Why does Veeky Forums hate this so much?

Why does Veeky Forums hate this so much?

Did you just assume everyone on this board hates everything about Tesla?

You need to read people's criticisms of the cars more closely. It follows "Veeky Forumss" normal likes and dislikes of a car

1 thread on /pol/ with HUNDREDS of replies and a thread about the biggest bubble stock millenial hip trashcar EVERY WEEK isn't enough you fucking autist?

Sage and kys

It's not the cars, so much as the shitposters that wish they drove them.

It's a house of cards that will hopeful collapse when the govt stops subsidizing them as much as they do. Electric cars are mostly a meme to game emissions and build up credits in Cal.

Stop bumping this thread you morons! Learn to sage and avoid these daily shit threads

Dudes a fucking scammer. You're legitimately retarded if you think that making massive lithium ion batteries saves us carbon footprint or innovates battery technology. You should buy one though so you die in a firey crash like the fucktard you are.

I am Veeky Forums, and you have been misled.

I generally like Tesla as its embarrassing the other car companies into finally designing their own electric cars



Tesla is fine (they need to step up their build quality though god damn), their busrider cult following is cancer

>gas pedal
>car is electric
What was the point anyway?

I guess to help people transition from a traditional car to an electric one

They should just make the acceleration a button on the ipad dash, that would be great

I am Veeky Forums and your're gay faggot

The cars are boring.

>calls people millennials
>probably a millennial

Go back to /pol/ whiteboi

I am Veeky Forums and your're an uncouth ragamuffin

he's actually a nigger

he's actually a pakistani

They should make it voice command so I can blast some EUROBEAT

He's white, you dummies let him troll the fuck out of you

No he isn't, he is jamaican

Lurk more, he is indeed white

I like Tesla but don't want to own one until the technology (and interior) is better.

No he isn't, he is Cameroonian