Marx vs Bakunin

As we all know, Marx didn't really like anarchist Michail Bakunin. He wasn't that much of a gentleman either.
Here's a list of all the shit that Marx used to describe/said to Bakunin.

>Truly suspicious. Poor devil. Monster. A huge mass of flesh and fat. Jealous. A perfect ass. Stupid. Always ignorant. Smart as a Russian. Would-be European workers dictator. Fat. Damn Russian. Cheeky. Adulator. Intriguing. Cossack. Scoundrel. Beast. Incompetent, vain and zealous. Carryings-on moving the world. Sly. Expanding. Small talk. Bon vieillard credule. Muscovite cuckoo's egg. Squealer. Windbag extremism. Charlatan. Nasty ignorance and superficiality. Koran-less Mohammed. Acrobat. Muscovite dictator. Average man. Damn muscovite. Idiocy. Lacks any theoretical knowledge. Superficially snatched jumble. Theoretical nothingness. A complete spiritual misery. Stubborn. Crook. Ambitious. Big elephant. Old good scamp. Capable of any meanness. Lives out of blackmails. Pope.

Bakunin fucking rekt

I don't even really like Marx, but I have to admit he was pretty funny
What do you think Veeky Forums?

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If Marx didn't like Bakunin then that means that this Bakunin guy was probably alright. How do I learn more about him?

Bakunin is literally our guy.

>The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual

Do you really want to know more about the father of anarcho-collectivism

>Do you really want to know more about the father of anarcho-collectivism

Sure why not? Was he friends with Stirner?

Nope but they were seen as pretty similar, only in russia

Sorel>Everyone else

I don't generally support anarcho-anything but Bakunin seems like a guy worth rooting for over Marx especially.



Hating on Marxists isn't all that edgy, and Bakunin's prediction that Marxism would either break down into a game of parliamentary assgrabbing, or a dehumanizing machine that would destroy human life on a scale unprecedented were fucking spot-on.

>A perfect ass.

Marx confirmed for tsundere.

All of Bakunin's objections to Marx's communism are 100% correct.

thats all leftist

Nah. That's the right wingers. Envy would be a better description of the left, and it's a fine motivator (so is jealousy for that matter).

nah, right wingers don't deny hierarchy, most of the time prefer to become 'better' to their competitor as for leftist, they steal or taxed anyone richer and better than them to achieve equality

leftist suffer inferior mentality

more buzzwords!

Clearly you don't understand the distinction between jealousy and envy.

Literally all of Bakunin's dire warnings about Marxism came true.

They're both fucking autistic.


I haven't read Marx but as far as I know Communism is inherently anarchistic (in theory).

Marxism builds upon a state to start the effort to collectivization.Only after that communism can really start.

Economics moves from mercantilism to capitalism, then socialism, and ending with communism
the transfer from capitalism to communism requires the socialist state

but wasn't it Bakunin's own idea to achieve anarchy through violent takeover of the government and ultimately dismantle it, similar to communism then?

>but as far as I know Communism is inherently anarchistic (in theory).

>(in theory)

But isn't. At least not the brand of communism that Marx endorsed. He wanted a "dictatorship of the proletariat" not an anarchy.

Bakunin wanted to dismantle the government, or at least any government that goes beyond the local level, whereas Marx wanted to take over the government and use the government to institute socialism by force. This is where they diverge.

I'm not denying that Marx may have intended to eventually break up the government. But in practice, no government would ever voluntarily break itself apart like that.

> the dictatorship of the proletariat is the intermediate system between capitalism and communism
>when the government is in the process of changing the ownership of the means of production from private to collective ownership

you really don't have any idea about what you're talking about, don't you?

It's delusional to think that you're going to make an authoritarian single-party state and then afterwards it is going to voluntarily break itself apart afterwards. It simply won't happen. No government does that.

it's also even more delusional to think that a authoritarian, totalitarian single-party government being in charge of everything (including the means of production) has anything to do with collective ownership or democratic control over those means (what socialism would imply).

>it's also even more delusional to think that a authoritarian, totalitarian single-party government being in charge of everything (including the means of production) has anything to do with collective ownership or democratic control over those means (what socialism would imply).

So then why did Marx want an authoritarian single-party state so badly?

Did he actually say he wanted that?

YES. This is exactly why Bakunin was so weary of Marx's ideas. In his own words:

>They [the Marxists] maintain that only a dictatorship—their dictatorship, of course—can create the will of the people, while our answer to this is: No dictatorship can have any other aim but that of self-perpetuation, and it can beget only slavery in the people tolerating it; freedom can be created only by freedom, that is, by a universal rebellion on the part of the people and free organization of the toiling masses from the bottom up. If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.

He didn't, which is why he said the Paris Commune was the perfect example of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in action.

rule number one about Marx:
the ammount of insults directed by marx at a certain person is inversely proportional to the conscious ability of marx to refute what said person said

this is true to bakunin as it is true to Stirner or many of the other young hegelians
Hell, the German Ideology is a continuous mess of passive agressive remarks and insults

spotted the marxist