League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fun in Midlane Edition

Old eyosongive.us

Xth for Bard.


xth for breast metal waifu

secondary xth for holy shit I just turned a quarter of a century old

Sorry for trying to attention whore

This is real Morgana, stop making her all cute, if you really love her you should accept her as she really is.

If you're better than your current elo, you'll climb. And if you're not, then you'll stay where you are until you get better, right?

what Lulu skin is this?

lost plat 1 promos feelsbad

>Every year someone screams the hot new shit is gonna be a League killer and it never fucking works

It used to really bother me that Riot never had any real competition, but they've actually been doing a lot better so far this year.

Yeah I can accept this. Why wouldn't I?

Sona is the breast waifu!

>play fiora
>I have to work fucking hard as shit to do damage and outplay people
>enemy plays fiora
>they one shot me

Look at the OP image, trying to make Morgana a generic moeblob. Gross.

lood comfy bfs~

do you guys think the gay/trap threads are gonna migrate from /r9k/ to /bant/ now?

Post skins with 10/10 splashes but look mediocre as hell in-game.

1 - Morgana isn't real anyway
2 - That also isn't representative of what she looks like in official material

I still think its cute. She's cute in general.

Morgana's fallen angel theme always interested me.

Though she needs a voice line update. "We'll bring them pain!" every 8 seconds is meh. The question is should she get a voice filter like Vel'koz/Jhin/Azir?



Morgana is the CUTEST

>image is upscaled

never seen that before

Sona is the biggest, closely follow by Miss Fortune. Those two are a fact.

Is Morgana the third in line?

>s2-g3 is literally all the same

what gives. I thought g4 is where you were supposed to start noticing things but i'm not seeing a difference between gold and silver players

I can't even enjoy this splash over how false advertising it is. 3/10 skin desu made me feel lied to and cat fished.

>23 years old
>still play this video game
>only plat 5
Should I kms?

yes then eve

looks like the watermark was manually removed

too bad they saved the result as a jpg

>Still can't see champ skin models in client
>have to watch their shitty videos on youtube

And I'm sure this is why. They'd sell less skins if more people knew how shitty they looked ingame.

Friendly reminder that Kayle is a cockgobling slut who will cheat on you if given the chance. she also hates purity of any kind and is only friendly towards others for her own selfish evil needs.

Morgana on the other hand is so pure she never even touched a bike, let alone another man, yet with a warm, pure golden heart that is ready to help any stranger in need, sacreficing her own life for others is all she wants to do.

Be kind to your Morgana, and fuck Kayle.

>Fun in midlane edition
>Posts morgana

I wanna fuck morgana!

>ask lux supp to build redemption
>builds full ap
>keeps fucking dying
>misses her w
>buys redemption at 45 minutes
>gg this team

>be 31
>still play video games
>only gold 5


>implying morgana doesnt spend the entire day sucking lolg penises

will this artist ever take the time to learn how to draw faces

ADC is honestly such a stressful role, this shit can kill a man.

why is thread tracker dead?

damn lol

>Morgana on the other hand is so pure she never even touched a bike, let alone another man, yet with a warm, pure golden heart that is ready to help any stranger in need, sacreficing her own life for others is all she wants to do.

Hopefully I won't wake up tomorrow.

Now I'm remembering that Morgana fapfic, I didn't need this boner

Why do these people exist?

>be ad jungle main
>get flamed a lot
>call someone out for doing dumb shit or to stop doing dumb shit
>they can't infinity more butthurt

what is it about tops, supps, and especially mid laners that make them such fucking bitches

tops are pretty close too

It's only really stressful when you are the sole carry on the team and you have to make sure you make 0 fuckups otherwise you're dead and you lose

dont even touch the role before plat honestly, noone will peel for you.
unless you can of course play ezreal or lucian who dont care about peel

Oh shit this too. Nothing more than i hate than solo carrying and throwing because I did something I knew was dumb.

