Is it degenerate to buy a different car after like a year...

Is it degenerate to buy a different car after like a year? My first car is a 2008 Honda civic that I got this January but I am already saving up for the car I really want: a BMW M3 E36.

That's not degenerate, just expensive.

Frivolous spending is degenerate

Back to your trashcan.

no, it is fine as long as you don't go getting yourself in too much debt.

I don't finance or take out loans. I pay off my credit card before I get any interest too. I'm planning to get the car with cash.

I had an e36
>fun car
>handled well
>decent amount of power, but most family sedans have more these days
>interior was very comfy
>styling was good inside and out
>constantly felt like 8t was falling apart
>plastic clips that hold interior panels on would crack and dryrot
>rattles everywhere
>beat suspension
>stupid plastic cooling system
>ended up developing rod knock

>fucking Honda badge on a goddamned Acura

God I have fucking ricers. They're almost worse than niggers.

Many Acura cars were branded as Honda in other parts of the world, even the nsx

Not in fucking North American they weren't. Look at the fucking tag.

You ok buddy? You need someone to talk to?


back to your cesspit, faggot

>amerifats don't know acuras are hondas

that's downgrading though

>le /pol/ boogeyman

God damn I want her (him) to sit on my face.

The only way an m50 or m52 engine could possibly fail is due to maintenance negligence. The engines are cast iron blocks. To blow up one you probably cracked the head if you overheat them or don't put fucking oil in it. It sounds like you didn't really put any money into it or do basic repairs.

OP, e36 chassis is fucking beautiful and so much fun to drive. I love my 328. You will not be disappointed, just please do the maintenance necessary. These cars are so easy to work on yourself.

what does an iron block have to do with rod knock?

90s-00s BMW is all the good of a Lexus minus the reliability.

What's maintenance like for a 328? I'm obviously not expecting parts to be Nissan Sentra cheap, but does the "if you can't buy it new you can't buy it used" meme stand true?

OP if you have the money you should spend it on whatever you like, all your normie neighbors will be impressed on how you bought two cars within a year

What year?

>man farts

Neck yourself.

When I first saw this tranny, it made me uncomfortable.

Few weeks later I saw it again, and I was still uncomfortable.

Few weeks later it was posted again and it started to grow on me. I started to come up with these scenarios in my head about how if I was completely hammered or if I knew that none of my friends would find out, I would consider it.

It wasn't long until I was further desensitized and resigned myself to the idea of letting it MAYBE suck me off if I was black out drunk or something.

Fast forward to today and I have absolutely no shame in admitting that I would violently fuck this creature in the ass so hard that her fucking grandmother would feel it.

me too thanks


an oil passage to the mains was blocked, the engine being made of iron was irrelevant

nigga you fuckin gay


I bought my mini cooper in march and I'm replacing it in october desu

Did he/she ever get identified?

It's sadly normal for people to get a new car every year or two.

That's why most new cars aren't sold at all, are instead leased, and won't actually be sold until they're used cars.

>Not modding a K20 Civic instead for half the price and twice the fun

E36 is a great car.
I am planning on selling my BMW E60 and I want to buy an E36 again.
My first 2 cars were E36's, good times

is that really a tranny?

Degenerate is just a meme

If you have the money, be the biggest goddamn degenerate you can afford to be