>new driver
>TERRIFIED to drive because I might get in a horrible crash and become paralyzed
any tips for safe driving f.a.m.s
New driver
Just keep practicing, you'll get accustomed to it.
Keep your eyes up, watch your mirrors, don't sit in some retard's blind spot, keep to the right lane, and leave space to the car in front of you.
basically what this guy said op.
just be vigilant of all the other cars on the road. remember, its not you, its all of them. also, be decisive, hesitation gets people in accidents pretty often.
Buy a car with direct injection
Good. This wil keep you alive.
Become suicidal
I didn't get my license until I was 24 because I've been terrified of driving. I finally had to try and got it 2nd try and now 8 months later it's fun and easy and second nature. Been pulled over once for turning into the far lane with a warning. Few close calls from other idiots but generally easy.
You're too scared to live. Just stay in your basement and do everything over the internet.
just drive defensively and for the love of christ if someone signs for you to go ahead at a stop sign just fucking go. you're not being nice by telling them to go instead.
Only scary if youre on new roads imho.
Also roads with trains and shit i have no idea who drives first or what the fuck is going on. Thankfully i dont live in such a place so streets are easy to understand
>Also roads with trains and shit i have no idea who drives first or what the fuck is going on.
The trains
What do you mean turning into a far lane? Like there's a stop light and two lanes going left, you're in the left one but when you turn you go into the right one? Just want to make sure I don't do it too if that's it or something else
Yup, against the rules. No one was even turning with me he was just being a dick, people and I still do that all the time without issues.
If you do this with oncoming traffic also trying to turn, you're a fucking faggot.
This is why we need self-driving cars.
>Don't be afraid to pass on double yellows
>Apex every turn to make sure you don't understeer
>Use the handbrake to make turns in bad weather if you understeer
>If you're careful, you can use the car in front of you to brake for you like Ryosuke in Stage 5
As long as you don't drive like a fucking maniac ignoring every single traffic sign and rule you will be fine. I was terrified as well but then I realized that the other drivers (or at least most of them) are paying attention to the road and will avoid you if you fuck up for some reason.
simply look both ways when the light turns green
for some reason people get offended when you tell them to do this though
Basically this. OP you have to realize that traffic working is a team effort. Work together with the other drivers to make the traffic flow, don't be an asshole and not let people merge if they want or need to, don't sit in the left most lane for no reason, and if you see someone needs to close-merge in front of you, signal with your high beams if they can go.
Keep your eyes open and on the road and the mirrors.
Watch your fucking following distance. Number 1 way to prevent an accident, apart from driving like a retard.
Great tip. Constantly ask yourself "is the distance between me and the car in front increasing or decreasing?"
You shouldn't have to. Unless you're retarded.
Your part of the problem
Stay obsolete.
Your time is rapidly coming to an end and you know it.
What user means by this is, if you have to ask yourself if you can make it, wait it out.
Dont just lunge into traffic like a retard.
>born too early to ride in self driving cars when you get your license, but just in time to see the technology develop and mature just beyond your grasp of day to day useability
>he actually thinks self-driving cars will replace cars driven by human beings
>we need self-driving cars to facilitate retardation
Why don't we just automate everything in life?
>self driving cars still don't know what to do at stop signs
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but they'll take over in just a few years bro! Tesla will have huge fleets of self driving, communal cars bro! nobody will own cars because it'll belong to the state bro!
fuck off reddit
You're more likely to get murdered by a soccermom on her cellphone or a woman putting on makeup than you are to die or suffer fatal injuries in a crash caused by yourself.
>I love my sister to death
>I don't give a fuck
>her head's split open
>we out here
Just make sure you never go above the speed limit, in fact stay at least 5 below it, also remember the left lane is for cruising. The rigjt lane is the fast lane, never speed in the left
Just drive defensively. You don't need to be paranoid but be mindful of who else is on the road around you (in front and behind) and limit your distractions. I've been in multiple accidents that were caused by the person behind us texting on their phone. Don't be that person.
Also this. If you make a turn and it looks like you sort of cut someone off, give it a bit of extra gas to keep traffic flowing and to not get hit.