/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
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How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 10th:
AD 70 – Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, opens a full-scale assault on Jerusalem and attacks the city's Third Wall to the northwest.
1773 – The Parliament of Great Britain passes the Tea Act, designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on the North American tea trade.
1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857: In India, the first war of Independence begins. Sepoys mutiny against their commanding officers at Meerut.
1933 – Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings
1940 – World War II: Germany invades Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
1940 – World War II: Invasion of Iceland by the United Kingdom

EU4 DD 09/05

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

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Based and GOD


All me :^)

>mfw a single (You)

>forget to turn off supernatural events
>game lets me play as an undead zombie

Thanks Paradox


I got the "play chess with Death" event in the tutorial and lost.
You're not supposed to die before age 40 in the tutorial.

Now the game is basically in Observer mode because I can't do anything except build holding upgrades, the diplomacy menu just doesn't come up if I right click on anyone, and events no longer pop up. I still keep all my titles though... forever?

nth for Guillotine-resistant Habsburgs

Reminder that Talex is Italian.


Was user, was.


How did you get a non retarded revolutionary flag?

Certain nations have preset ones.


Burgundy becomes Belgium wtf

How about they put the historical one in for the Papal State, despite it not being possible in-game?

What's the most up to date version of the Vicky 2 Liang mod and where can i find it?

Why is it not possible?

Because The Papal State can't change government?

Because the pope can't have the "Revolution" disaster

What? Who's moot?

Where are my -20 republican tradition events reeee

I thought Aristocratic ideas turned into Plutocratic, but now it seems like I can get Plutocratic separately.
Did they change how it worked?

Is there a way to form Prussia as Byzantium???

Is Abysinnia supposed to be this easy?

Start game.
Day 1 borrow 300 gold.
Immediately declare holy war for Afar + Berbera
use mercs to win wars
After holy wars immediately declare war for instillation of claimant to secure the kingdom of Abysinnia.
Spend a few months gathering gold then immediately declare a holy war for Sanaa followed by Oman then Socotra.
All the while fabricating claims on Nubian territories and declaring war on them.

Suddenly have the most profitable nation on the planet while being big enough to survive any wars from the Arabian Empire.

It wasn't easy before the trade routes were added

What should my next military idea be? I'm really tempted to take Plutocratic just for the novelty of having it alongside Aristocratic, plus I never get to take it normally.

You don't -change- to revolutionary government. No one can. It happens as a result of a Disaster.
This makes sense, on the other hand. Thanks.

>start as ottomans
>form conver to greek&orthorox
>form byzatium
>convert to saxon&protestant
>form prussia

The Pope -can't- change his government. Under any circumstances.

And you can easily manipulate revolutions. I just did it. Also, what mil idea should I take?

Even without the trade routes it's insane to have this many CB's at the start.

Sure you don't have access to catholic mercs but you don't need them when everyone has fort level 3 castles and max levies of 200.


You want to see abundance of CBs? Start at the earliest date as the ERE. Holy War Antioch. Usurp Antioch. Now war the 5 independent counts that just got released, in addition to ALL OF NORTH AFRICA.
Sail back to Greece just in time to put down the revolt.

I know you can easily manipulate it.

Still, you don't "change" to it. You can only change manually between stuff like despotic monarchy and administrative monarchy, there's a Change Government button.

Take Defensive unless your Military Tradition plateau is already at 100.

My Mil traditions were at 100 but they are dropping now that I'm no longer Prussian Monarchy

Mayo in Texas when?

Does immigration every cause a minority significant enough to cause unrest? I don't think I've ever had more than 1% from random immigration.


Fuck that. Starting as anything but a count is boring.

If you mismanage things you can collapse your empire which is pretty fun.

Grand Strategy General?
More like Grand Autism General

>is on an utterly autistic website
>complains that one general, in one board in autistic


tell me what happened in the MP

It's because of the lak of new games/mods. Only the autists and a few people have remained.
If only we had East vs West, a good HOI4, a new dlc for vicky which fixes end game combat, etc..

Look in the last thread.

What do you not like about end game combat other than it taking fucking 100 days per battle

Reminder to NOT abandon Germania. I will bring a strong and prosperous Europe for all.

I want to to join the next game, but I worry that my brazilian internet will fuck the game for everyone

To be more like DH. To have actual fronts so the great war actually feels like the great war. Like dug in armies are impossible to defeat unless you have airplanes and decent tanks. But dug in armies should have some attrition if the opponent has artillary because of bombardments. That armies go through the transition of supplying themselfs in the field to requiring supply lines.

Furthermore submarines and mines would be nice too but that would require to create a trade lane system.

>To be more like DH.
Doomstacking and small map? DH combat is fucking shit

r8 plans

can you just tell me

The WWI senario is far better than vicky II attempt.

The WW1 scenario is fucking shit and fails to represent WW1
So it's the same shit

>game focused in war with a special scenario for the great war represents the great war better
wow, what a surprise
CK2 also does a better job at medieval times than DH


>filthy bhutanese traitors
Tufan shall smile at me when we conquer them.

