>WWII ends
>the French immediately publicly humiliate, disenfranchise, imprison, or kill anybody who supported the Vichy government (including journalists), collaborated with the Germans, or even slept with a German
Thank God the evil Nazis were defeated, and a fair democracy with human rights and liberty was implemented!
WWII ends
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not about Nazis or democracy
It's about ethnic hatred that is older and stronger than both
They deserved it tbqhwyf
If only we did that to those Dixie cunts after the Civil War in 'Murrica.
Atleast the Vichy supporters didn't have to live and see Paris turn into this:
The French Resistance were a bunch of useless scumbags who stole the limelight from the Free French Forces.
>ww2 ends
>soviets occupy half of europe and turn it into an even further dilapidated shithole
ah yes the "liberation" of europe
There's literally no nation, democratic or not, that doesn't punish traitors.
Yes willingly sleeping with occupation troops and agents makes you a traitor.
Considering the krauts killed millions of people, bombed countless cities and commuted one of the worst genocides of the 20th centry, I thinks it's somewhat justified
Being a Nazi collaborator was the worst thing to be after being German in 1945.
>be average french postman
>collaberate with Vichy gov because they pay the bills
>Nazis get kicked out of your french hamlet
>suddenly able freely and publicly rape prositutes and single mothers who slept with germans
>get off scotchfree for sending your jewish neighbours to the gas chambers
Is there a race more fucking hypocritically evil than the French?
Yeah, every Frenchman collaborated with the Germans and then raped prostitutes and whores who slept with the enemy.
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British and Americans indiscriminate firebombs, not to mention post-war persecution and expulsions, caused the deaths of millions of civilians.
dude it isn't justified
its understandable.
They mostly picked on the women, plenty of soft and hard collaborators were forgotten about or even participated. France was politically divided, many in the hard right thought the invasion was a blessing in disguise, an opportunity to purge leftists, and there was a shameful level of cooperation with the Nazis in the deportation of Jews to the East. They were fetish tokens into which a nation's guilt was channeled.
Military reciprocity and besides, the Allies have shown admirable restrain.
>or even slept with a German
This one is really unfair when 90% of French women who slep with Germans occupiers were prostitutes, as only high officers were allowed sexual contact with regular local women
They were literally just doing their job ffs
They did the same thing in Holland but it was often just regular women who slept with Germans for material items and status.
Needless to say, I dont feel bad for roasties. Men who did similar things got jail time. They only got their head shaven.
>be French nationalist
>see your country oppressed by international Jewish bankers and terrorized their communist minions
>join a party to liberate your country from international Jewish bankers
>international Jewish banker use communists and police to assassinate your comrades
>Nazis liberate your country from international Jewish bankers, hand over non-strategic regions to French nationalist government, and promise to withdraw from strategic regions once war is over
>help them round up communists and Jews
>international Jewish banker-backed foreign military forces invade
>Nazis retreat
>get lynched by mob of international Jewish banker-backed communists for being a traitor to France
C'est la vie.
>killed millions of people
So did the Allies
>bombed countless cities
So did the Allies
>and commuted one of the worst genocides of the 20th centry
So did the Allies
Too little, collaborators and Germans should have been cleansed like Nazis did to the "undesirables". Perhaps then the little edgy naziboos would respect it instead of playing the victim.
>thinking anyone cares about warcrimes committed by the victors of any historical battle
>implying its bad
>Nazi Germany guts Warsaw, Rotterdam, Coventry, and most of southern England and fail in their aims due to lack of strategic air war capacity
>US and UK retaliate but are actually competent, destroy Hamburg and Dresden and contain their damage to either industrial or logistical hubs (Dresden was a logistical hub by 1945)
>"""muh allied warcrimes""""
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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
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>be woman collaborator
>get your head shaved or called a slut
>be male collaborator
>get shot
Women are whores and deserve everything they got.
This happened in every Nazi-occupied country during WW2. Yes, surprise surprise, people really hated Nazis that much.
Protip: describing all women as whores makes that word meaningless.
I fucking hate women.
John Green detected
They could have showed those people a better path. They failed.