>mao, rakan and liss on the other team
>i have to constantly skirt the fight and wait for them to dump shit before even trying to get near

Even with a QSS, then amount of CC dumped on you is retarded.

I think top/mid is because 1 fuck up and they lose the lane, but bot is more along the lines of 1 fuck up and there's goes drag and first tower.

>when you tilt the enemy jungler out of his mind

ad and jungler mains are the biggest bitches in the game
you're just an exception

in my experience toplaners are the most whiny for ganks, is partly understandable, since you get countered so easily, and in even matchups one gank can quin the entire lane for someone.

>playing a game and it's going relatively even, 15/14, both top towers down
>18 minutes in we take rift herald
>heal up and summon it midlane after we catch one out
>skullfuck their entire midlane right up to taking inhibitor at 19:50
>they surrender shortly after

holy mother of god
is this the power of rift herald? i'm so terrified of ever giving it up now

LATE-NITE Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums, CLANG edition! Now up on NA with 9 slots, so join on in!

I love this ice witch!

heres a fun tale:
>Playing waifu against the noxian witch
>getting beat pretty bad, lee camping me is no help
>had a garbage game overall but still won
>i finished 3/8 lb finished 16/4
>while taking their nexus I say "gg ez boosted LB lmao"
>get flamed by her post game and get a toxicity warning

that was devilish
Who else /devilish/ here

>He doesn't have fun melting waves and being ungankable
>Not ruining a carry's life with a well placed Binding and watching them dissolve in a puddle
>Having your ults and enormous black shields ruin team fights.


What champion pisses you off the most?

Well, I don't mean ganks but I mean in general. I've had laners where all they have to do is wave clear and afk farm but they just say fuck you and keep fighting at every second. This is usually top. Mid tries way too hard to 1v9 until they figure out they coulda just farmed and not died then you say something small to them and they blow up

Who is this artist he manages to be cute and sexy at the same time.

how the fuck do i upgrade this gay support item

did they even implement this shit? i got my fucking 650 gold now wheres my free item upgrade

>Bramble Smash (Q) mana cost changed from 45/50/55/60/65 to 50 at all ranks

>Sapling Toss (E):
>Mana cost changed from 60 at all ranks to 60/65/70/75/80
>Damage changed from 45/70/95/120/145 to 25/50/75/100/125
>Target max health damage increased from 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% to 8% at all ranks.

So... they're making it so his E isn't the skill to max anymore. Should we max Q or W for jungle then? The %health is gonna be 8 from all levels so no point on the E anymore. W makes it a 1.5 second snare but if you level Q his jungle clear will be fucking bonkers. What do you guys think?

he was probably right though, ww players are stupid fucking mops that dont actually accomplish anything except for fucking up literally flashing on top of someone and farming for 40 minutes

has anyone ever made a proper list of every single fuckup the on the Renekton's side? Cause I'm pretty sure he actually had that if he hadn't fucked everything up except the W-ult cancel.


Can anyone explain to me what I am supposed to do here? I just came back to league after like a year

Can I not progress father on Ezreal experience until I buy this token thing? I don't get what the fuck this essence shit is

>make a minor pathing fuckup early game as is tradition
>im level 4 enemyivern is 5, mids are 6
>clearing toad at topside
>see ahri walk top and ivern
>ping my toplaner 4 (FOUR) times that they are coming to gank and I cant help
>she goes in agro anyway
>still manage to get flash from ahri with my level 4 dmg
>starts flaming
>mid calls her the hashinshin of low elo
>keks were had
>end up winning anyway


stop giving that mongoloid (You)'s

Hell yeah dude! upvoted xD
These mean people don't even understand how our waifus are pure despite any evidences to the contrary. Every time i say how my Ahri is just a cute and innocent fox and how Evelynn is a pure maiden, these dumb dumbs start laughing at me.

