No Bully Edition!!!
Last thread: Clans:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>Where can I find someone to platoon with?
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>What is the most aesthetic tank in the game?
No Bully Edition!!!
Last thread: Clans:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>Where can I find someone to platoon with?
Join NOPAN today for awesome discount!
>What is the most aesthetic tank in the game?
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>page 10
>trusting yuros to keep the thread alive while glourious Americans get their beauty sleep
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>no bump limit
How should I kill myself, lads?
Remember to put "sage" in the options field
The only option is to get captured by ISIS and get run over by a tank.
What equipment should I run on my 59-16 (and other lights for that matter)?
59-16's viewrange is trash. Run atleast coated optics (Or binocs if you are a cheeky cunt and like to bushcamp a la middle road Lakeville)
Then it's the usual Rammer/vents/vertical stabilizer/camo net. Whatever the fuck you want.
I'm running optics and vents, and was trying to decide between rammer or vstabs, but I'm currently running a camo net since I had a spare. I'm probably going to transfer this equipment along the chinese line as well.
What's the absolute best Light tier 9 ?
T-54 ltwt.
Use Optics, Rammer, Vstab if you actually want to deal damage. Or if you just want to "scout" (read: be useless on 75% of maps) then you have to run binoculars because optics won't get you enough viewrange to spot the enemies crossing on maps like Lakeville and Mountain Pass.
Not him but the max viewrange threshhold is still 445m and anything beyond that is increaded detectability right?
T-54 Lightweight, followed closely by the T49
T-54LT/T49 followed closely by WZ-132A If they ever going to fix that horrible ground resistance and trash accuracy
Yeah, beyond 445m view range just means you're able to spot more camo'd tanks at a further distance. It also means you can put yourself 15m behind a bush so you don't reveal yourself as much while firing and you still have good view range beyond that bush.
not amx 13 90?
why the fuck not?
The 13 90 is good (I think every t9 light is good now) but the t-54 and the t49 are absolute legends of tanks. The t-54 has amazing soft stats and a turret armored enough to actually block some things, and the t49 has that delicious alpha damage and is very speedy.
Anyone remember the T-54 being complete horseshit when it first came out and inferior to the LTTB in everything but armor and alpha?
The new MM is crack for the E25. Why do I always get tier 7 matches? Mental! I just plough through shitters.
I mean the e25 already has pref MM, so you can only see t8s max, but now you'll see much less of them because there's a cap on how many top tiers there can be in a game. Pref MM tanks have it much better now than they did before
false, the tier 8 preferentials are virtually always in a tier 9 match now
Do you even know what preferential MM means in WoT, nigger?
no full two tiers match maker spread. what do you even want to say, you spastic cunt?
Wow. Racist much?
>he doesn't know about pref pref MM
I only get tier 9 matches in the IS6. Should have bought a Superpershit
>When you get in your E-25 knowing that 4 out of 5 matches will be you shitstomping tier 5's that can't spot you
>mfw I had a game where I was in a KV-1, only one left on my team vs one E-25 on the enemy team, on Firey Salient
don't even have to tell you how that ended
>every new patch this game becomes more and more pay to win
Are you on EU? Because I can remember a game like that a week ago.
on EU yes, but the game in question was a few months ago
Could've been me as well since I clocked 1,5k game on that cockroach. I'm sorry for killing you if it was me.
How do I play Tiger II?
Sit back and snipe?
>How do I play Tiger II?
you dont
Depends on the matchup and the map. You basically just have to find ways to put shots into your enemy without taking too many shots yourself, because the Tiger II has shit armor. Sometimes that means using your gun depression to hide your hull, sometimes that means using your viewrange to keep the enemy at a distance, and sometimes that means playing as a support heavy and only popping out when you can shoot a guy that is reloading. I do recommend putting Optics on your Tiger II unlike a lot of other heavies, since the Tiger II has good viewrange and an accurate gun. That doesn't mean that you should chai snipe every game, though. If you're the only top tier heavy on your team and the map is Malinovka, then you need to go hill otherwise your team is just going to lose because you have no map control.
