fine. A second gen one (2006+) that was bought New by a boomer with
Also a Kentucky G37S owner. Ayyy
2004 sx2.0
I paid 400 bucks, idgaf
aye, pics of the bug?
Here you go, it's a '71 Super. Loads of issues, got it from a neglectful owner. Slowly putting her back together.
And an old front shot.
are you the dude from carsandcameras?
No sir, just a random guy from Kentucky.
What made you get into the bug world? How long you been in it?
its ok
supers are rare here
personally id rather have a type 411
because type 4 engine
I like my shitbox.
(3/3) only pic i have with the f250 in it
100% shit
and boxy
so shitbox
worst car i have ever owned
only redeeming feature is cold AC
Been in it for about three years, same car the whole time.
Dad had a bunch growing up, always told stories of him and his friends working on each other's bugs.
He found this one wrecked, with a blown engine and it sat in the garage until one day I asked how we would fix it.
It's been my baby ever since. Awesome intro to working on cars.
Here's an older pic of mine. Hasn't run in 7 months because I keep dragging out the swap I'm doing. She's close though
i made an engine do you know much about them?
love the t tops. probably the best part imo
They're nice except I live in the one part of Arizona that rains. The seals and eccentric guides went rip years ago
Am I the only one who doesn't know what this is?
I have the cleanest shitbox in a 200 square mile radius
seems easy to replace. still love them
Stop living in an HOA.
A decent bit, not enough to be specialized in them or anything.
heres mine
can you estimate the hp?
DPR 76mm crank
92mm mahle pistons/jugs
a 009 distributor, from the original engine builder in iowa. (fucking sucks)
a new empi bubble top case
straight cut gears for cam
revmaster CNC ported heads
-65cc chambers
-dual valve springs
-stainless 40x35.5 valves
CB performance intake with single DelOrto DLRA 48 (38mm venturi installed)
Engle FK43 cam
high ratio rockers 1.4:1, Kultect brand
stock con rods, balanced and reworked by builder
stock dual port end castings ported to fit the heads
it is indeed a box of shit
sell rims to buy bettter car user
I only spent $500 on them, tires included. There's nothing really wrong with my car anyway.
Just snapped this
kek, this looks like a promotional marketing image, just needs a filter
Sw20 mr2.
Oh yeah, I'm just lazy
Thanks, I try
Now I gotta figure out how they make interior shots look so nice. Probably lots of studio lighting
not him but
my 06' A-line shitbox
Shut you're mouth you fucking newfag
why do people with fast clean cars always come to these threads and look for compliments
You really can say my ass gets mad on that thing
lost a double digit # of iq points reading your down syndrome-stained post
Thanks user
I love it
very nice
jesus christ my dick