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What is the best UGS and why is it the Greatsword?

>Sacred Chime of Filianore

What is the point


Vaati did nothing wrong

For me, it's the Fallen Knight Armor. The best lightweight armor set. I even ask for extra equip space and From Software™ is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for weapon slots without encumberment and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly From Software™ developer laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the developers greet me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three slots. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere in Dark Souls 3™, I play at least 3 times a week for Hollow Arena instead of the storyline, 1-2 times for co-operative gameplay with fellow players and maybe once for a fair, interactive invasion when I'm in a rush but want a great fight that is enjoyable, fast, and can match my daily gaming needs.

I even equip straight swords and katanas in my extra slots, it's delightful! What a great game.

Tourney signs up still ongoing!


Participants will be matched up with others who sign-up and fight for the claim to be /dsg/'s champion on May 19th, 5pm PST. The winner and runner-ups will receive prizes including Steam games and being better than everyone else who fought.

Sign-up sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKzpuOdtJXeAb-4EoXlKN0cd9uDXNtzfVZmsIZgUNcFe3r7g/viewform?usp=sf_link

For the sake of organization either your Steam ID or a Discord ID will be needed to sign-up. If using only one Steam IDs will be organized via that channel and Discord users can join the accompanying server in the link above to ensure we don't have last minute drop-outs with no explanation.

-There will be two teams: Peasantry and Nobility. Once you’ve made the choice you can’t go back. Both teams have a certain list of approved weapons you can check on the sign-up sheet. Not following the rules results in a disqualification (and public shaming) -This is a lower SL tourney with a maximum Soul Level of 80 allowed. Someone with CE open will be monitoring players to make sure this rule and others aren't broken.
-The starting location will be High Wall, followed by Undead Settlement and ending at Lothric Castle.
-Fights are best of 3. Each fight is 2 minutes long, the one with the most % health left at the end will win if both are alive.
-Only two Ashen Estus sips per fight, any more and your win will not count, initiating a rematch. Do this twice and you are disqualified -All Regen items and spells are banned to disincentive passive shittery. This includes Sun Princess Ring, spells like Bountiful Sunlight, and anything infused with Blessed.
-Normal FC rules still apply such as no healing items. Fight rotation will be determined once brackets are set.
-Requirements to join: Discord and/or Steam ID for organization purposes If people don't respond a week prior to the tournament and they've signed up, they're disqualified

>tfw knightfag and you invade your first dragonsis


Thats what you wanted yous for baka desu senpai

I fucking love DaS2 fashion

>using a quality weapon
Heavy CKGS blows it out of the water in every category, friend.

fallen knight set looks like Vihelm's....are fallen knights from Londor?

I fucking love N64 textures

>went into catacombs before getting 5 dark sigils
so am i just unable to get yuria in my game now?

>not getting the infusion memo
Its a str weapon now mate
Used to be 608~ar on a 40/40
now its 619 with 60str one handed.


get fucked

>tfw failed every questline

i refuse to believe you can complete any of these properly without guides

where'd this meme come from
dark souls 2 is an excellent game that looks good

>somehow managing to break the questline, when you've clearly read a guide telling you exactly how to follow the quest and what not to do

That's a far cry from N64 textures

>tfw didn't even get to find Patches because back then you had to refresh the area after opening the main doors shortcut that leads to the Deacons of the Deep
Why the fuck would I ever return to that dead end when nothing was there the first time? Fuck, seeing Patches pose as Siegward would've made my fucking day, but instead I had to have it spoiled because they didn't do it right the first time.

its a far cry from good textures as well

>playing through one of the most assholish areas of the game
>at a SL close to the "meta" where literally anybody can invade you
I played through it un-Embered for that exact reason, but some people just need the extra HP.

yeah i didn't read the one fucking line of text on the wiki that wasn't most important but didn't have the word WARNING on it like other, similar shit

jesus fucking christ i want to kill myself


>blows it out of the water in every category
yea except for damage...and range

Me too, user. I didnt even see half the NPCs that were in the game because they were in such fucked up, out of the ways places. Only saw Seig the first time and never again too.

It also fits the Jailer's robes. Is the Profaned Capital Londor?

Kalameet is difficult

Why this nigga pick me up with his mind

a lot of shit is pvp viable right now so stop fucking worrying whats meta. You use what you like cause thats how you are gonna get the most fun out of your game

I dunno, but such rampant display of dominance gets me hard every time he fucking owns me like the little cocksleeve I am.

nearly anything and everything can be viable if youre good with it

people have solo'd and beaten Midir with a broken straight sword

I thought this image was a joke back then.