>Ukrainians get liberated by Wehrmacht
>They cheerfully greet them
>They proceed to exact revenge on their jewish bolshevist torturers
>A lot of extrajudicial killings of kikes happen, Wehrmacht tries to stop them and maintain order
>Straightforward to 1944, red army comes back
>Wehrmacht retreats
>These same ukrainians now accuse the germans of these jewish murders which then gets used by soviet propaganda at nuremberg et al
Don't sleep with the Nazis NEXT TIME? Don't support totalitarian assholes? NEXT TIME?
You don't slap someone on the wrist when they commit a heinous act, you use them to set an example to the next group of people.
>ukrainians now howl about muh holomodor all day.
go back to /pol/
>They cheerfully greet them
Vast majority of Ukies fought against Nazis and for good reasons. And you have to go back.
How much of a cuck do you have to be to see something wrong with that?
>promise to withdraw from strategic regions once war is over
lol no
They annexed Alsace Lorraine and were preparing another huge chunk of Eastern France for annexation by deporting French people and colonising it with Germans.
You side with the enemy you're a traitor, simple as that.
>nazis destroy Europe
>war ends
>omg why is europe so shit, fucking soviets baka
every time
>Living in a country that could be defeted by a country so pathetic as Germany
Top kek
Start shit get hit
Commies are the same scum as Nazis.
You should all be culled.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a war crime if not a crime against humanity
this is a normal opinion in any civilized country with a respectable culture (not bidet-less murricans oc)
Nah m8 they deserved it.
All of that was justified. Your point?
good bait i rate it 9/11
same happened all over europe, it was far worse for the volksdeutschers, lots of italians got screwed, but all local colaborators and minorities from axis nations got fucked
same thing happens after basicaly every major war, same thing happened after the napoleonic wars, after ww1, after any war you can think of
one of the basic things you never do when fighting a war is lose, anithing else is fine, as long as you dont lose the fucking war
well, them fuckers lost the war
you did tho, and you fucked them up for generations to come with decades of agressive goverment imposed financial and economic policies that favoured northern banks and companies and screwed the local people up as much as they could
>be a French civil servant in 1940
>your country is invaded by Germans
>a war hero decides to compromise with the invading forces in order to preserve French lives
>you work for the new French government and do your best to preserve French autonomy in a chaotic situation
>U.S. Army invades France and drives the Germans out
>a bunch of communists who spend the whole 5 years in the hills and who didn't even started opposing German occupation until 23 June, 1941, capture you and kill you "treason"
>your death never enter the historical records and your murderers are hailed as national heroes
Good riddance
people who tell you its better to lube up rather than fight subvert the resistance
it continuously suprises me how highly you people esteem the human species, considering violence and stupidity as anithing other than normal, or is it simply that you all use every minute piece of historical information to attempt to troll each other
If anything, let the soviets in on the game or even just continuing the bombings would've been bigger crimes.
Nukes meant less total casualties.
>Hillcommies are fighters
>People trying to mantain some autonomy instead of turning your nation into a barren wasteland before your allies even arrive are devils
Yop yek
Vichys were literal right wing cucks for the Germans to manipulate. Any true French nationalist would have necked them. Also
>Implying the Vichy French dindu nuffin
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Be cuck
get struck
>Replacing Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité for that shitty excuse of a motto
They deserved it tbqh
>live under kroat occupation for 4 years
>have your women raped and your men shipped to work in Germany in order to further the war effort against those of your allies not under occupation
>french citizens of jewish origins are shipped away to far flung camps for autistic reasons
>lol dudes y r france such a dick 2 nazi sympathizers after the war??/ Xdd
Tbh the allies made a huge mistake by not eliminating the German people after world wars one and two
>/pol/ is sore losers about their thousnad year reich only lasting twelve years
I laff everytime
>it continuously suprises me how highly you people esteem the human species, considering violence and stupidity as anithing other than normal, or is it simply that you all use every minute piece of historical information to attempt to troll each other
WWI Germans did nothing wrong and didn't deserve the shit they got for it. WWII Germans can fuck off for the most part, but WWI was the allies fault.
>Base your entire ideology on dominating weaker groups
>Lose the only war you ever fought
Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia for something Serbia didn't have a direct role under. The Germans also wanted to have a war. Read up about the July Crisis and educate yourself.
