>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Having kids with Ursula!
Tharja is shit.
Tharja a best and canon
Azura a best
first post is best post
We need more Ursula art in the world
[in drumpf voice] WRONG. Fake news.
Stop posting this chestlet!
she is a dirty girl
Post rarity.
>tfw still f2p
If the hero banner didn't make me fall, I don't think anything will.
real, non-early thread here
Woooooow look at this autistic thread vigilante, don't you have finals to go take?
I got hector and takumi in 2 rolls so I didn't bother with the hero banner. Still f2p until they put up lucina in the bride banner
Tfw not enough fortify dragon skills for sick dragon meme team
This is my fertile wife
Having triplets with Ursula!
>mods confirmed lucinafaggot
no wonder this general is so shit
I love her...
Forever f2p.
>marrying someone who will never love you
for what purpose?
take THAT Deltheafags
flat lolis are justice
I finally got Ike but he's -atk and therefore unusable garbage. What would be the best units to stick Heavy Blade on?
Not f2p, only 1 more 5* and fewer Nowi
Tfw lucklet
>tfw no good units for skill inheritance
Being restricted to base abilities sucks
Epik. I love Le Doot!
nice shitter score
everyone knows 4796 is the shitter cut-off
just give him fury nigger he still breaks 50 attack
>early Lucina thread
>on-time thread after 750
>former isn't deleted, latter is
Is Luthierzp's eye misaligned?
Holy fuck Dyuute.
What was her fucking problem?
americans woke up.
*glub blub*
I would kill for a Hinata or Sully but all I ever get is eternal repeats of characters who's skills I already have like Hag Tiki and Henry
What's the problem? For better or for worse, Lucina is the face of FE. Any normalfag can recognize this.
Twintail syndrome
I wish the main Heroes could teach their skills with some sort of cost instead of vanishing. Having DeathBlow and Vantage everywhere would be hilarious.
Who is that supposed to be with?
Awakening was a mistake.
Do Heroes have more soul than Einherjar?
>4 nowi
at least merge them you fuck
>associating Lady Serra with a shit character like Severa
get off the internet Serra
>putting my waifu next to the pink meme healer
Her morph is even more perfect.
F2p until summer banner
Can Snacki and Julia ever compete with such a meme matchup?
Nothing wrong with two cunts rubbing (shoulders) together!
You guys are so lucky with your rolls. Three of my *5s are even upgraded from *3, not sure how many feathers I spent since I've made alot of *4 skill fodder through the months.
They should change Ike's neutral special so that instead of charging up a bolganone he shoots a slash beam.
Cloud proves it can be done.
How many times has Julius titfucked those
>I'll let you fuck me once IF you be friends with my brother
Would you do it?
>no doot
Epik Reddit post, my friend. I love Doot and Tharja xD!
How many times has Julius creampied her
The end boss is a dragon
This wasn't well-known? Out all the times early Lucina threads were made and never deleted this didn't click with you until now?
'cept you Alf, everyone but you...
Merric will follow soon
nice shitter score
everyone knows 4796 is the shitter cut-off
Haven't rolled any 5*s since the Zephiel ghb
Its a struggle but at least Rein and Julia are good on just about any team
>Almost every Hoshido unit are good
>Every Nohr unit are shit
what did they mean by this
is...is the game named fire emblem or something??
so, exactly the same as I've said before? if you want to brag at least do it right
It balances out by making tiddie nee-san one of the best units in the game and having Xander be a mobile tank of destruction on recruitment.
Hoshido did nothing wrong!
Every time
Bunny Cumilla and Xander are good though
Should I drop my Cains WoM3 to my Azura? I already have Xander for a red cav
Does anyone have that "Hector x Lyn is canon, Markfags BTFO" pic?
The Heroes poll say Ike is the face of Fire Emblem.
I'd lick Sakura and Hinoka's armpits!
How can Reddithard even compete?
You take that back.
By being useful
No. My waifu>Your waifu
>no effective damage tome every though she's a 4*
>somehow losing two units
>not saving stamina by doing the GHB with the killing as well
serra and selena's personalities are completely different, though
Lucky and Not Lucky at the same damn time.
BIG HURTY _______
why is she flat as fuck
I've played since launch day, and have collected and used every single orb in the game so far.
With all those orbs I have rolled 7 (seven) different 5*s. Is there anyone here with worse luck than I?
I love Fir! She's beautiful and amazing!
So does echoes run a single random number for hit rates?
F2P ofc
>tfw rolled on flier banner and got every blue that wasn't Hinoka