Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS! - /dlg/

posting this via mobile and have a good day edition

Last thread: >>>NEWSAndroid Emulator:
bignox.com/ (download, install, make a Google account, download Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links from Google Play)
There's also BlueStacks, etc.

>Outdated Farming Guide:


Other urls found in this thread:


>faster than a Baby Dragon with a Jet Pack

Oh Joey

Guys! This is fucking serious! How do I solve the first duel quiz of the event!?!?
I just can't fucking figere it out, lol.

Konami really upped their game with this event didn't they. lol.

That interaction really put a smile on my face

guys I'm worried
Is Konami actively trying to kill this game?

Not a chance. They're making a lot of $ from it, probably more than the card game alone (in the last 2 years I THINK).

Insect Monster out, use the spell card on the insect to special summon 2 tokens, special summon Atmosphere by sacrificing both tokens, activate Atmosphere's effect on BEWD.

At least Joey is making this event bearable
I'm gonna do all challenges as Joey

Should I do the rest of the loan deck/quizes? I've been saving those gem rewards for a rainy day, but I'm close to impulse buying the rest of my gems


>Tell me what I should do

It's your fucking phone, it's your fucking game. Do whatever you want.

It didn't work. What am I doing wrong?


Why have the normal version when we already have the fanservice version?

Seriously though, Gemini Elf would be great in Duel Links. Especially with Yami Yugi's Power of Dark.

You were supposed to set your insect monster

>Gemini Elf will be OP trash in Duel Links. Especially with Yami Yugi's Power of Dark.

Goblin Attack Force when

Somebody piss in your Lucky Charms this morning, sunshine? Yeah, we play the game on our phones.


Its a tough one, that's for sure. Having reached KOG myself I figured it out in about 20 minutes but someone with less experience might take a little more time. No worries though, this is a single player game after all. Go at your own pace and you'll become an expert when the time is right. Overall, that's literally the best 2 sense I can give you. Happy dueling

>Lucky Charms
>marshmallow oats
>not Trix

Tricks are for underageb&

Tricks are for whores
Trix is for the thinking man

DL should have puzzle submissions from the community. Obviously needs to be solvable within 1 turn.

No, all content has to be repetitive and unfun. You're options are complain, spend money, or both. None of this community involvement bullshit, fuck off player shill

need eatos

Does anyone have the chart of whether its better to farm lv30 or 40 LD?

Degenerates that uses this card belong on a cross

this game turned to fucking shit I quit

>I don't like this event so therefore the game is shit.

Go cry yourself to sleep with some Linkin Park, emo boy.

So do you guys think if the earth box is true they'll include all the cards Yugi was using, I wouldn't mind building a sphinx deck even if it won't be top tier.

auto duel like what? come the fuck on holy shit

Um, sweetie. Delete this image

You're supposed to use a picture of a female
Preferably lewd to some extent

I have 3 chimeras and branch, this box may be hilarious with special summons

The second duel quiz is surprisingly Easy Once you figure out which monster you play

I think the joke is a bit played out mate, I hope they do add difficult ones though but with the internet no matter how hard it is everyone can solve it so long as one person can.

Still stuck at the first. Hope I don't miss out on Ancient Brain.

I wonder..are you being sarcastic?I also hope its just not two quizzes unless they will add 2 every day

Isn't Ancient Brain one of the monsters that appeared in GX during the Yubel arc?

Am I really going to be branded as a Defeated Dog if I don't beat these?

I think it may have been a card earlier but i'm pretty sure Skull Knight was one of evil Jadens men


Some of the best decks can be run with mostly farmed cards, only issue is shit like mirror wall

>not having Trap Jammer

how long does the farming take?

Once you have all the cards for farming. You can run a successful duel in about 10 minutes.

Depends on your luck as e-cons take a while unless you suck Kaibas cock for a while.

Post the most useless cards in the game.

Just got my third e-con after two months of grindan. Now I can finally bring my shitty decks into PvP.

I still don't have any but congrats.

Let's be honest, we all want one but it's pretty worthless.

So apparently this was added to the game during the last patch, hopefully it'll be in the new box or a new batch for the card trader as it isn't that bad of a replacement for e-con. Plus works in dust tornado decks.

>by the effect of a Spell or Trap card your opponent controls

Right ignore me, i'm a moron who is half asleep. But still the e-con part isn't terrible

How much hentai have you seen?

This game would work better with better card key words. It would help the fucked grammar on most of the cards.

I'm missing half shut and mirror wall
Should I do a 10 roll or refill the neo impact or go black luster pack? (trying to make a spellcaster deck that's fast with dmg dm stones and shit)

If you want a DM deck the only things you really need from packs are Magician's Circles and Legion the Fiend Jesters. If you want a list that works I've got one here:

2 x Dark Magician Girl
1 x Sphere Kuriboh
1 x Mei-Kou Master of Barriers
2 x Legion the Fiend Jester
2 x Dark Magician
1 x Neo the Magic Swordsman
3 x Rogue Doll
1 x Shard of Greed
2 x Wonder Wand
2 x Sage's Stone
1 x Michizure
2 x Magicians Circle

Running with Power of Dark.

I want this guy in the game

Well it was more of a dmg deck for fast
But I barely have cards
Is sphere a drop?

Nah you can't get sphere kuriboh anymore but you can replace it with a e-con or something similar.

