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Liz day /bsg/ I was about to make a thread but I saw this one.


What is she doing?

Jesus it's all replyposting.






This looks photoshopped.

>don't sexualize muh daughter
>makes her even hotter

What does Liz wear when she sleeps?


Is it?


Lewd nightwear or nothing

Ros night

How lewd are we talking?

Use your imagination :)





Liz morning


>still alive




Post something!!!!

But there's no one to post anything. That's the truth .



How are you, Bookers?

We should accept that this general is dead. No discussion, no oc nuffin.

We're still working on the fo4 mod in the russian thread.



Looks like Elizabeth and pepe have something in common. Their shitty creators killed them off so other people couldn't use them. Meanwhile their devotees deny them dying.



Why are they so shiny?

Be careful what you wish for.

>not being oiled up and wearing latex

They got drenched in the rain so they got yellow raincoats.

Because 3d modeling is a pain in the ass? Seriously, props to the 3dbros out there.

There are places in Siberia with a bigger population density than /bsg/.





>started Bioshock 1 last week
>beat it in a few days
>started Bioshock 2 on Monday
>finished it that evening
>started Bioshock Infinite earlier
>finished it in 6 hours

Absolutely love the shit out of the Bioshock series, sort of sad at the ending of Infinite though.

Any other franchises have a similar feel?

Do you think they'll make another Bioshock?

Is Liz still alive with Booker living happily ever after?

Prey is pretty Shock-like, but I hear also a but of a mixed bag.

What with the core studio gone, I doubt it

Somewhere user, in one of the timelines...

No! It is called "Lizbeth".

>Is Liz still alive with Booker living happily ever after?
Maybe in one universe...

Elizabeth was erased from existence exept for the one you play in BaS so it could only be in one universe. Still plenty of Annas though.

No she wasn't

Yes she is, kinda! There are universes out there where Booker never went to Baptism. Ana and Booker are living happily there!

The grown up Elizabeth is dead tho, in every universe.

Not if you have headcanon








You should play SS2. Don't listen to /v/, but Prey is a solid game from what I've played so far at my friends house. If anything they tried to make it as a System Shock game completely. The similarities between the two is ridiculous, but not in a bad way. The art style is more BioShock than System Shock.

>inb4 triggered by saying it's Bioshock in space

Then again in the SS2 community, we think that at least one person from Arkane studios has worked on or in someway has the source-code to the engine that SS2 and Thief 1&2 used, which has never ever been released. As in the past few years there are patches to the games/engine that keep coming out on a French board, where Arkane studios is originally based in France, so it make sense that Prey is very similar as they love System Shock and expressed interest in making SS3 at one point.

Deus Ex, the original one, is really good. Came out around the same time as SS2, so it's pretty good cyberpunk comfy feels.

For a kinda similar FPS/RPG that's good, there's Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Don't open it

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
I remember some user from this thread planning to port Liz into this game. Did he do it?

I've been around here for a long time and I don't recall that. That would be really cool though. Either as a PC or as the chick you can save in the hospital. Hell even as a replacement for someone else. Then again the game is full of waifus anyway.
