Comfy edition
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First for elf rape.
Modanon here, posting mods here as usual
If you spot any bugs or have any ideas on what to add/change in one of my mods please reply on this post, i havent gotten much feedback on any of them and i'd love to get some.
PS:I'll get around to making everyone's mods i promise pls dont hit me
Where the fuck are my dwarves going
Why are they just waltzing into the caverns with "no job"
Do you have enough meeting areas ?
They are just wandering IIRC.
These violent delights have violent ends.
I have a tavern, a temple, and a library. What the fuck else do I need
I bet you guys don't ever get to taste the spices of life ever
Look no further than here
This wonderful vial contains Mystery X a brand new concoction of taste enhancer
Just pour it into your water cistern and booze supplies and taste the difference
Completely harmless, order now and receive the popular Skull Cup as a preorder bonus
You cant fool me creature of the night, i know your tricks!
So uh, there's a huuuuuuuge siege going on right now but I've been able to retract my bridge with minimal losses.
I'm watching a massive goblin army consume any visitors.
Do they eventually fuck off or do I have to man up?
They leave after some time
might take a year or two
elven pucci (male)
Whoops, that was supposed to have a hydra skull goblet in it.
Do werebeasts transmit their curse if their bite gets deflected by armor but they latch and shake around the body part, doing some minor damage?
Also how do i deal with the victims of the attacks?
Do i just lock them up in a room without food or drink?
Don't those traps block caravan wagons?
>5x5 freezing tundra embark
>4x5 is ocean
>volcano in the middle of the ocean
>east 1x5 is a clear, straight strip of land
Holy shit, its beyond comfy
What happens if you drink from the hydra skull goblet inside hydra skull goblet that is inside another hydra skull goblet that is inside a human skull goblet that would be inside an ettin skull goblet that is in a yeti skull goblet that is on your right hand?
Jesus fucking christ, opening up the caverns was a clusterfuck. Lost one of my legendary miners trying to do it (and a second one), and they're STILL reanimating.
Forgot picture
link is an elf tho
he's hylian
ganon is more human than he is
The only traps that block anything are the ones online you try to message
just kidding m8, traps dont block merchants though.
>dragon master
Explain further
What happened user?
Friendly reminder that DF elves are cannibal hippies that will cut off your dick as a trophy
No, he's right. They block wagons.
blatant lies spread by jelly dwarfs
Elfs are noble and graceful people with good manners
Since when? Ive had traders go trough my cage traps just fine while playing.
I decided it was time to start exploring the caverns, so I had my military on standby. Unfortunately, after my miners dug an entrance they too decided it was time to start exploring the caverns, and promptly got eviscerated by the dozens of zombies running around. I have a hospital KIND OF set up, so at least my wounded can recover, but I had to put my dwarves on permanent burrow status to keep them from running off into the hellhole.
I don't know if there's any way I can ever get this cavern safe enough for civilians, honestly.
Cecica Uyira?
With wagons or just animals?
What's this then?
They all unpack inside you and you kersplode.
Give dragons [INTELLIGENT] and [POWER] and they take over sites, a human site they act like a deity, gob sites they just go "RAWR IMMA DRAGON BITCH, LOOK AT ME, I AM THE MASTER NOW" basically.
Not with wagons you haven't. I've got cage traps that the merchants walk through and a wagon only entrance that they use.
Fug, i thought trader animals were the wagons. my bad.
Elliot Rodger has reincarnated as one of my dwarves.
Give him a hug:
Does anyone use a lot of circle shapes in their fort designs? I'm moving on from rectangles, and I'm curious if anyone has done something with creating rooms out of concentric circles or intertwining two circle-esque shapes like a ying yang?
I haven't been fully pleased with my foray into the round world.
The ying yang was going to be bottom half dining hall, upper half recreational area. The smaller circles were going to house industry of some kind.
Negative, sir. I want this dwarf to stay as angry and frustrated as possible.
Has he went berserk and shot a bunch of your dwarves (especially the tall, blonde attractive ones) with a crossbow yet?
>Give dragons [INTELLIGENT] and [POWER] and they take over sites, a human site they act like a deity
Can you do this with any creature?
Nah, he's had plenty of outlets for his smoldering rage. Also, he's an adamantine shortsword kind of guy.
Hello, trying to get back in before the next update. Was a while since I last played. Is Lazy noob pack/starter pack still kill?
Did the uh, i ching boxes(?) in the yinyang.
Basically yeah.
Unecessary but yes it works fine.
sed s/did/dig
Quarantine everyone you think might have it in a separate area. Maybe separate out the minor injuries if you think they could be ok.
You can't starve them since they'll regen beforehand.
But it's not on fire.
you have determination user!
I love you
I have successfully occupied the upper caverns with my gorilla squads
We now prepare to to go deeper once the miners clear a beachhead
The gorillas have taken many casualty but our gorilla factories are running day and night to make up for the losses
Are you saying the only thing you've done is the designs around the staircases in the ying yang?
I enjoy hearing about your gorilla squads. Continue posting, sir.
No, I was saying I dig the designs around the staircases, they're hip, daddy-o, you hep-cat.
Post screens.
I can't see what you would be fighting underground, and honestly, I think you're lying.
