It is I, the King of Mycenae. Good fortune and greatness awaits you if you say "Glory to Mycenae" ITT.
P.S. - If you happen to be a butthurt Trojan, you will instead get misfortunes and ill omens upon you!
It is I, the King of Mycenae. Good fortune and greatness awaits you if you say "Glory to Mycenae" ITT.
P.S. - If you happen to be a butthurt Trojan, you will instead get misfortunes and ill omens upon you!
As the King, I shall start
Glory to Mycenae!
>Howdy my Hellenic servants. Check it out, I'm made of marble.
>T. Agamemnon
Glory to Mycenae
That's right, my fellow subject, it is good to kill Trojans (who happen to be the ancestors of Turks).
Never forget to kill Trojans! Always kill Trojans.
Yes I am indeed, made of marble. Do you fear me, subject? Well, fear not, for I am with you and always have been.
I am Greek I already have good luck.
trele mou!
Um, no, subject, you must say glory to Mycenae.. It's just, mandatory. Even if you are Greek.
((I'm actually only doing this to combat the Turkposter, he's a real faggot))
So yes. All glory to Mycenae!
Glory to Mycenae vote Golden Dawn
Hector did nothing wrong.
I sure will, Golden Dawn sure is better than alot of retarded political parties I've encountered to the east of me!
Get out, T*rk I mean Trojan, no Trojans allowed. Dirty Trojan.
this desu.
Paris was the reason Troy fell.
I would tell you to get ready to get cucked by my decendants, but i Guess egisto beated us to it :√)
T. Eneas
Holy fuck, the Trojan shills are out tonight.
Hey guys, what's going on here?
Even fucking Achilles (your superior in every way) relented and allowed Hector to buried with honor.
N-nothing, Hector, we're just having a little party.
But uhm, you're not invited. S-sorry.
>my superior
Obviously not, because he didn't even exist. Trojan shill.
Oh, you're so butthurt that you're denying the existence of the man who saved your offensive as it was being crushed pathetically by the Trojans and their allies?
Agamemnon is a based name.
Sorry but, I did all the work by myself as leader of the Greeks.
There's no evidence that this "man" even existed. Look, it even says here.
Of course there's evidence. The Illiad said he exists.
Look man, I didn't want to go to war. War sucks and kills my mellow, but I have to protect my family and stuff, even my prissy queen of a brother.
If you're worried about me bringing Paris to the party, you should know we don't even invite him to our own parties.
I always thought that epic was a bit of a drag..
>trying to erase Achilles from history
>the man that helped you win this war
>the Illiad
You don't honestly believe the works of a helpless blind man, do you?
Pfffft, you're going to have give more sources than that "historian"!
>I always thought that epic was a bit of a drag..
It had its high points.
>You don't honestly believe the works of a helpless blind man, do you?
You're going to try and cast doubt on a work so significant that Socrates himself would reference it in his apology? Next you'll be claiming that the gods do nothing, and that we ought not make our sacrifices. After all, what evidence is there that Zeus, son of Kronos rules over the gods in benevolence and strength?
I thought better of such a great king.
Seriously, who's this Achilles guy? I've honestly never heard of him. Why do we keep bringing up? Lol. Look let's just have more wine and forget about it, subjects.
I know, 'twas a misfortune you had to get killed and we played with your corpse for awhile. Really sorry about that but you're still invited to my party.
N-not invited, rather. Sorry, I'm a bit too flustered on the wine right now.
>I thought better of such a great king
Please, if that's the only source you have of this "Achilles" person, then it's probably some sort of Trojan propaganda challenging my rule.. And so I would have to ask you to stop with this heinous story.
Glory to Mycenae!
Death to Agamemnon!
>most scholars agree
aaaay lmao
they most certainly do not. the only thing they agree on is that they have no proof about anything and that its literally
Wow, first you siege my city, pillage it, rape and enslave my wife, throw my son off a cliff, and end the entire Trojan civilization... Now you refuse to invite me to a your party?
Exactly the kind of rude cowardice I'd expect from a guy who can't take a shot to his ego and has to steal a slave girl as revenge and whose best warrior was a divine whiny emo kid who needed help from his seacow of a mother over every little thing.
