My Saudi friend asked me to perform an oil change on his car so I agreed but he told me his car only takes halal motor oil. Does anybody on Veeky Forums know how I can determine if motor oil is halal without contacting a reputable Imam?
My Saudi friend asked me to perform an oil change on his car so I agreed but he told me his car only takes halal motor...
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drink a quart or two
Rub bacon all over his car, you know you want to
yeah you need something like pic related
getting real tired of your cuckmobile, mohammed.
nah faggot, I aint ignant like jew
who is mohammed
That's is Sikh. That curved sword is used to kill Muslims.
>That's is Sikh. That curved sword is used to kill Muslims.
Dont spread false interpretations of my religion, we do not use the sword to kill "muslims" it is used to protect life.
You have to go back.
wait are you trying to tell me everybody in the middle east doesnt drive aventadors and G-wagons??
Yeah same thing
pfff you are no fun
Sikhs are cool, they can stay
2nd that sikhs are p. chill bros
yes unfortunately
So yeah, to kill Muslims.
Can you fuck off back to /pol/ you faggot
That is his Tafheet car, look that shit up.
ive driven an R before they arent that fast t b h
oh hell yeah hajwalah/tafheet rules
i had a muslim friend that needed me to change his oil as well. I just used filthy shiite blood and called it a day. He called me like 3 days later saying that his car never ran better
just go with that, i guess. it doesnt really matter anyway, the magic carpeting makes the car move anyway, you dont even have to turn on the engine
As far as I know, that shit is done with rentals and cheap shit cars, almost never with the "better" cars.
Why is the blade curved? You don't get any stabbing action
Because it's not for stabbin, ya mong.
You have a more versatile and better weapon if you can stab though. Middle eastern people really are the fucking dumbest. As stupid as Californians.
Hektik as fuck
It's intended for cavalry use, thus the extra weight around the intended chopping point
it's similar to a kopis or falcata in function, just slightly differently shaped
Stop reposting this /pol/ magnet.
I heard refined bacon oil is goat
Halal oil occurs if the dinosaur died while facing mecca, duh
>Middle eastern people
It's a sikh holding an indian sword, jesus christ. Is super eurobeat the extent of your international knowledge?
>Dont spread false interpretations of my religion, we do not use the sword to kill "muslims" it is used to protect life.
Sikhfag here. To add to that statement, we can kill anyone who is a death-posing-threat against the weak. No matter who is it.
Source : My grandfather killed a police officer back in India when the police officer was molesting a young girl. He actually meant to just harm him but the kirpan was just sharpened and slipped in too far. The police even after knowing all this, they didn't file a case because religion brah.
Sikh are badass.
ME people had the same swords desu
>A scimitar is a backsword or sabre with a curved blade, originating in the Middle East.
Except the hilt is clearly an indian tulwar design. Some sabres, especially slav ones, had similar blade shapes, but it's not European either.
That's the same thing
It's a talwar used for slashing on horseback. The British copied the design and made the sabre from it
>Is super eurobeat the extent of your international knowledge?
Nah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
As usual.
Dip your dick in it. If your foreskin falls off and you worry about how it's going to hurt the resale value of your oil, it's kosher. If your foreskin falls off and you feel a sudden urge to scream "death to kuffir!", it's halal.
salam alaikum friend, you should be able to find it at the local halal store inshallah