Short $SBUX?

Short $SBUX?

The business model is marketed to hipsters and wannabes.

It's par for the course nigger.

Hiring isn't good for stock prices

Political media attention [usually] isn't good for stock prices. Remember the x-mad cup issue a few years ago?

It's starbucks, they survived "Race Together" without any bruises, what makes you think hiring a suicide of muslims will hurt?

Not to mention it's a massive company with THOUSANDS of stores across the globe, hiring a few extra at their international locations won't do shit

Starbucks lost its appeal with low quality staff and sugary drinks. It's basically Dairy Queen.

Definitely. The trump curse will get them

>admitting that you're going to favor refugees over citizens
wow I'm sure nothing bad could come from this

>a suicide of muslims
what a funny collective noun

They don't speak English though so they can't take peoples orders..

i'd say shorting is more risky than longing their major competitors in america. i don't know who that is though.






>shorting on boycotts

Boycotts literally last for a week before the retards participating forget about it.

I would say shorting is a good idea. But it will take some time until his hiring is going to cost the company money.
I guess he is talking about hiring refugees wordwide. And I see a few other reasons why Starbucks is going to lose some value.

As someone who knows a little about the catering business, hiring refugees is a big mistake. Some refugees have no idea what decent hygiene is and the last thing you want is your customers to get sick due to your employees.

Its 10,000 immigrants throughout 75 countries, so really its mostly just Europe with such a huge surplus to meet that quota.

I dont understand how you can guarantee to hire that many people based on refugee status. Doesn't it imply they will favor them over other applicants?

Can I get a business reason behind this, they think it will get them more customers somehow?

Again, 10,000 is a drop in the bucket, Starbucks has over a million employees

It's "muh company is moral!!!!1" posturing, don't know why everyone is acting so surprised that the CEO who was almost Hillary Clinton's VP candidate is a shill for immigrants

>sandnigger baristas who can't speak english and harass all the women
This is going to be hilarious. 2017 is truly the best year ever.

Would Muslims be able to handle the Starbucks sandwiches that include pork products or is that haram?

No more pork sandwiches then

Yes, I'd like a Venti Frappachino, double shot, extra caramel, and.... no gangraping for today, thanks.

Maybe try leaving your bubble and going to a Starbucks or a Highschool or college campus. Starbucks is doing better then ever, and this marking ploy is only helping them reach their demagraphic. I look around my campus and I see 12,000 college kids all holding $4-8 worth of a Starbucks product that costs $.20 to produce in their hands

You realize they can serve that food, just not eat it, right?

Goyim, I ...


Jesus people are blind, atleast 90% of american students have spent $20< there in 2016, and some big chunks of that are people that visit it almost weekly if not daily.

On the other side, go to any corporate office and you'll see atleast 10 starbucks cups by the time you get to an elevator.

There's really just no competition for a slightly classy, but relatively cheap café that can get crafted beverages in your hand in minutes.

If you don't believe me, show up at ANY starbucks within an hour of opening on any day beside Sunday and you'll see 60 wage cucks in line to get their Caramel Macchiato.

> he fell for the politics meme
kek stay poorfag you stupid mongrel

And like this user said, the markup on starbucks products are INSANE. I worked there as a shift manager in college and the bags of espresso are probably their biggest expense, around $200 a bag, but they're selling these drinks for a minimum of $4 for the smallest size, and each bag of espresso can make HUNDREDS of these drinks in a few hours.

Not to even mention things like teas that they sell for anywhere from $3 for the smallest size and $5.50~ for the largest, and each large, SINGULAR TEA BAG makes a couple dozen sales worth of tea.

Just hot water and one big ole tea bag nets them a few hundred per day per store

Think about that

if you think product is their main expense you weren't paying attention. It's probably not even in the top three.

I meant in terms of mark up, not supplies in the background. Of course they easily spend thousands on cleaning supplies/utilities and the like, but the simple profit margins they make off of their products makes up for that in spades.

Think of it this way,

Starbucks will pay 100% of your tuition for a four year degree from ASU, JUST for working part time there while you do it

You think they would take on expensive burdens like that if they weren't growing?

I'm telling you you're ignoring their actual expenses which are labor and rent.

I'm sure they make some money, but just because they mark up coffee beans 2000% doesn't mean they're making 2000% profits.

i wonder if i'll find weird shit in my coffee now

Of course, but if you're making more than triple your monthly rent in a day, who cares?

Plus you're not basing this off of anything except "they have to be making a tiny amount of money there's no other way"

I have no reason to lie here user, I had to handle the money for two years in my store and I can see how ridiculous their profit margins are when we over DOUBLE the corporate-set sales goals for the day, and that's just on the outskirts of the Dallas suburbs

I can't even imagine how much money the downtown stores that are packed literally 24/7 make in a day, or the ones in places like NY and Chicago...

>Plus you're not basing this off of anything except "they have to be making a tiny amount of money there's no other way"
basing what?

I'm telling you you're retarded to be talking about tiny expenses such as coffee when their actual expenses are much larger.

Pizza Hut charges $1.25 for a pepsi that costs less than $0.01. That's a meaningless fact, it tells people nothing. Are we supposed to assume Pizza Hut makes more money than Starbucks because the markup on some of their product is larger? No, you'd have to be a retard to think that.

you're providing useless information and pretending it has meaning. As is expected of shift managers. Pay better attention.
>I can't even imagine how much money the downtown stores that are packed literally 24/7 make in a day

Who pissed in your cereal this morning user?

I'm basing the fact that Starbucks makes a fuckton off the corporate targets (which we recieve weekly based off of the costs of supplies/product/bills/etc. the store needs to earn more than in order to break a profit.)

Ergo, I know we met the costs (especially because I was one of the people fucking reporting the expenses), and then usually VASTLY overshot them with how much we'd total in a day.

>I'm basing the fact that Starbucks makes a fuckton off the corporate targets
then why the fuck would you mention the markup on coffee?

are you really this dense?

do you think your sales or expenses were typical for the nation? Do you suspect that sales and profits might both be publically available for anyone to look at?

I dunno dude. You're going to take this personally no matter what I say so I might as well slap you in the face with it.

People already know how much money Starbucks makes, the price of coffee beans has almost nothing to do with it.

>it's basically dairy queen
>buffet saw the value in dairy queen and bought their shares at a premium

>hipsters at local Starschmucks are rude and condescending
>replace them with rude foreigners
>pay them even less

this, how did that Chic-Fil-a boycott go?

$SBUX is done for


>actually buying starbucks coffee
>he doesn't make his own coffee

woops lol

so is it a good time to buy jewbucks

Looks like a good buy opportunity.

>investors faces when the CEO of a premium brand coffee chain says he wants to hire thousands of Somalians and ISIS veterans to make frappycinos

Dude, that will make liberals, who are the biggest aficionados of coffee, fall in love with Starbux. They often get coffee at indie shops just to stick it to Starbux, but this move can make them look like the good guy to liberals