Fuck you at least I died honorably on the battlefield (face to face with a GOD) and not in the bathtub with my rubber duckies by a whore bitch. By the way, how'd it feel to know your wife got dicked by a dude while you were still alive? At least I was dead before my wife got disgraced.
I bet your party is lame as hell, Mycenaean scum.
That is very rude. I invite you to my party, and you support this non-existent man?!
Such flummery!
You stole my waifu, stupid chad.
I'm telling mom.
Y-you'll be sorry.
>died honorably on the battlefield
Well, atleast I lived.
>my wife
Oh I have hundreds of those, mistresses rather. A king can have anything he wants, you know!
>bet your party is lame
No, it's really quite good. Too bad you can't attend it, Trojan faggot.
B-but, those opinions matter!
Why is somebody named nobody talking to me, must be some mythological non-existent figure or something.
Glory to Mycenae!
>A king can have anything he wants, you know!
except a loyal mistress who won't cut your throat while you wash your (tiny) balls. And the respect and loyalty of your men. Achilles got all of that.
And winning the war without Achilles. Remember when we were about to burn your all shite lincoln log ships (and how we did burn a few) and you were about to be FUCKED and then you had to go cry to Achilles and hope that Papa Achilles accepts your apology & gifts so he can save your ass? Remember all that?
You're probably scared of everyone at your party adoring ME instead of your old & weak ass.
Wait a minute, if Achilles wasn't real, you weren't either. So how the FUCK are you talking to me?!
Leave me alone you spook.
Why is Agamemnon talking about the Delian League?
Because the Oracle gave me knowledge of the future, of course!
Through a blind dude, mostly.
Glory to Mycanae
Oh great king, a female whom i held close to me has been seduced away while in military service, should i attempt to take her back by force, destroying the civilization that protects seduction as a means of acquiring a female, instead of allowing force and ancient tradition to dictate whom a female marries?
Gosh, I really wish Homer didn't write about those other "folks". I mean, I was the only one who actually did the siege, not "them".
He should've wrote more about me, it's all about me, historically that is.
Don't know why he would write about imaginary fairy tale people tbqh.
Yes, my subject, destroying the civilization is the best choice as it heightens the feeling of power one should have to make them happy.
You want to feel happy, don't you?
>wage pointless expensive war against Troy
>lost more than gained
>I'm actually only doing this to combat the Turkposter, he's a real faggot
he's a k*rd, google "blatta" which is part of his tripname
HAHA it was me bro, all along!! If you're okay with it, then you dont mind if you accompany me again to get Helen back a second time right?
That's a Trojan lie, after the War was over we sacked the city. You don't know anything about politics, don't you, foreigner?
You're probably a stinking barbarian from the North or even worse.. A Trojan spy propagandist!
So why does he like Turkey so much?
>making pointless threads to stir hatred for anyone even attempting to talk about Turkey and it's history while generally fueling the /pol/-consensus
You have a odd notion of liking something, friend.
Uh, I don't know Menelaus. Some imaginary figure named Hector was kind of mean to me and he really let my spirits down for waging war.
But I guess we can do it again just for old times sake. Why are we saving Helen again? Sorry the wine makes me a little fuzzy at times.
She was seduced again by another foreign prince by the name of Chaddius Thundercockmon.
I really gotta stop having foreign princes over...
>implying this is a pointless thread
>implying there's no such thing as "posting alot about the same subject that it becomes old and annoying"
>implying I can't create a response historically to my contemporary
i never impliy this was a pointless thread, i was talking about the ones he and the other "turkposters" make. i actually find this thread funny.
also, this has been going on for a while now google "periplaneta" which is the last part of this "turkposters" trip in picture
Oh okay, well, if she liked him better than you but had still fallen for that Chad cock then I guess I can help you out, brother.
A shame Trojan scum Chads like him get all the beautiful girls but we can't. I'm really pissed off about that.
And it's totally not pathetic to fight over a woman, isn't it, Menelaus?
Ah, so it's just a Trojan troll infiltrating my beloved kingdom of Veeky Forums, how interesting.