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How long will it take for me to farm a full Alonne Knight Set+2 katanas?

one half run through iron keep

So I'm looking for my pyro "dirty dan" do be more towards multiplayer. What level and upgrade level should I cap off at for most fun in coop and Aldrich faithful? I've considered 125 just because I think I'd miss fighting the twin princes and nameless king in coop

Lothric Knight Sword is fucking sexy.

It's much easier once you get the Smelter bonfire, since you can individually aggro several Alonne Knights at a time, including at least one Captain.

tfw I used up all my respecs and ended up with a str build before realizing my DaS1 wife was in the game

Will keep in mind.

Also, it seems like weapon upgrading is much less important. I'm like level 75, and tearing through Earthen Peak with a unupgraded Dranglaic Sword. Absolutely chunking it.

>doing a Str-Fai cosplay build with just barely enough Dex to use the weapons I like
>get to TRC, buy Splitleaf Halbread
>literally 3 Dex off from being able to wield it without the Good Hunter Ring

It's times like this that I regret not having more Dex, but what are you gonna do.

Your wife has had her legs amputated and can't reach shit with her heavies any more


I guess I'll stick with the ringed knight sword.

>be grape
>see red and host are honorfagging
>dorkmoon casts spells at red
>well may as well jump in and 2v1 the host
>all 3 of them turn on me

this happens so fucking often. why? immediately after the red gets ganked

See, the correct course of action there would be to murder the blueberry first. Deny him his Proof, and he's an easy kill anyways since he's a caster and also a blueberry.

>see red and host are honorfagging
Just because they're going at it one on one doesn't mean there's honourfagging going on. I've been invaded while solo plenty, and rarely has there been any kind of sticking to unwritten rules. The blueberry could just have arrived to see the host in trouble, the red could have seen an opportunity for salvaging his invasion with at least some kind of reward(your spine), etc.

I feel like dumpstering some twinks with a blueberry twink of my own. What level/gear range do people usually try to target?

Red could've been summoned by host and "dueling" to draw you out. Using a red soapstone allows his friend to keep embered health and be ignored by mobs.

Two invaders in a world is a red flag.

the shorter range is not that much of a hindrance considering I'm still poking everything to death

depends where you want to counter twink?

why would you give a starting class a set of equipment that clips through what you're wearing?

you literally don't need to twink because you already have double stamina and double the health pool

Finally got the lightning weapon, should I kill the giant? I heard his weapon is good but I've never tried it.

yes, kill the twinkling titanite vendor for a trash weapon you'll never use

Reminder that Eygon's VA is what he looks like under the helmet

It's not like I need the twinkling titanite anymore, already upgraded the only thing that I'll use that uses it. I just wondered if it was as good as people say it is on a sl1 run.

holy shit

Wherever the most twinks are, I guess. Probably not very far past the undead settlement/road of sacrifices, but i don't know what the twink meta is.



What the hell are you on about, mate? Did you not see the
part of his post?

Voice actor

Voice Actor.
So Eygon looks like this?

Because everybody that wanted to go miracles picks the knight starting class.

i can see it

Voice actor.

Why would equipment clip like that at all when they figured that out in ds2?
It's great, it helped me immensely on my sl1 run. But it upgrades with twinkling, so you better buy a few first. Also, a 2handed bk or SK shield can go a long way

I was expecting a scarier face

Are regen builds even viable in ds3? I've been thinking about trying one out but i'm unsure if it's worth it.
plus the only weapon with innate regen is Anri's sword IIRC and i don't think it can be buffed

Shields on back always look retarded.
>implying Fromsoft has literally ever cared about clipping making something look dumb.

Does respecing with Rosaria piss off Sirris?

no, just don't equip the covenant or use tongues to rank up

sirris is cute! CUTE!

This always struck me as weird, the amount of detail they put into most things but with clipping and shields it's literally 'just don't give a fuck'

Funny how he seems typecast as either a cop or a soldier.

Weapons put on back also clip in Bloodborne. I guess it would be a total nightmare to manage cpoth physics in a way that would completely eliminate clipping.

Alonne Knight set should be easy, I tried captain armor and it took a while. Also katanas seem to take the longest. I think I farmed for about 30 minutes for the set, and ended up with just 1 katana.

>have to scroll past the eve general every day during school time to get here


Welp, at least I know I can do it now.

I had 6 katanas and double pieces by the time I was done with Iron keep.

>not just Veeky Forums.org/vg/dsg

that's the spirit m8. stay on your toes and with every attempt you decode all their damned dirty tricks.