We should start a campaign to show how every waifu is pure!

i read the fucking item
it doesnt instruct shit
it literally just says 650/650, can only be upgraded out of combat

literally nothing happens even when spawn when clicking executing commands or fucking anything and im not wasting 500 fucking gold to just buy the fucking item

>oh man someone is trying to turn a shitpost into something that might resemble game discussion, better stop that quickly or it might distract from the waifuposting.

I'm also 23 and plat 5. It's terrible isn't it my brother?

>waifuposting is considered reddit material now

wut how

>im not wasting 500 fucking gold to just buy the fucking item



You get blue essence from chests or champion shards, you can buy a random champ shard from the store for 1700 IP.

You then disenchant the shard for blue essence and use it to level up your mastery ranking, you need 500 for Lvl 6 Mastery and I think 600 for Lvl 7.

live by the bwade die by the bwade

Didnt auto weave with any of his abilities

Didnt save dash to dodge darius Q

Didnt hold his Q to empower it so he died with full rage

ur retarded dude

>Throw skillshot
>If it hits, puddle
>Stand still until CD is over
really engaging gameplay

You need one of these:
>Ezreal champion shard
>500 Blue essence

You can buy champion shards for 1700IP. If it's Ezreal, grats. If it's not, convert it into blue essence and hope you reach 500.

>Passive: Iron Man
>Mordekaiser generates a shield of metal shrapnel equal to 25 - 350 + 15% maximum health for 3.5 seconds when hitting an enemy champion with his abilities. Static cooldown: 16-10 seconds. hitting additional enemy champions with abilities reduces Iron Man's cooldown by 1.5 additional seconds. Mordekaiser's Iron Man shield bursts if it expires or is reduced to 0 by enemy attacks, dealing damage equal to 40% of its initial value plus 40% of its current value in a 300 unit radius around them.

Now he's not feast-or-famine because his tankiness doesn't come from a flat damage to shield conversion.

you need to upgrade to the 2nd tier of the item for it to upgrade you subhuman.

>he still can't read

well if it wont fucking upgrade then whats the fucking point of having this gay quest shit in the first place

it sat maxed at 650 for 40 fucking minutes and didnt upgrade to shit

They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Guardian I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the protector we needed you to be.

Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader... But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw... but me.

Can you guess?

What do I gain by partaking?

Have they done anything to make his R feel less like a inferior Nami ultimate?

you're either retarded or actually retarded fuck off

where do I buy champion shards?

>Lee Sin

>Movement speed lowered from 350 to 345.
>Dragon's Rage (R) cooldown increased from 90/75/60 to 110/85/60

It's about time they nerfed his r cooldown. All they needed to for about 2 seasons.

late xth for chat

Store>Accesories>Hextech Crafting

fulfilling the request should grant an upgraded item
that is what the fucking point of a quest should be

if thats the only thing it doesnt do then riot literally has no idea how quests work

You walk through a forest and encounter this purple girl all alone, what do you do?
Keep in mind no one could hear her scream..

poppy is a dick loving cumslut

It's not about waifuposting.
It's about being a delusional faggot.
If you waifu someone, at least accept them for what they are. It's like if i waifu'd Elise and pretended she never killed people just for her own beauty.

because the quests are for secondary upgrades you newfag/retard
you buy the upgraded item, which does other new shit, and it fulfills the quest. it actually fills the quest quicker at tier 2 because you get more gold from the active

dumb retards

nope still godawful without so much as a map indicator

So lemme give this a try
>Didn't auto before W
>Didn't auto at the same time as Q
>used Q without fury
>dashed further from Darius to make it easier for him to hit q
>walked away from Darius after dashing instead of standing on top of him

I'm trying to judge if he could have hit the first part of his dash on Darius for extra damage as well.

I go all Jason on her.

why do they keep nerfing the MS of junglers? that shits so annoying to deal with, Vi, ivern, now lee

Bird people.