Would you care if I put your link in the OP/in the mod list?
thanks, you're the ginchiest
>decide to have a giant tiger fight three goblins
>find it entertaining
>decide to see how the tiger is doing after it savaged all the goblins
>immediately begin to feel bad as I look at how wounded it is
I shouldn't even have survived.
Did you disarm the goblins beforehand?
Nah, I think it's more sporting for them to keep their weapons.
I didn't check what they had though, each was armed with a crossbow so they managed to get some bolts in.
One of the goblins is actually still alive, but he's horribly mangled and over-exerted. Meanwhile my giant tiger has fallen unconsious.
That explains it.
If they had had melee weapons, that giant tiger would have been dead.
Giant animals are surprisingly weak in combat, especially against multiple opponents.
Huh, I thought crossbows were better. I suppose they were using them as blunt instruments most of the time.
Anyway, what's left is a crippled goblin biting and wrestling an unconscious giant tiger.
Okay, I give up. Evil caverns are a hellhole and there isn't really anything that can be done to explore them properly. At least I know where all the layers are so I can dig past them and get right to the magma sea.
>Evil Magma Sea
Yeahh that
I have a toaster that is a little better than a ps3 in performance how quickly will I tank my fps playing the game?
I mean, I need to get magma SOMEHOW. I can't keep relying on charcoal to get me by.
Thank you very much user, you really brighten up my day.
It'd make me very happy if you could do that, you should ask the guy who made the 6 civilizations mod aswell if he pops up here. He seems very into his mod.
>you really brighten up my day.
It may be the alcohol making me a bit emotional, but I hope you have good times dude
We may not know eacother personally, but I genuinely want you to be happy, and use your time for the best
We should all just treat eachother better, imo
most problems would just go away
There is not a single fps profile in DF. It depends on many factors: how many actors your world has, how big your fortress area is, how many creatures there are in your fortress, and so on.
The main bottleneck of DF is CPU single core performance, and ram speed/latency (not amount of ram, except for the world generation in the beginning).
It's free, try it out and see if it works.
If you take a little time to prepare beforehand you don't gotta kill your fps.
Smaller world, shorter history, i.e. don't go for a 257x257 with 1000 years.
Cap your population lower and get used to working with 50 or 60 dorfs, you can always raise it up later if your shitbox works fine.
Would it be possible for your fort to live like hobbits and not get horribly killed?
As in, focus on farming and nice living, little focus on military beyond a crude militia.
Have you even played the game before? Of course you can, who cares what anyone thinks just play the game however the fuck you want.
Multi Threading
is never happening
>gorilla factories
actually in 20 years
How do I get all my scholars to start writing shit? Currently, only one of them is writing everything
>elf factories
They need inspirations and deadlines
Doable. If you don't generate much wealth you won't get invaded as much.
Probably gonna need some sort of shenanigans to deal with night creatures, though.
>still cant create dwarves with in depth appearance and personality options
>cant send these dwarves to friends to include in their forts
what is this shit
You kinda can, but that sounds terrible.
there's an user here working on actual hobbits so it may be a good idea to wait
Imagine how cool the taverns will be now that they become visited by entire adventuring parties, instead of just lone travellers.
Absolutely. Joyous wilds are your friend, optimally surrounded by mountains and with no access to a saltwater ocean. I had a fort like that for a while, very comfy.
user compared to what we had in 34. this is a total overhaul m8,just make a human & send him toward your fortress he'll make friends soon enough with your alcoholics
>Imagine how cool the taverns will be now that they become visited by entire adventuring parties, instead of just lone travellers.
Iv been out of the loop since I havnt played for a couple months, but this sounds like a very fun change
Essentially, we're finally getting those find the item quests we've been missing out on all along, but since this is DF, we also get every thinkable game mechanic to go with it.
We'll get worldgen artifacts, quests to retrieve those artifacts, but also rivalling adventuring parties who you need to race against.
In fort mode, we finally get the ability to raid other sites, and bring back any artifacts wefind there, although there will be a lot of more depth to it.
Any ETA on myth and magic updates?
Anom is using tamed gorrilas as an army
r8 these pops
End of the year will see the current release (artifacts, groundwork for sending out armies, etc). After that, 2 - 3 years of development for myth and magic.
So, 2020.
Too diverse
stop spreading misinfo, weƤ'll have the artifacts this summer
if we're optimistic about it, yes. In the worst case, we'll have it at the end of the year.
toady sounded pretty confident that the "myth's & magic" will come along soon after the current update hits keep in mind he's been working on both the artifacts release features & the magic stuff at the same time
God i hate this game so much
>Joyous wilds are your friend
Why's that? I've never settled in anything but a bog standard wilderness.
I'm still kind of new to the game, but for my hobbiton fort I might try and get into using burrows a lot, I like the idea of each dwarf having his own farm that he tends to, and his own food storage that he eats from, rather than a big collective thing.
>will come along soon after the current update hits
Well of course it will come along, development will start immediately after the bugfixing period. It will still take two or three years. At the very minimum one year.
Of course it's possible that things change, but looking at the past update history and planned features I have no reason to believe that the myth/magic release will be any different than the last 10 years of development.
On a scale from zero to negative infinity how fucked am I