Also expect a shitload of Alonne pants.

>he doesn't use catalog.neet.tv
Fag. Also
Underage get out

god damn leonhard you handsome bastard

Wait, where's your fire/chaos reinforced club? You don't really plan to kill ultra mega lion with a lightning weapon, do you?


r8 my build

Goddamn that felt satisfying. Also I did have a chaos weapon, but only used it when I ran out of pyromancies, the thing did like 75 damage per hit, I took around 3/4 of phase 2 ornstein with pyromancies and 1/4 with the weapon.

>mfw patches is voiced by a british black guy

>gundyrs is covered in blood for no good reason
>full set doesn't give you enough poise with wolf+3 to tank longswords with a halberd
>no crotch guard

Is Hodrick just the default face set to Aged and with different hair?

a fine bbc to you

>"Oh hello! You look reasonably sane! What are you doing out here in the Catacombs? Are you a cleric or something?..."

Remember when someone did this for 2 and /dsg/ became obsessed with a shitty invader for the rest of 2's lifetime

>Remember when someone did this for 2 and /dsg/ became obsessed with a shitty invader for the rest of 2's lifetime

i wasn't on dsg during 2 because i hated ds2

can you redpill me on this?

Merciless Roenna

never noticed this guy was unaggressive


there's two skullers with worker hats in Carthus that won't attack

Their lives are linked to the skeleton balls tho

I will never understand the love Felicia gets

Leave Danny the Deacon alone. He just wants to be left in peace to shitpost on the Deep web.

>they put that fucking gay ass cleric axe no one used into DaS3
>they didn't put in the heavy cleric armour
Why is from so incompetent?

Do not make the mistake I did and level past 130. You'll only get to fight pyro autism.

>all those re-used faces

didn't even know the licia invader doesn't even have licia's face that's fucking garbage

She's really useful for getting through Amana, or at least she was in the vanilla game.

>he fell for the Usurper is Licia meme
She doesn't even use miracles, and Licia doesn't use a dagger. The reason you can get to kill her is because she's a thieving con woman, not because she tried to kill you.

What's the best weapon to get me through the game if i''m only leveling faith to 30 and int to 10 on start class cleric

is sl80 +8 a viable invasion bracket?

will i still catch people past pontiff?

>She doesn't even use miracles

>[set piece] worn by miracle-casting clerics. Belonged to Licia of Lindelt.

>While it's true Licia dedicated herself to miracles, it's rare for anyone to pass through life without trouble. Even clerics aren't always who they seem.

Then how do you explain Abbess Feeva wearing Licia's clothes?

>shitting on merciless moenna
fuck you user

Shit invader good grill

depends on play style, Sunlight Straight sword is probably best or Saints bident with leo ring + blessed weapon

>Abbess Feeva
Does she also have the same face as the nameless usurper/Licia?
>Killing Licia of Lindeldt will prevent Nameless Usurper invasions.
not sure if this is true, but if it is it's pretty apparent she is

Licia, the Usurper, and Feeva all have different faces. Also I don't know where you got that from but it's wrong.

>Licia, the Usurper, and Feeva
any chance these are the heads of the church of londor?

God, I wish that were me

Haven't played DS3 in half a year or something and just started again.

Slow weapons sure are annoying in DS3, fuck me. Every second boss or something is some quick-ass motherfucker.
I'm actually considering just starting a new character since this great sword business doesn't feel great.

What kinda build can you guys recommend for PVE?

Fuck off Vaati.

I wish we had less lightning miracles and more WoW miracles

B-but that's only because Licia has a custom model which I had 100% forgotten about, fuck me. the info about the invader was from wikidot btw. I think I may be able to go check right now, not sure

reckon 27 vig and 20 end is enough for a sl80 invader?

quality build btw

if you're having trouble with str, you're not mashing r1 hard enough

What exactly are you using against whom?
for what purpose? is your weapon uninfusable? heavy/sharp that shit

Wouldst thou summon this brave knight to assist thee in your travels /dsg/?

why would you quality at 80 lmao

>bowman guthry
>isn't even a man

This image has given me a much greater appreciation for DS2's character generation.

Vorgel looks like a fusion of Zach Braff and Michael Cera

god i fucking hate women

fuck your female characters

Is faith+quality pvp still unviable?

Finished playing das2 (again) and starting 3 (again) for the dlc and with the intention of doing all the pvp covenant shenanigans.

>silver knight armor
ew no, he looks like a fag