>ah yes the "liberation" of europe
>Germans and Austro Hungarians were the ones who wanted war
What about the French and Russians who jumped at the first opportunity to fight? Not saying the Germans were completely innocent, just that they weren't on the side that shit the Archduke and started the whole mess
>we was gud boys
>y u no let us annex serbia?
fuck off with this aryan dindu-ism
literally further proof that germans have no place in this world
Russia didn't want to fight because they knew they weren't ready until 1917 and pressured Serbia into fulfilling Austria's ultimatum whilst also asking Austria into extending the ultimatum timeline. France agreeably was butthurt about 1871 though and wanted round 2 with Germany.
>implying i'm germane just because I don't think that Germans were the ones who were at fault for the great war
Keep reading that Anglo propaganda chap
>What about the French and Russians who jumped at the first opportunity to fight?
What else should they do? Watch the Germans while they cut the salami?
but its true, this is Veeky Forums, where history is supposedly discussed, history being literaly a endless compilation of records on human behavior, from which we can see that there are certain obvious repetitive paterns, typical for humans in all time periods and across cultures, and just as 80% of the internet is porn and bullshit, just so 80% of known history, not counting day in and day out toil and boredom, is pretty much violence death and destruction, spiced up by massive loads of helpless stupidity, and this repeats itself over and over and over again, yet as if this wasnt a history board, every fucking day someone opens up a new thread in which the question is posed on how come those particular people did those particular things to those particular people, as if history itself does not teach us that thats precisely what people do in those situations and have almost never ever done othervise
>implying that you being German has any bearing on my argument
heh, nothing personal kid
Ya no shit people are selfish awful cunts. The reason I'm responding to you is that you're being a faggot about it. The way you write make it seem like you're trying to be all high and mighty about the fact that you know humans are shit. You're being a massive fedora autist because you don't get that everyone on this fucking board understands that humans are shit, and you think you need to enlighten us.
>implying you have an argument
but then why do you question this? after wwII people took revenge on colaborators or alledged collaborators, when you push a glass over the edge of a table it falls and breaks, dogs bark, 2 + 2 make 4
Nobody is questioning anything
This thread exists so some /pol/ack can pretend the nazis dindu nuffin and the allies were the bad guys.
>Yea those Nazis were fucking awful
>We really should've been more like them
yet another shitty WWII thread to hide
>What about the French and Russians who jumped at the first opportunity to fight?
They didn't at all.
>France agreeably was butthurt about 1871 though and wanted round 2 with Germany
Revanchism was basically a meme by 1914. The French definitely did not want war, as they realized they would probably have to take the brunt of it, and did what they could to avoid it.
>right wing
Many of top collaborators them were former leftists, pacifist, socialists and even part of anti-racist organizations of the 1930s.
Just check the carriers of people like Laval, Drieu, Doriot and many others.
That doesn't mean anything. People's political views change over time. Mussolini started out as a socialist too.
Germany got its dick cut off after WWII when Prussia ceased to exist.
I still remember that scene in Band of Brothers where that shaven Dutchwoman is cradling her half-German son.
I feel truly awful for the kids born between trysts with local women and German soldiers. They didn't ask to be born and it sickens me how they were treated.
So should every nationality whose ancestors contributed in horrific atrocities be wiped out? Commit genocide against the Mongols, Spanish, English, etc.?
My god
>being too much of a pussy to kill Germans
>later shave your women for sleeping with them
just pathetic
One of the few times in history France was absolutely pathetic.
We in Yugoslavia were a small country, but we resisted so much, and killed many many Germans.
This. They were too fucking scared to join the resistance but they had enough balls to mob women.
Truly brave souls.
My god, it's become New York.
Meek shall inherit the Earth
>Far right
They were centrist, far right are reactionary, stop eating far-left propaganda.
>there are literally people who believe that equality is possible or that liberty is inherently desirable
IT'S 2016!!!
>fashits are centrists
nice meme friend
>WWI Germans did nothing wrong
They effectively turned a local conflict into a world war and they killed more civilians than anyone else except turks
>and didn't deserve the shit they got for it.
What shit?
They got a few reparations for the destruction they caused in Belgium and France (and not for having started the war like some believe), reparations which were cancelled as soon as the global economical crisis (which wasnt spawned by Versailles like some tards believe) called the "Great Depression" reached them.
They got shat on way harder after WW2 (country divided and neverending US military occupation) despite not having started the war this time
>Inade poland
>Not start the war
>didn't deserve the shit they got for it
Versailles was too mellow if anything