Is the STI worth the extra money?
redpiIl me
Is the STI worth the extra money?
redpiIl me
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>redpiIl me
kill you are self
Depends if you plan on doing an mods, and how fast you want to go.
kys commiefag
200 mph
t. Triggered Leftycuck
fuckk off liberal
The STI comes with a completely different AWD system that is a LOT more advanced and a transmission to go with it.
STI's AWD system is able to tell which wheels have traction and is able to send all the power to the wheels with traction. So in certain situations, it can be 1 wheel drive.
You pay for the AWD system.
You pay for the extra horsepower (even though the WRX has a better engine)
You pay for the better brakes
You pay for the better transmission
You pay for the better suspension.
Yes, the STI is worth the extra money.
this honestly
you cant even afford one
yes, if you don't plan to mod it.
no, if you plan to upgrade/mod
I have a budget of $60,000.
Not all of us are pathetic NEETs like yourself.
Kill yerself
no it's not, the wrx is fast enough, and you'll have longer rides because the wrx sti consumes much more than the wrx
>power to 1 wheel
wat the fuck
Not really
the extra power kills your MPG. You do get the ability to change up your LSD between front and back which is useful
>all other wheels are slipping
>give power to the wheel that ISNT slipping
sounds retarded desu
back to your cesspit, cuckolds
how is that retarded? thats literally how an LSD with an AWD system works
hey summerboi, enjoying your first time?
>its retarded to give the power to the one wheel that counts in a moment where all your other tires aren't getting traction
what you really wanna power a wheel that has no grip? whats the point?
Its how you get out of being stuck. Is this bait.
Power to a wheel without grip will sometimes give it grip.
I.e in snow you claw for traction.
You're an idiot.
no you
No. Subarus are shit and you should get something actually good.
Honestly at this point in time I'd even say that the EJ is still a better engine than the FA. Like yeah theoretically the FA has more potential, but the difference is that all of the ways to cash out on the potential of the EJ are known, while the FA still has a while until we are actually able to use any of that potential.
I would go for the STi just because of the sound from the ULH.
my nigga
depends on what you want really. if you just want a daily to take you to work, but has a bit of a pep in its step then get the plain wrx. But if you want something that's just a strait up performance car and you're fine poor gas mileage, then get the sti.
honestly if it were up to me i'd get the wrx it still makes 300 hp and still is faster than your average sedan, yet it would still be a little bit cheaper on insurance.
Veeky Forums fucking meme'd me out of buying the Focus RS into the STI i had never even considered. Test drove the STI after already putting a deposit on the RS and bought the STI on the spot. Just felt so much more raw/fun.
I couldn't fucking be happier it happened. I love my STI.
Everyone dockers about saying how old the platform is, well- STI is still faster through the 1/4mile by .1 seconds and faster to 100 (or 130 can't remember) by 2 seconds than the RS according to Car and Driver.
Pic didn't upload. It's my car the day I bought it, before it was prepped.
What can I get that is "better" that's AWD and in the same price range?
I have a 2017 WRX Base. I commute with it, 55miles a day total. The Cobb AP3 is nessasary to get rid of rev hang, and progressive throttle map.
With a MAP performance stage 1 93 tune I get 27mpg for my commute.
The STI is worth the extra money, as a 2nd car.
If you want a car for track day, autocross, general hooning, and bad weather fun.
The WRX is more prone to understeer. With the STI oversteer is more achievable through the adjustable diff.
so buy it and STFU
Yes it is. With the STi you get a controllable center diff, better transmission, better engine, bigger turbo, better suspension, better brakes, more stuff standard,
You can get much better cars for that price range.
A 2015 Lancer
There are so few other cars out there for less than 30k with similar features to the Subaru
I'm thinking about the 2018 wrx. Does it still have Rev hang? Also I know I void my warranty if I do a Cobb stage 1 rune but if I set it back to stock and remove the Cobb tuner and access port so you think the dealership would notice? If I needed work on it?
If you plan on track then yes
Why would you buy a car with an ancient engine that consumes more than a v8?
I don't see any articles or people complaining about it since it's been out for a few months now you'd think someone would have made a stink about it if it still did.
Either way the Cobb tune will void your warranty and if a dealership does see that you changed the ecu tune then it is void. But I'm not entirely sure if they can see if you changed it back to stock from something else
I don't know what the stock tune on an 18 is like.
'Void Warranty' is a meme. They may deny a claim if they can prove your modification caused the failure.
The Cobb makes it easy to revert back to stock(it saves your stock tune).
The Cobb OTS 93 or 91 tune is very mild.
I converted an outback to RWD once.
That can't be done on an STI. at least not as easily because the AWD systems are so different. The STI AWD system is specific to the STI.
The AWD system used by all other Subaru's, including the WRX is retardedly simple by comparison.
Aha you see, it can if you do it my way.
Step 1: Run over something and break your front CV joint
Step 2: All power goes to the rear wheels now
Cobb stage 1 doesn't void warranty, but stage 2 does. At least from what I've read.
Oil changes on the FA engine are much easier than the EJ. I have a 2017 wrx and it's a joy doing oil changes. It's so nice having the oil filter on the top of the engine after all the fucking shitboxes I've had with filters in the most fucked up places. There's no taking off skid plates and breaking your wrist reaching halfway up into the engine where you can barely get your hand on the fucking thing.
They can indeed, it is not hard maybe am extra step to check but it can be done. Certain dealerships may be more prone to checking for tunes that others
This picture does nothing but confirm /pol/ is right sometimes.
a broken clock is right twice a day
/pol/ is usually right, but not until they get their heads out of their asses
I had a friend who modded a early 90s s10 truck, 2wd. We were too poor for dyno but I'm guessing it wasn't impressive. One time he wanted to show me a brake stand so I got out and he said I had to go to the other side to see cuz it was drivewheel. So if one wheel slipped it just sent power to the other wheel. And if that one slipped, welp, out of options.
You realize it doesn't just stay at that one wheel for a period of time, right?
Like power gets shifted around to all the wheels and if they slip the power gets cut momentarily, then tries again
Ok guys, what trim of WRX is best? Do I just get the base and save my shekels for mods and track days?
>what trim of WRX is best?
Read the fucking thread.
What if I want a dd that is better on gas, and better for road trips and more economical but still fun? I know the still is a better car for performance
If you want economy, buy something else. Saying you want economy when looking at AWD performance cars is more retarded than Donald Trump.
Yea, that's the idea. Fucking retard...
should i buy a galant vr-4 or impreza 97 (non wrx) and swap its engine with RB25DET?
Which is totally why the STI outperforms the WRX where traction is concerned. It cuts the power momentarily, then tries again.
neither. To do the swap on either car would ruin the front structure, and due to the length of the engine, there's no way to get AWD to work.
The RB engine is meme.
Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.
Fucking Zoidbergs
Galants are way cooler and more unique than Rexes, they're actually quite nice inside too and really responsive on the throttle.