/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Luna SafeForWork Edition

By May 12th, if they have:
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Will Desert Rider ever be good?

post armpits

This is a sword thread, post sword girls.

I hope this wasn't the pic you were waiting to post.


Stop playing shadow.

kill me

Next expansion.

Why can't she be as good as her tits?

>tfw she was the first tog legendary I pulled
at least her emblem looks cute

Because then Rune would be unbeatable.

Minthe has fat tits

because her armpit pussies are superior

>one week to nerf

>one week
Why one week? Is that when the nip tourney ends?



hahahaha post the same 4 images over and over hahahahha

Using her and Tyrant in the recent JCG winning deck () is great. I've made too many bullshit comebacks last night.

hahahaha the same fucking complaints of shadow and dragon over and over hahahahha

Concede pls.


user are you ok

Just trade your zombies, bro.


I'm fairly sure that whatever the shadow nerf is, it'd need to hit aggro shadow harder than midrange.
The issue is that the card that everyone is bitching about, prince catacomb, only helps them against a dragon matchup. This and the phantom howl combo (which is fucking STANDARD) are all that separate it from other aggro decks in this meta. Aggro shadow is better off just playing rabbit necromancer on turn 3, but catacomb lets it survive salamander breath or a pulled Israfil.
It's a much more important card for midrange, which isn't nearly as overwhelming.

Thanks Rowen!

This is the state of runecraft in masters.
Should I give him a concede?

Concede please


Guess we won't get 8 packs.

Taking Luna to the beach!

We'll probably get 3 packs once they finally admit in a News entry that they fucked up the balance horribly and then listing what'll get nerfed and how.


>tfw I accidentally bm-ed him by missing lethal
He must think I'm an asshole now
Sorry runebro

Thanks friend

>The issue is that the card that everyone is bitching about, prince catacomb, only helps them against a dragon matchup.
It helps against every midshadow matchup because it essentially makes it so there is no way to do an early value trade against shadow. Once you get the Catacomb train rolling on turn 3, there's no way to stop it unless you're Haven.

Aggro Shadow, like all aggro decks, has always been dependent on their early draw and run out of steam pretty fast unless they nut. Until Catacomb that is.

Dear KMR,

you are

kill yourself shadownigger

No, he must learn to survive

I did. Go bother gbfg to drum up another 1k. It's not our fault kikegames killed themselves


>yfw they'll never nerf a legendary

Give the board 5 amulet only slots before they start to spill out onto the follower board or give us 15 slot boards. FREE MAH NIGGA HEAVY KNIGHT. FREE MYH CYBELE FAIRY BOARDS! FREE MAH BAT STOR

Fix your deck garbo. They didn't have a problem with mid shadow, why are you?

nerf dragon pls

Puffy priestess nipples.

Perfect. Although Yuichiro Sato was the one who said they were focusing on Shadow, and that his favorite card was Eachtar.

catacomb is disgustingly powerful and idiotically good but it's not the sole reason shadow decks rocketed to top tier
this expansion introduced STAPLE cards for shadow and dragon, cards that will be used in almost every variant of the deck.
shadow also got:
an on-stat 2/2 with an insanely good board control effect that is the perfect Necromancy effect to use your early shadows on
a perfect curve filler on turn 4 where midrange/aggro had no good 4 drop that is good for both board control and pushing damage, making use of your sticky minions
>Zombie Party
standard 2 cost 3 damage removal that Shadow was missing....but with an epic value factory enhance
just a disgusting fucking card because he's a finisher, flood, and boardclear in a single card provided you have the (easily acquired) shadows
With so many stupidly high-power staples introduced in the same expansion it's no wonder Shadow is close to unbeatable

Meanwhile Sword gets...Luminous Mage? Forest gets a couple good golds i guess?

>yfw they'll never buff mythril golem or fafnir


>6 winstreak against Shadow
Guess which card these guys failed to draw.

>and that his favorite card was Eachtar
Reminder to stop playing this game because even the devs are shadowniggers.

Their fault for going all in


I'm kinda having trouble winning against shadow with this deck in AA
How can I improve it? Are Wrath drakes worth teching in?


Adding dracomancer's rites to your deck increases your maximum deck size by 20 per copy of rites or shuffles discarded cards back into your deck in addition to its existing effect.
There, fixed everything.

