[D A I L Y A U S S I E T H R E A D]

[D A I L Y A U S S I E T H R E A D]

>Boomer Edition

>Q & A
>Australian Politics shitposting
>General shitposting
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/dat/ Steam Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/DailyAusfagThread/
/dat/ Recommended Cars: my.mixtape.moe/akuicw.jpg
RAA Used Car Checklist: raa.com.au/documents/motoring-buy-a-car-checklist

>This is a new era of /dat/, starting fresh. So no discord posting, etc.

Planning to ride the Ducati 800km to north west NSW in a couple weeks.

Pray for me

Good luck. Hows the beemer coming along?

Pulled all the glass out, roof liner almost out, inner C pillar skin is looking alright so he'll just pull the outer skin, realign the roof, then set the new outer skin in place.

Once that's done, it comes back home for the meat of the build.
All fabrication, all drivetrain is done.
Then it gets taken apart to paint everything, then I put everything together inc interior to finish it

Sounds good, When do you plan on getting it on the road? By xmas?


Reminder all dicksword faggots are losers who don't have real cars.

Daily reminder to ignore all shitposters

barney detected
how does it feel driving a mazda 3?

im not barney, im skids you retard


vs commo
vs commo

You carfags are all losers. At least our discord has some nice bikes.

>Bikes over cars

Yeah nice try faggot, my commodore does better skids than your feminine machines

both can only skid one wheel

I can skid 2 thanks m8

Well after then. Lot of work to do

P plates are off thank fuck, what would you fellas do.

Evo 8
> turbo
> fast as fuck
> will hold value

Ve ssv
> comfy as fuck
> v8 skids and goodness
> reliable and cheap parts

Is a VZ SV6 commo a good first car, or should I try and find a VX/VY with the ecotec?
And do commodores really handle that shit? I want something thats decent to drive and can do skids.

I would pick the Evo 8.
Especially a MR.

Daily driver : SSV
Weekend fun car : EVO 8

I've heard VZ Sv6 are prone to timing chain problems (stretching).
Maybe get a SS or XR6 instead

the fucking ssv you madman

evo 8 is a fwd-biased cuckbox for vapelords that wear snapbacks that seem to think they're better than the average subajew driver. and the transmission sucks cock. if you decide to cuck yourself, get the 5 speed at least; the 6 speed is fucked and a lot of cunts swap it out for the older 5 speed.

get the commo, cunt. go on.

>first car

yeah nah mate the timing chain problems are fucked. unless you're getting a Post-2009 VE, it'll shit itself around 120,000 - 160,000 on average.

Go the ecotec unless you've got the skrills for a 2010+ 3.6-equipped commo.

ssv, evo's are fucking shit, blow up making 300kw lol. you need the v8.

Evo's are a tier less of a meme car than the skyline, so annoying hearing people wanting them.

SSV is cheap, parts will always be readily available since its mostly US made shit

Make sure you get the manual too, you can make commodores turn, don't believe the memes.

Nah, get a 4 cylinder and learn how to drive something with 50kw instead of jumping into something with 150+, many kids have crashed their vz's because it's too much power for them.

Evos shit?
A shit daily driver yes. The 6 speed box is not as strong as the 5 speed. As a track car they are bloody good. Evo 8s can do 300 awkws, Evos 1-7 tend to shit a Conrod at around 250 awkws.
Don't get me wrong, I love the SSV as well. XR6 turbos are also great as well

Yea thats what I meant, shit daily.

What are you wanting? daily or track car?

>discord being all "check me out im so cool" again
well i guess dat is about to be ruined once again.

Just ignore them. Discord is a separate thing to here.

Does bogan batman still exist?

barney banned him

On the official non-cry babby non-faggot Discord he's still around, still making us all laugh.