>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Embrace the dark you call a home
Snacki a cute
Ryoma a shit
Alfonse a best and canon.
Azura is shit
Shit song/10
First "Reddit" Dawn, then Cuckquest, and now Youtube. When will /feg/ hate Heroes?
Echoes won't be good or even interesting enough to divert much attention from discussion from Heroes.
Azura a best!
do your part
vote for Julia
Aren't they supposed to be?
Letting someone else move a second time is really strong, so the unit that does it is terrible to balance that out.
>le snaki xD
Why do people like this literal meme character?
Fuck off she's shit.
If Motherfucking Titania couldn't save green Cavs, then who can?
Maybe it'll get Alm playable in Smash Bros 5witch
at best Alm will be a Roy alt
>implying I don't hate it already
>shit meta
>lack of content
>scummy prices
>SI makes everyone just the same
Off the top of your head do any units need Glacies as their special?
I have way too many Felicia's and need to get rid of some of them.
Randomized classes and growths is one hell of a fucking drug.
I want to roll for bride Felicia.
>follow Mkv.'s strategy for Ursula Lunatic
>can't complete it with specified team
>my Kaptain Kanpeki (5*) is too strong even with downgraded equipment
>does too much damage to the red cavalry too early to where the armor teleports to him and fucks up the strategy
4 charge speed is wonky. I use Peri on my Peri because of her Killer Lance + dropping it to 3 and the fact her base res is pretty good.
Snacki would greatly appreciate your support
define 'save' because so far Titania is a great addition to Cecilia in the horses' "Fuck Reinhardt" club
Post some lewd pictures of her and I'll support her for the gauntlet
>Peri on my Peri
>Glacies on my Peri
Jesus fucking christ can someone shoot me in the head already
I got a 558 score for my defence, Though that's probably my only win this season, no-one should lose to my Olwen seeing how she's -spd, and doesn't hit hard enough in some circumstances even when fully buffed, I need to get Death Blow on her.
Reinhardt is personal friends with Eldigan and Xander, so he's covered on that front.
I guess there really is such a thing as too much perfection. Time to come up with your own strategy.
She's garbage
shhh you'll piss off the ledditfag who gets triggered at the sight of anyone not over 18.
Then there's this shit, even with ZERO usable tomes this fucker can facetank basically everything until weapons break which is far more viable than it seems
Roy is almost 20 because he blows everything up, whereas Lot is because he eats every fucking hit
>Still forcing this meme
Go back to r/fireemblem Cucktaniafag
Thiccest Shaman in the world
I want to roll for bride Hector
>Reddithardt defense force out in full force
Still cannot beat that stupid slut Ursula, even with a guide the faggot AI goes out of their way to fuck me up and acts completely different
Have you been leveling him up in the old FE healer fashion, just eating axes to the face?
>No NTR cheat allowing me to max out BP and VP because grinding for this shit is tedious
Why do /v/edditors and Redditors hate our guy Reinhardt so much, anyway?
Name one (1) non-reddit fire emblem character.
Danved and Devdan
who needs tomes when you have 5 sets of vulneraries
Are you trying to beat her with Ursula, clear with Ursula or just simply clear it? Also the AI obviously won't move like the guide if your levels and rarities are different.
Not an argument.
Well, technically I did use a Peri on my Peri so there's that.
You better remember it
Does any porn of her even exist?
>Not an argument.
Not an argument.
It has been a while and you're still shitflinging.
Post (You)s.
Lucina and Corrin because they hate them.
>struggled with Ursula on Lunatic with Ursula on the team
>simply changed up the strategy a bit and it became so fucking free
I really needed to have faith in Xander. He tanks everything on the map except Ursula but if I keep her away from him then he conquers the map.
Me on the top right, second from the top
Sanaki "Micaiah's sister" Altina!
None that I know of.
fuuuck whens 2x SP coming back, everything feels so slow now without it.
Hell the 1.5x exp doesn't even feel useful now that theres so little SP gain
Arthur does have decent/above average defenses in terms of being a Fighter.
Skill is also more influential in determining hit rate than Luck is too and it's not like blue units aren't common on Conquest.
Naked Devdan and Venom Danved
>Not Reddit
Nice meme
When the worst defense team you've made in a while gets 3 (You)'s in one day
Doing the female mage Focus
What will we get?
Reddit prefers Telliu, Elibe and Magvel to Juggy, though.
I usually don't get them until the end of the season. Wonder what happened.
Oboro, Sheena, Nino, Raigh and Felicia.
2 Julias, 1 Linde, 1 Sanaki and Takumi
Why is it that in every chapter Takumi shows up in Conquest, it ends up being a painful chapter.
A couple, none of it worth fapping to.
Titania and Ursula are both voiced by Misty Lee
>Both on Horses
>Both pretty cute
Misty has some good taste on who to voice.
His pineapple gives a stat boost to all the enemies
>knowing reddits taste
you all have to go back
>can't handle the Break-a-Bitch Brigade
>English VAs
Who cares.
Not only did I went full retard and did a full roll, I also did it with colorless in them. I should have stuck with sniping for Julia and Linde just like the last 8 or so banners. Full rolls never again.
>Also voices Camilla
You were saying?
Don't be fooled by his cute face user. He's obviously a slut.
>Has some good taste
I said that in case something trash like Camilla was also voiced by her.
Not an argument Azurafag
He's a summoner-sexual though.
What's wrong with Azura?
How's the new arena going for you lads?
I'm actually having more of an issue with Reina and Orochi actually.
Chapter 10 was "hard" but only because of the sheer number of shit takumi threw at you, along with them being able to crawl around everywhere with no choke points after a few turns, Oboro's deathsquad is a pain though.
>not promoting Felicia to 5* and actually using her as the ultimate mage killer
You're missing out.
Oh right user, you should list your prices on the blog itself, maybe you'll get some other people from outside of here interested.
Just saying since you sound like you need the orb money (lol
The B button is wearing out on my 3DS.
I'm doomed to commit to my actions, even the accidental ones(!)
I wonder if I should have just sniped too. Blue could've gotten me Linde and red could've gotten my Tharja. I don't really need any greens (unless by some miracle I get Hector). So instead I get this: I saw the summoning animation for Robin (odd how I get him even though I summoned for female mages) and thought maybe there'd be something but he's just a 4*. +Atk -Def too. I heard his claim to fame was being able to tank greys, which he can't really do if his defense is lower. Is he still usable?
Sounds like a really shitty fanfic.
This is your best friend, say something nice about her
Why haven't we gotten the 10 orbs yet?
I'm at least hoping it means he and Celica will be in Warriors