Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/24
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna has been announced to be released this summer.
>Two new Servants have been announced: Caster of the Nocturnal Castle and Assassin of the Nocturnal Castle.
>A new summer event has been announced in which Minamoto no Raikou will receive a swimsuit version.
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:




Guan Yu 5* when lads?

You've only continued the suffering user!

bb assenction?

>I will save everyone
not anymore


Damn you, Emiya

surprise surprise TM cant english


So if a woman lost her virginity by rape, is she a slut?

Because in my opinion this is the only time i would like a non-virgin grill


>last two characters to appear without a profile in the Pokedex were Merlin and King Hassan

fuck you MOOT make your site work properly

Shut the fuck up cucks, you dumb motherfuckers

>been over 8 hours
>no one has posted BB final art yet

Oh wow she must be the least popular TM character period since no one gives enough of a shit to do so.

But Lostman saved Melt at the end.

I love Altera.

So now the Chaldea support crew consists of a cute but bland eggplant kouhai, a cute but psychotic eggplant kouhai, a quirky transsexual weirdo, and a detective with poor social skills who does crack in his room
Truly this is a winning team


I actually have a thing for making broken girls happy again with the power of love and dicking

Strongest duo

Why is Ruton so based?


Hi Nasu

Hory shit


This Nito might be his magnum opus

Soon, but not the 10th soon, unfortunately.

I think this is the third time he draws Nito, is Ruton a Nitofag? That pretty good taste


twitter.com/RUTON/status/859407407977349120/photo/1 I WANT TO FUCK THIS HELENA

>tfw he'll never draw a full length doujin

That's a pretty nice kouhai foot. I think her reaction would be the best in some ways.

Post best Sakuras

Name a Male Servant.

Name a Position.

Top or Bottom.

The smut shall be crafted!

My nigga

Don't forget the faceless skeleton crew of Chaldea.

How can Melt and Lip both be so cute while Sakura is such a steaming pile of wormshit?

Zealot when
Please give Zealot



/Jannu/ thread.

I love their friendship

There's still time user don't be so hasty

fuck off

Because no matter how much you want to meme it they have nothing in common with Sakura besides a few design traits.


Is there any Servant that doesn't have Chaldea BFF/Trio yet?

>tfw no retarded cat to keep my Lip company

How the fuck are Sakurafags ever gonna recover from the fact Nasu tried to fix Sakura by making 3 better versions of her?


Would Lip's actual size obscure most of Jack in the pic?

>How are Sakurafags gonna recover from the fact Nasu gave them three more Sakuras?



Melt has no friends.

What the fuck is this, and why does it scare me?

Come on user.

At least try.

Its more like, they're aspects of her personality, except made way more overt unto hyperbole, and given a few other personality quirks on top of it. You could even say they're discarded personality elements of BB, or "Alter Egos" of her.

Lip is the boobs, masochistic side, stalker, yandere, tries to cook but quality isn't assured.

Melt is sadistic side, hunter, stalker, yandere. Elements we see a bit more in dark Sakura at times.

Take the individual elements, but also add shit like "Doll maniac" and "Clumsy lazy oaf with huge hands".

the ugliest /fgog/ waifu

Guda doesn't count?

She has people who share her hobbies (and idle pose in battle for some reason), it's a good start


She's part of the Guda harem.

Guda is a friendslut.

Evidence for playable Kiara

>3 story portraits using the same base like Ascensions do
>Multiple sprites as well
>Edits for enemy only features have been done before like Gorgon
>Foreshadows potential implementation by saying she wants to be an Alter Ego
>No profile entry after encountering her, King Hassan and Merlin had the same thing and were later made playable
>True Demon small form has a "taking damage" animation even though she cannot normally be hurt
>NP only displays correctly from player side
>A lot of facial variations for someone who is otherwise just an NPC

Evidence against playable Kiara
>She's a Beast

Did I forget anything


This, she can probably be friends with Teach and the rest of the Yakuza Kick team.

I enjoy how this event takes some of the plot beats from the original F/SN and F/E but twists them around entirely.

>You are lying on your ass, ready to die when a Servant comes in to save you. But originally the Servant was lying on their ass and you offered them your hand.
>It's kill or be killed, and you're thrown into the midst of it with an incredibly weak Servant. But unlike Extra, you are the positive one who keeps your Servant going.

How many anons in /fgog/ have a maxed out Altera?

She'll make friends with Medea and Blackbeard, its already written in the stars.

If we're talking casual acquaintances; she has tries to chase down or stab EMIYA when she sees him. Whether its love or annoyance at his Don Juan attitude with girls is up in the air.

>No profile entry after encountering her
Not even DW is retarded enough to make a Beast event-exclusive, we'll get Beast III profile when we fight the other half


Oh that's right, Melt is into garage kits like Medea.

She has no real attack animations. That woosh woosh fade to black is obviously is boss only. Ereshkigal also has a lot of faces and she's only a NPC for now.

That you are a retard cuck


Next part of CCC event translation is out

Same fucking day.

Playing devil's abdicate, Eresh also has tons of faces

Except this isn't an event, it's an order

And we got Fake Solomon even though it was just Goetia

Why would they put the lore for two distinct characters into the same profile, that makes no sense

I didn't max out my Altera's skills, but I did get her Bond CE

>Chapter 1 2/6
The event is gonna be long over before he finishes his ''translation''.

Ereshkigal doesn't have sprite work that also matches existing story art though

>Except this isn't an event, it's an order
That happens to be temporary, like an event

>Why would they put the lore for two distinct characters into the same profile, that makes no sense

How do you know the other half is not another Kiara?

Neither does Achilles, but nobody doubts he's getting in.

If the other half was Kiara why didn't Kiara just summon that other self like she did her CCC Body and BB

which proves what exactly

In my opinion a rape victim is worse than a slut. not intentionally, but because they will be damaged, both mentally and physically, and will unintentionally make you feel like shit. It's not their fault but they will drag you down and won't stop.

The worst a slut can do is cheat on you, which is very minor unless you fell in love with her like a twat.

The only really good non-virgins for a relationship would be widows.

>tfw don't have her

>Except this isn't an event, it's an order
>Except this isn't an event
>this isn't an event
Spotted the newfag

I would if i had her
I would gladly trade my true Arthur and Okita for her

Hey, that's uncalled for.
Taiga is a beautiful young lady.

>If the other half was Kiara why didn't Kiara just summon that other self like she did her CCC Body and BB

Nasu will answer that in time

>L is Angelic Bodhisattva in contrast to R Demonic Bodhisattva

It's a time limited order, it's still part of the story

What makes you think DW gives a single shit about whether or not newfags can see a profile placeholder entry in the Pokedex when they'll just see it when the rerun happens

Fuck off katsura

Ereshkigal was confirmed for eventually playable along with Agravain, Holmes, Nezha etc though.

>this isn't an event
What is it called a time limited scenario then?

No she wasn't

Just like the other half of the Beast of Revelation was another Beast of Revelation

oh wait it was something completely different

That's only one of her attacks though

People said Gorgon wouldn't be playable either because her attacks were AoE and she was huge and look how that turned out

Can't be helped, this event is longer than America or it's same length.

Yes, she was. Not even the same guy.