I have everything I need for a magnet warriors deck but valkyrion. But I sure did get 3 copies of that shitty dragon!

is there a field spell in the game that affects rock monsters?

Wasteland for +200 ATK + DEF

You're gonna have to farm for certain cards no matter what just because they're only available from drops. As a new player trying to catch up? It's best to figure out what meta deck you can/want to build, then wait for a sale and buy the packs you'll need. I'd say during a sale $60 would be more than enough to get you started.

I might have asked this before but should I continue opening Neo impact packs or just move onto another box? Because ive already opened 40 Packs

Do you have the good cards out of it? If not keep going

Sad times ahead my friend and you say I need two orz

I have a pretty good blue eyes white dragon deck, which white paladin and kaiser seahorse and other dragon supporters

Sucks to not pull what you need but at least you got a worm for mill decks. I had to go 160 packs into neo to get my second magicians circle.

Also this is all I have from your decklist

I wonder if this would work well in a surprise present tea mill deck. In my experience, people let their curiosity get the best of them and they usually activate the card.

Fuck, burn decks are gonna be so much more annoying with this little shit.

Well to fill it out Rogue Dolls are from levelling Pegasus iirc, you can substitue fiend jester for blue dragon summoner although it isn't as good, wonder wand is from the card trader but can be substituted for other 500 atk equip cards.
Sage stone and the other DMG are farmed from high level Tea (and she is easy to beat)
Shard of greed and michizure are tricky but i'd say just replace them with any decent spell or trap you have.
And finally sphere kuriboh can be replaced by e-con or if the leaks are true it can be replaced by security orb from the new pack when it comes out.

Hope I was of some help as it took me a while to build the deck so I had to use the shitty subs for a while.

I'm surprised they made him a rare only since it's a easy 1.5k damage from a single set so long as they keep attacking and if not it lets you stall for your other burn.

Xyz when?

the Musasabi are summoned to YOUR OPPONENT side of the field

Oh i'm a fucking retard, ah well at least they clog up the opponents spaces if they aren't using tributes or rituals.

I'll do my very best teach
I will start farming Pegasus
Is double coston a nono? It's good tribute feed
Also I have one blue summon, I missed two rods from the trader thinking they were ok but not needed, I do have black pendant
Currently rolling with this

New set tonight?

>Tfw just hit KoG for the first time

Never doing ranked again... Maybe...

Feels good though man.

He's a nice 1900 beater for mako decks and I suppose he can special yomi ship or lost blue breaker or some shitty tribute fodder.
Don't worry for now that is a perfectly fine deck double coston with double summon will likely help you out and since you already have the double magicians circle you have some surprise factor on your side.

The cards were added in the last patch and someone posted this in the last thread which matches the datamined cards.
So going from the last few times I won't be surprised if it is released soon maybe even in the next 12 or so hours.

Congrats. Just in time before the new set of cards come out and mess with the meta.

You know how they made a budget replacement for Union Attack in Gift of the Martyr? They just did the same for Sphere Kuribo/Enemy Controller.

Definitely not as versatile, but good in a pinch. Not to mention, the secondary effect. It may not happen much, but getting to destroy a monster is nice.

It's a nice counter to storm decks on top of being a budget e-con, I quite like it.

How long does it typically take to reach KoG?

Is it worth being depressed and stuck within Gold for days or will I never make it?

I fucking hate Bandith keith relinq decks...

Link to the datamined cards?

Thank you teach

Asking for a friend, where do you get gemini cards?

>game hypes pack opening
>it had only 1 shitty rare
fuck you

It has some nice plant and beast support.

Either card trader or the chaotic compliance pack, I've built a mediocre gemini list as well if you want it but they are a bit iffy.

He's worse than me so anything helps teach, thanks

Why are there so many cards that just Hurt the player? for balance??

Well here it is as I said it is a bit iffy. Using the Switcheroo skill but shit like balance would work as well.

2 x Phoenix Gearfried (CC)
3 x Blazewing Butterfly (CT)
2 x Woodland Archer (CT)
3 x Skelesaurus (CC)
2 x Goggle Golem (CT)
1 x Symbols of Duty (CC)
1 x Sorcerous Spell Wave (CC)
3 x Polymerization (Joey Level and CT)
1 x Mirror Wall (Neo Impact)
2 x Gemini Booster (CC)

Extra Deck
2 x Superalloy Beast Raptinus (CC)

It all relies on getting out your fusion by ideally using gearfried as fusion material and then special summoning him using butterflys effect or just relying on beatdown with goggle so long as you have the fusion out or stall a turn to resummon him. (CC stands for chaotic compliance and CT stands for Card Trader in case you were wondering where to get them from).

The graveyard should basically be treated as a resource you'll see why when more cards get introduced into the game, cards being in the graveyard is not always a bad thing basically since there are plenty of ways to interact with the grave such as fetching them or special summoning them.



What about him? He's a nice 1800/1600 beater, but can't handle equips and has virtually no support atm.

Not him but he at least fucks over weevil decks so long as you run a field like sorc spell wave so he can run over cocoons, not amazing but it's nice to have access to a 1800 beater that isn't UR

Tea's Surprise Present skill is so fun to use

>gift them "Card of Sanctity"
>their curiosity takes hold of them
>they activate it

Yeah that's one of the fun decks I've yet to build, I've only got two card of sanctity. Is that enough or should I wait till the inevitable Pegasus rerun for another?