>Buy spall liner for my O-I because of placebo effect
>It actually work pretty well against FV and leFH
Getting 0 damage on direct hits was worth the 700k gold.
>700k gold
Nigger that spall liner be out of unicorn pubes or what.
So just try to shoot without getting shot at?
Yeah, that's the part most people mess up, because they let people shoot at them and then cry when the Tiger's armor doesn't magically ignore 99% of all damage. Most heavy players can't understand the simple concept of 'don't get shot', hence why they play shit like the Defender and the Maus and complain when medium players press 2 to deal damage to them. They think that by playing a heavy tank they shouldn't have to avoid enemy fire.
I mean silver, it's late. I'd buy a super unicum 100% HE protection liner for gold
It's easier said than done though.
Include HESH protection. I want all the 183mm babies to cry.
Support higher tier heavies and if you're top tier be on the front line. If you want help you should ask how to I play this tank on x map or x type of map
new thread old reminder.
Wrong tank, bro.
@176317593 (You)
delet this
>tiger II
Make way for real best tenk
@176318427 (You)
>wheeled vehicles
>Polish tree
>30 vs 30 is a go
>wheeled vehicles
Hated them in AW and during the event we had
>polish tech tree
Pls no, we dont need more poles
I really don't get this game.
Why is Wargaming tinkering with numbers of artys and TDs on each team, when this keeps happening? How am I supposed to win a battle like this, when I'm just a filthy greenshitter?
where are the proofs
>wheeled vehicles
wasnt there some april fools event with those?
I hope you talk polish
No I don't. Why would I know how to speak the language of the most butthurt nation on this planet.
Because that's what you need to understand proofs right now.
Holy shit this is probably the 3rd most retarded language I've seen. How do you even pronounce all the wryzwywzwywwyzazrzyzwyz shit. How is this even a language at this point?
30 Brazilians vs 30 Polish
All drive a Pz I C
Open field map with spare cover. Who wins.
>Why would I know how to speak the language of the most butthurt nation on this plane
I don't know why would you speak Hebrew either , but what's the link with bolan?
RU 251
If by best you mean the most nerfed
>Every t9 LT is good
The RU wants to have a word
Hues gonna hue, but there's no worse enemy than bunch of Poles with hurt pride.
>still no pasta tanks
>still no pasta tonks either
It's still better than the t10 German LT that feels like it has the same soft stats as the T49 with the derp.
>inb4 premium P40 in German tree
How do I make Tiger 2 with long 88 work?
I'm sure if WG can find enough "undisclosed prototype" for ww2 and post-war polish tanks Pasta tree will be a breeze
stop playing german heavies faggot
>I only play OP tanks
that's what you'd post if you were smart
Playing the inferior tanks would not be the best logical move, however kicking ass with inferior tanks improves confidence
and cuckoldry is the intellectual's fetish, right?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
calm down friend
Where were you when M41 GF became broken?
How should the T32 be buffed to make it less inferior to the Patriot?
Reduce dpm and top speed. Move up a tier. That's a buff right?
Suffering through the T32 is a right of passage for players aspiring to the T110E5. It shouldn't be buffed
but muh low AP pen
But the T32 is good?
it's so gaddam slow though
>remove long 105
>make long 88 fire APCR by default(237 pen)
>give it 900hp engine
Is it good now?
Waiting for it to be sold again.
Nerf the patriot :^)
Only if it gets 330 penetration HEAT.
Just reduce its health, remove the 105s and drop it to tier 7 and it'd be fine.
>people complaining about russian bias when clearly it's actually german bias
It's not. It's mediocre as balls
>tfw someone else has realized the kraut bias
It's basically the t29 but t8, which means it's not absolute dogshit terrible suffering but it's not good for that tier.
>get a red jpz e100 to waste a shot in my tracks at the start of the match
>evidently made him mad
>he drives right into the team and puts one shot into me
>it was an 1100 low roll
are tank destroyer players even human
>1,100 damage is a low roll
This will always trigger me
i actually thought 1400 was his nominal because an is3 bounced me right after too and they both listed in my blocked damage. it's really 1050.