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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
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Tharja a best and canon
Azura is shit
Faye is for marrying and breeding.
Linde is for aesthetic stat spreads.
Azura a best!
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a cuck ok?
Post ending in 9 decides who I marry first when Echoes is released!
Good Revelations class for Corrin?
I always use Myrm, Merc and Cav, I should go try something new.
Should I bother playing Revelations, I'm done with Birthright and Conquest
I really like Azura and don't know why everyone hate her
Much the same as last thread, literally posted 13 seconds after the thread was made, and 2 seconds before the link was posted in the last thread. Why the fuck is he not banned for this shit yet?
Blacksmith for dope animations + sword usage.
Porn is degeneracy
Nobody should play revelations.
It's legitimately one of the worst RPGs I have ever played.
Well that was fast
What's a good skill spread for +spd -def Tharja? Fury/Desperation seemed like the obvious go to, but I wanna know my options before I use my SP.
I'm going to wed Nowi! Then I'm going to condition her to my personal cumslut through laborious love-making!
Life and Death if you have the fodder, Ardent Sacrifice, Desperation.
I hope this gauntlet is as good as the first one minus Lucina
Explain further
goddammit /feg/ the 1 (one) time i thought you faggots waited until 750 to make a new thread it turns out i missed an early thread
worst general but i can't leave
>You will never make love to Julia while she calls you brother
Was the Ursula GHB banner thingy included in the last datamine? Cause I know the Narcian one was but there was only text for Ursula related quests.
I'd imagine if that's the case then we might get a small update tonight that adds the Narcian quests too or something.
Basically, the plan is to fuck her senseless, then fuck her some more until she becomes addicted to my cock
The goal is endless baby-making for the purpose of repopulating the Manaketes
Does anyone have a mirror to the smutbin from the 2013 /feg/s? The old links were taken down.
Julia is slow and dumb and Seliph needs to hold her hand so that doesn't trip or walk into trees
That's not how it works.
If you're force-fed rice for months you'll just fucking hate rice, you won't get addicted to it.
Thats a fine goal just make sure to treat her like a princess.
Not according to doujins and h-anime
BIG HURTY ______
Sorcerer- max out magic, marry Nyx, and only use Nosferatu.
Its fucking disgusting and I love it. With the right skills youre nigh unkillable, even on lunatic.
But Sorc is a man-slut class.
>Play as male Corrin
>"Damn Azura is fucking annoying"
>Play as female Corrin
>"Hey Azura is pretty cute and her relationship with Corrin is nice"
Julia is literal shit.
This is your best friend tonight.
Can you not? There are far worse girls that actually deserve shitposting and ridicule and Julia isn't one of them, you know this, so fuck off
>If you're force-fed rice for months you'll just fucking hate rice, you won't get addicted to it.
Also rice is best food, fuck off
If you don't care about using Omega Yato as an actual weapon, Malig and Oni are pretty ridiculous, especially if you can go Witch for Shadowgift and early Warp. Just Bolt Axe is enough though.
If you're a shit-eating faggot and loved Birthright and Conquest, yeah play Revelations.
If you had ANY problem with those two games, expect Revelations to have that problem but much worse, plus a bunch more problems. I don't recommend it at all.
>get everything i want from the current banners today
>still have over a hundred orbs
i want to keep rolling but there's no point now
>5 out of 9 of my 5* are either -atk or -spd
You do realise people would respond to you if you weren't a tripfag, right?
The fact this gauntlet has it's own Lucina already makes it pretty shitty. Julia VS Sanaki should be interesting at least.
not even that guy, but I honestly find corrin much more bearable as a female. I literally feel like I would punch mcorrin in the face if I could
I'd respond if i knew the answer
it's really bad but might as well, especially if you like water
but /feg/ likes tripfags
Say something nice about these ching chongs.
Some people are still willing to help me, I'm not gonna take it off just to ask a question.
Post Yuri Emblem
Sakura is pretty level-headed and sane.
Can't say the same about her siblings.
I REALLY want to fuck Ryoma
I fail to see the problem, user
what unit do you have the most of? i have 8 gunters!
i also don't know what to do with them
Sakura will become a Camilla level tit-cow, Hinoka has the best thighs in the game, and Ryoma and Takumi are pretty cool
Marx pls
I like the nohrians better
Takumi is best boy.
I have 7 Sophias, plus one that I haven't recruited from the free unit mission
I understand if it toward Corrin as character I feel sorta the same way but, user is describing their relationship with Azura which is the same no matter the gender.
Whoa man, you can't say that kinda stuff on a Cambodian boating business website.
I used to have 8 Shannas before I either sent them home or made them skill fodder for desperation
if you merge them, theyll have stats greater than 5* just w/o his upgraded weapons
gib cherche
I want to marry Felicia in every route.
Is there a neutral that you marry in every route?
I've put a lot of dupes through Skill Inheritance since I really don't want my barracks to overflow again, I think I still have like 4 CorrinFs left though, 2 of which I'm saving for their decent IVs.
Well, the way you perceive it is probably different considering they have different genders. Azura just feels like a friend to Femui, but for Mamui it looks like something else, he probably doesn't like how forced that seems to be tbqh.
I usually marry Kaze in Conquest, but when I played Birthright and Revelations my Corrin was male so I chose pic related
How can I improve this support Soren? I was thinking of giving him a hone or spur skill instead of threaten.
10 Lissas, worst sister
8 Cecilias. Well 7 now but one of them is 5*+1. I'll make my cute onee-chan +10 some day.
Best Ninja is best husbando
Spurs are underrated. Especially when used to help ranged units.
>support soren
Kaze. I love him no homo.
Excellent tastemind.
Which FE character have bad fans like daisy?
>want Jakob because his artwork and artist are awesome
>don't wanna spend orbs at risk of getting 20 Elise copies
He's -atk, I can't think of much to do with him besides have him give stat boosts and nuke with his special every once in a while
Something like 10+ Gwendolyns. I literally can't stop rolling her. Help.
any female myrmidon
Used to be Palla at 7 but I used a couple of her for Moonbow and WoM.
t. Joshuafag
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
Lucina, Azura, Tharja, Sanaki, Peri, Nowi,
I went Kaze on my birthright run, but since I played as a guy in Conquest and Rev I chose to marry Flora.
Spent over 100 orbs trying to get Elise on her focus banner but ended up getting like 6 Jakobs instead.
+spd -def loli tiki worth using SI on when I already have a decked out Ryoma, Tharja, and Olivia?