/elyg/ - Elysium General

/elyg/ - Elysium General

>Server Homepage

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/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder)


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I love ERP with my BOYFRIEND Dale!! I just wish he was in my bed so we could do it forreal ;~;

I wish I could stack crit as healer instead of int

2nd for
Honorable mention to the cute animes of /a/nathema~

>Artie [Officer chat]: MINE MINE MINE!!! ARTIE WATNS A SECOND AXE!!!!
>Officer1 [Officer chat]: are you sure the other warriors are ok with this?
>Artie [Officer chat]: YES GIVE ME THE AXE! I AM CL I DESERVE IT!

dont try to join Chimaera! they're mean bullies who will never raid AQ!

I wish Madtii would choke me with her thighs...

I wish people like you would die of rectal cancer


Madti is zethbull property.

So am I though

Redpill me on Hitagi.

>Artie (gnome) helping Dads (human) who is farming ironfoe in brd
>Artie: pass me lead for marks
>Ironfoe finally drops

>b-but artie you said I could have it, i'm human, this is what we were farming for right
>y-you said you didn't want it, you have two deathbringers remember?
>artie please, I have blue weapons, this would be really good for me
>Dads has left the group

Isn't he just an anonymous hunter in MoH? I don't think I've seen much from him. Why do you keep asking about a redpill on him?

You people deserve to die

Demo or afflic for lock leveling?


Artie is out of control.


your pet is going to start losing aggro at like level 30 nomatter if you're affliction or demo so you might as well choose affliction to do real damage

i'd like to know this as well, in addition would love warlock wpvp tips while leveling.
I keep thinking the demo and destro talents look so cool but i'm sure i'm an idiot.
Additional question to piggyback: is tailoring a must?

thank you for your time and consideration

Where do I go to find slut nelfs to erp with?

not here, fuck off

Zeth has all the cuties except the animes

Destro is a legitimately fun and cool spec, but like Fire mages it's hard to raid with and much more PvP oriented, so much warlocks just end up going the boring SM/Ruin or Sac builds at 60.

Demo (or at least Soul Link) is a meme and pretty much just dooms you to only anchor bases in PvP while autowining duels against mortal classes in exchange for dooming your raiding prospects.

Do they actually erp or is it just a meme?

Ass requested~

there's nobody in zeth playing, two or one people shitpost here because they are so lonely

I know that's a lie though


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Plenty of people do.
Late delivery but thanks. I'll message you sometime.

This. Voidwalkers are just fucking useless and sad. Can barely hold sny threat.

T. A guy who rushed imp vw at level 17

Sit on my face please.


>Agility +25


oh, its you...

Be my friend

maybe if you werent on anathema

>tauren hunter

If im bored at 16 should I roll a different class or am I just not autistic enough for vanilla? Does anybody want to play with me?

What class are you? And a leveling partner does help to motivate yeah, makes stuff more bearable as some classes like warrior.

Feral druid. Done a couple levels through the barrens and I just don't feel like it anymore.

You don't even have cat form yet dude, just stick it out till 20. Or go level in silverpine, it's less efficient than barrens but there are less people there and you don't have to stay there till 25.

If you're looking to play feral endgame, it's not viable. You'll have to go resto.
I think druid gets cat form at 20 though, so could level until there and then decide

Yeah but he can go resto/feral split hybrid and still heal well and be able to dps or tank dungeons if he wants.

And once his guild is done progression entirely, they can slap a kitty in a group of 4 warriors/rogues to boost their dps dramatically if they want to pad meters / rank on realmplayers.

"Viable" is a pretty silly thing to worry too much about considering we won't even see ZG for a while / all of the released content will be on farm by the time he's at 60 no matter the server.

Feral and boomkin are more viable than shadow priest, ret pally, any dps shaman, etc though

> tailoring and alchemy to 300
>xmute and mooncloth cooldowns already down

Are there any other welfare check professions I can get? I heard refined deeprock salt has a cd or some shit so do I get engineering next?