Yeah but besides ZP and Eachtar, none of those are deserving of nerfs as hard as Catacomb.

Sword does need a 2pp versatile gold follower though. Practically every class has one.

>14 win streak on shadow

Fucc it i guess its time to switch as main deck

Kill yourselves, shadowniggers.

>tfw people vialed madame

That's the thing. Soulsquasher and Orthrus are both great cards but they aren't totally insane. It's just now Shadow has a stupidly efficient and optimized curve and a shitload of early reactive plays that allow them to steamroll their opponents thanks to all the new staples


How to obliterate a shadownigger with face dragon.

Soulsquasher punishing evolutions is one of the most infuriating mechanics ever printed in SV. I hope this mechanic doesn't spread to other classes because it would be a surefire way to kill their game.

You know what's funny? This basically only works with Sword because it's most interactive class to play against, Blood being a close second I guess.

minthe is unironically a good card
its a shame theres not much experimentation with her when more broken shit like eachtar and catacomb exist

Gunner maid, gelt, luminous knight, fearless banneret.
One of my favorite t5 tempo plays is white paladin and evo gunner maid

just you wait I'm doing my script to reach the 100k followers in twitter

People DO experiment with her, but it's simply bad because there's hardly any good synergies with her, there's turn 10 Minthe Tyrant and all, and that's a good start. There's no good low cost cards you can run alongside with minthe on turn 5 or 6.

Reminds me of the secret mechanic in HS except it's even more restricting because there are so few ways to play around this shit
That's what I mean by Shadow just steamrolling with early reactive plays

You don't need a script, but a botnet.





goblin zombie into minthe is actually really strong
while i agree there arent enough low cost synergies to go with her atm, i dont agree with the opinion people have that she's just a shitty goliath


good post


Yeah, but you can just take care of Catacomb and a ton of other cards get affected by association. Although I think there's a case to make against ZP and Eachtar.

She's not good enough to build a deck around her, but she's playable for sure.

This is the mental state of /svg/? Just a word and everyone start shitposting?

>a bad card into a bad card
wow am i supposed to be impressed?

I'm 3 days late but did we all see this?


That's not even shitposting man. The thread is better than usual.

If they have to buff a legendary I'm pretty sure vanilla Jeanne would be first in line.

Fuck, wrong link, ignore my stupidity: ign.com/articles/2017/05/08/how-shadowverse-became-a-major-player-in-the-ccg-genre

>3 days late
what timeline are you from



I'm disgusted at Zombie Party. Many classes can struggle to deal with 2 bodies in one turn. Spawning 3 bodies in one turn requires a board clear most of the time. When you compare ZP to cards like Whole-souled Swing and Sylvan Justice, you can really feel the powercreep. The 2PP removals are almost staples in any deck for any class, and putting such an Enhance effect on it is really powerful.

I never read this article though
>IGN: A lot of people say that control decks are more difficult to play, but I personally think there are strong arguments that aggro can be just as difficult. Is there going to be a place for aggro in this meta?

>Yuito Kimura: Not so much. The overall pace might be slower, but there will be some aggro decks that survive through it.


he's not really wrong, the only viable aggro deck is aggro shadow

I noticed that Forest and Sword are the only two classes without 2 pp 3 damage removal. Whole soul swing and sylvan justice aren't as good as zombie party, blackened scripture, salamander breath and hungering horde.
Most of the time you rather have the 1 extra damage than the knight/fairy, and this is ignoring the enhanced effects like value party and turn 6 clear the whole board.

>no saha

>IGN: We’ve seen the whole set now. Which cards, specifically, do you think are going to most shake up the meta?“

>Yuito Kimura: Definitely Blood Moon – it’ll shake up the meaning of Vengeance. I personally think it’s a little bit too strong. Another card is Captain Lecia from Swordcraft. She’s a fairly popular character in Rage of Bahamut and her ability is pretty strong, too. So yeah, those cards.

Fucck my sides

And memedealer blood.

Reminder that /svg/ said Shadow would have a 5% playrate in ToG, and Rune and Sword would still reign

well clearly /svg/ swapped those around, an honest mistake

>yeah, those cards

>brick miserably
>opponent shadownigger didn't redraw
LOL XD surely deserves master rank!!!