Which car would be most "fun" for 18 year old girl with rich father

which car would be most "fun" for 18 year old girl with rich father.

within $40k

she's not asian btw

A Miata with a hello kitty body kit

A Fiero with a Miata hello kitty body kit

400 dildos from bad dragon

An LS-powered Fiero with a Miata hello kitty body kit

>not asian
Just give up

Honda Fit

A ford pinto with a Fiero body kit with a Miata hello kitty body kit

A Bedford Rascal with a Hello Kitty body kit

A Pontiac Aztek with a hello kitty body kit.

PT Cruiser with a hello kitty body kit

>she's not asian btw

A Ferrari F430 with over 120,000 miles on the odometer.

A Ferrari F430 with over 170,000 miles on the odometer with a hello kitty body kitty

Will she need back seats? Trunk space? Four doors? Does drivetrain matter? Are there any particular brands or models she likes?

>giving women anything with more than 200hp

get her a Honda fit, or a Fiesta titanium

It's always this type of shit that reminds me how many underaged posters Veeky Forums has

Mazda 3

Would probably cost you like 5k to buy and 2k to repaint florescent pink


nothing funnier than a Sherp ATV

mustang egoboost

The OP never claimed to be a woman, nice try edgelord

>tfw the only underage is you and your "girl" friend

>Veeky Forums
Silly little fella you are

Just get her a mustang

you mean ecoboost?

no, egoboost

I don't get it.

There's nothing to get, he's just a lonely bus riding retard.

Used BRZ.
Paint it pink with whatever magical girl she's into.
Replace all her CDs with Toho Eurobeat.
gratz, your "GIRL" is now an azn hippie

Lexus IS F sport

Get a mustang. Girls love them.

>implying women can drive
Get her a honda civic or something that nobody will care about when she rams the car into a pole.

Tyrone and his gang of niggers in stolen cars.

i saw this chick in a civic type R recently so i dunno

You moron, why do you think I said "girl" friend? The closest thing Veeky Forums can get close to a girlfriend is a trap, or more than one trap if they drive a miata.