Here these are some posts of last thread.

Warfare is one of the main pillars of vicky's mechanics at the start it is ok but the endgame could be changed to represent this more historical or in a more fun way.

>Warfare is one of the main pillars of vicky's mechanics
No, it isn't. Warfare is the pillar of HoI games.

update, got blob goals if i manage the empirical ones.

>vicky2 as Brazil
>Borders are so aesthetic I feel bad about blobbing into SA

I said one of the main pillars. Futhermore you have diplomacy but this is too shallow in vicky II because you can't trade provinces peacefully.
Politics is also quite shallow because it is mainly event and election driven.
And finally the economy which in the endgame runs itself unless you're playing a tiny nation.
It is they interaction between all these systems and other countries that make it fun.
And as I have said before expansion of territory is mainly done through war you cannot refute that this is one of the main things to do in the game.
Sure you can pick a very small backward nation but that will result in sitting on your hands almost the entire game.

>MP with GR as the host

yea went about as badly as you'd expect

>there will never be a NWO-based Vic 2 mod about a dystopic islamic future in Europe

Fuck this

hi falseflagger

France was too passive in defending it's hegemony on the continent. France let Austria die and a few years after that Russia. Also the other powers did far too little to oppose germany.

Big Dog here. Sorry my internet went down and surprise surprise GR took A-L during that time. If you stop hosting at such a shitty timezone, I'll probably be less asleep to play tonight too and take back my yard.

Big Dog here and I was planning on shitting up Germany with a giant continental alliance. Didn't seem to work as my internet went out. I'm ready to fight the krauts though, just don't host at such a shitty timezone.

You're not Kojak, never forget this.

Nobody can be Kojak.

We will make this the great war when everyone is ready.

>I said one of the main pillars
No, it isn't. It's just there because it couldn't be left out. Vicky pillars is the interaction between economy, pops and politics.

I mean you can't just take a wrestler as your internet persona, It's been done.

What's US player doing?

So if you concur that war cannot be left out then you agree that it should be given a bigger role or alternatively the other systems should be more fleshed out.

Did does not change the fact the the game would be more historical if the system of warfare in the great war period would indeed would produce deadlocks.

Monroeing and taking parts of africa right before the end.

... that's quite boring

Would Vanilla CK2's or HIP's country colors make for a better EU4 mod?

please read my post and pretend like it was just in this thread I posted it without knowing there was a new thread

HIP for sure.

>So if you concur that war cannot be left out then you agree that it should be given a bigger role
No you drooling retard, you said it's one of the pillars of the game. It isn't. That's all I'm saying. War is a pillar of games focused in war. Like HoI games.

Guys, I think I may very well be retarded.

I've played Hearts of Iron and Crusader Kings for a few years now and I've started trying to get into Europa Universalis 4, only to find I can't do jack shit.

From a 1444 start as Poland, your first move should be to fight the Teutonic Order, right? So how the hell is that possible, when they immediately ally with Hungary and Denmark, so by the time I'm actually ABLE to go to war with them, I am surrounded and out-numbered two to one, even WITH Lithuania helping me out?

Is there some secret here I don't know? Some strategy I'm not getting? Or am I literally subhuman scum who should uninstall and stop spending his money on this waste of time and effort?

>Israel :^)

ye eha w

present time mods using liqqy 2 as base are the ultimate cancer

dumbest shit ever

Why don't you triy allied with Hungary, Austria and Bohemia?


This is exactly the problem. People so set in their ways/ opinions who won't even contemplate a different point of view/opinion thus barring all discussion.

Oh and Sweden too. They will break out from Danes PU sooner or later and they will be a good allied against Muscovy.

vic2 constitutional monarchy multicultural ottoman run (using decision to accept albanians, bosniaks, egyptians, mashriqis)

what should the borders be? I want persia as a puppet at least but should I annex it instead? should I blob a bit into central asia if I annex them? what about the caucasus? I like the idea of owning the circassians but I think being on the modern day russia border is enough. should I have any african colonies? ethiopia and somalia I know I want but should I have like nigeria as well? connect it through land to sudan? what are the limits to my blobbing?


Is there a map mode or something where I can view golden ages? I was going to declare war on Ming with 0 mandate of heaven as Manchu but..... I would rather wait until their golden age is over. Is there a way I could check when it ends?

guys I found out an epic strategy

when you start a new liq game and immediately fabricate a CB on someone and get infamy, then just quit the game without saving and start a new game and do it again and again until you don't get any infamy

it's not cheating because it's not savescumming. you start a whole new game each time.

>what should the borders be?
Vienna to Tangiers

t. GreenFors

How did you achieve this?
Also any plans to suceed a western China without 10k rebels ecery other year?

I dont know who that is

I was just thinking of ways to conquer warri early without 15 infamy and I came up with this