>tailoring and alch both has CDs on moneymaker crafts

>refined deeprock salt has a CD so I don't want to go that



No I want engineering

I just have never had it to any level of note so I don't even know what refined drs is for

>these unviable specs are more viable than these unviable specs
great point

anyone know why I can't start this quest? db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=3981

I have the required level, and I just did Disharmony of Flame, I haven't done Disharmony of Fire though but it says that isn't a requirement.

Refined deeprock salt is made by lw's with the item engi makes

Luthien stop with these shitty OPs you tranny obsessed loser

Shadow priest is a real specc the others that u listed aren't (unless u are talking about bear feral in that case it's ok)

I did mean bear feral

Shadow isn't useable until debuff limit is doubled right?

Yes but after that its a dps increase to have 1 of them in the raid

What's more fun in pvp/soloing? Warlock or Hunter?

Why do you guys orbit femboys like Hopestar and Javel anyway?

Some of us just want to level in peace without orbiters.

>ywn experience teenage love
>ywn take her innocent virginity
>ywn fiddle around with a girl while it's both your first times
>these times are gone and you've missed out, there is nothing you can do about it
>every girl out there has had sex and you haven't, why are you so pathetic?
>you have to settle for sloppy seconds because you were a late bloomer
>you might (big chance) even die a virgin
Late night feels

First of all, if you stop giving them attention, like this post, they won't be encouraged to continue their faggotry. Second, level in peace and stop posting this shit.

Can someone unmute me from discord since I did nothing wrong!

Hopestar did nothing wrong!

bls answer

I did db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=3906 which it says is the only req for db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=3981
But the only quest the guy will give me is The Pack Mistress
There's no way this quest isn't in-game yet, I've seen people having Eye of Orgrimmar which you get for finishing the entire quest-line

i hate all of you

Rate my main tanks current build:


how assravaged can someone be to post the same thing over and over for days, weeks, and months on end

get defense instead of armor and imp heroic strike

Good night /elyg/
Maybe tomorrow she'll whisper me again..

not much, its just a random shitpost

fuck off snide

>imp rend

>imp taunt


Good night qt

Hunter man you can solo elites and wpvp is so fucking fun

Warriors don't even use rend except against rogues, or maybe if they're fury I guess

Everyone just goes in deep in the subtree to get impale crit damage bonus

It's not me, it's my guilds main tank

Threat build he says

He had imp heroic strike and defense and all before, 7/5/39 or whatever


> warlocks can't solo elites

I like the comfy feeling that Anathema leveling gives me. Sure it's harder to get a group but I can also quest in peace or grind without huge competition.

I also will have content waiting on me at 60 to do!

>one shotting everything

shut up idiot dead server play on elysium only wtf stop

That's not arcane mage

>N A X X F A L L 2 0 1 8

nah man you dont one shot anything with hunter but you can fight 2 at a time and solo elites


when is bwl going to be added

is there a point to keeping mining after i get my eng maxed?

i dropped it for tailoring a couple days ago
you might need to buy iron and heavy stones for grenades and such, but that's about it

Come on, we all know Elysium is just our home until our true savours comes riding in.

Anytime now ;_;

someone please fucking do a BRD quest run with me, I spent the entire day gathering these fucking quests

faction and server?


horde, elysium

imp rend is needed for impale and imp taunt lets you taunt, mocking, taunt on annihilators, or taunt (resist), mocking/aoe, taunt

you dont even need to taunt annihilators shitter just time your shield slams

use those 2 points in something useful

So after lvl 30 total switch to 2h and windfury?

I would but my warrior is only 48

How good are shammys if i want to DPS?

A 54 elemental shaman did 60% of party dps in mara the other day, and we had a 60 warrior and 56 hunter in party

He went oom like every other pull though


elemental can be sort of okay with AQ gear and downranking lightning bolt, enhance is a meme; grab nightfall and spend all your mana on totems.

>something useful
like improved taunt?

Implying you can even engage princess in melee

Half the time rogues just sit there throwing knives at her, earthmother knows that's what I was doing on my warrior since I wasn't tanking