I refrained from saying 'kalameet is hard' to avoid replies like this

Where did I go wrong?

use allone's pants

I'm just being ironic, my friend. Don't worry. It was destined from the beginning.

>solo'd and beaten Midir with a broken straight sword

They're too blue

>tfw you fell for the sl 140 meme

ZeroLenny on youtube if youre being serious

Pick a weapon you love using, build for it, learn its move sets and how to counter meta weapons, and you'll be fine.
Thats just an opinion though I'm sure others would say differently.

I made the mistake of leveling all the way to 150 on my first character.
Took it through RC up to gael, forgot i was on NG+7 got my fucking shit pushed in..
Still get invasions in places like cathedral, woods, and what not, so its not all bad.

I bet you were the user saying that people that level to 140 were smart assholes a week back

>they're nerfing lightning arrow

>they're buffing quakestone hammer

>they're buffing spears of the church again

>they're getting rid of banner buff glitch

>they're getting rid of the poise cast trick

I'm split on this

Lightning arrow nerf wont be significant enough to actually be a nerf

>>they're buffing spears of the church again
you better not be implying that's negative, disturber of sleep

The stamina cost wasn't what made Lightning Arrow good, it's still going to be broken.

They're also buffing PUGS again, for some fucking reason.

>finally going to kill SoC on my Vicar toon so I can delete her for more room
>go to take a piss(took a while cuz of my huge weiner)
>come back and I'm pushed into a corner and some guy is r1 mashing me with caestus and I'm under half health
>no time to buff up or get regens going or any space and when I try to sip I get punished
>guy keeps swaping between dlc weapons and eventually kills me
>taunts me even though I was afk at start of fight
>use undead finger and swap around spells and rings with way of blue equipped
>farm his ass for next 30 mins as no one else bothers to invade the kiln

Fucking euro trash. Europe was a mistake.


Weapon art then swap it out

You are the mistake


>STILL no buff for way of white corona

They always do this. Claim some stupidly high sl is good to try to trick anons into joining them. Then after they realize how dead it is they come cry here.

>people attack Argo
>Argo kills the people before the spear can get in

Yeah even with base stam at low levels lightning arrow is good.

Hey /dsg/, I know you get this a lot but I want a second opinion. I don't have much time to play vidya anymore so I'm doing one build for DS3 to do PvP and consecutive playthroughs on and I decided to do this, a faith build with dex for cast speed I guess. I'd prefer strength+sage ring but the deciding factor was being good with certain faith/lightning weapons like the Dragonslayer (Sword)Spear.

I think the health/stamina is a bit low but I don't know where to take points from to throw in them, strength has to be 20 for certain weapon requirements, 18 is as low as I want to go for attunement, and I hear 60 faith is what you need for good damage for miracles. Got any input?

>It's a Scrub doesn't realise I can chain my ss wa r1 into a wa r2 episode

>still no buffs to any sorceries since Ashes of Ariandel patches

Oh, and I'm wearing the Prisoner's Chain to get those stats. Also, should I do hollowing to get 5 more points for Vigor or something?

>patch notes say they fixed a bug where two spears of the church could be summoned on accident
>you will never make haste and destroy a ganksquad of defilers of the king's decree with another spearbro

>tfw when watching Reds and Blues fight while I hide in the swamp muck

It's so comfy. Blues are complete shitters though. Reds seem to always beat them 80% of the time, at least. I do feel happy for the Reds though, that they don't have to fight a gank squad like I'm sure they're used to. In fact, the only Blue I've seen win so far was just him vs. two other Reds and he killed them both.

And man, the transition animation looks so god damn sweet

>that Vigor
>that Attunement as a caster
May as well just drop Faith down to 40 and not go caster at all.

That's what I'm trying to ask, just some general advice. Never played a caster before except back in DS1 where I had a sorcerer and a battle cleric that I played sometimes when I was bored of my quality main.

If only there were a place called dex where you could take 50 stats and spread them around to other areas.

Hollowslayer or gael's gs are "quick" greatswords. I miss ds2's loyce greatswords through. I just want a greatsword that has cool quick attacks and racks up damage.

Yoel's "free" levels will increase your actual SL, but I always take them.

You're spread way too thin, I think. Mind telling me exactly what you want to use? Armor, weapons (I know you said Swordspear though), and spells.

You can't viably go caster plus something else unless you go beyond at least SL130 or 140. At SL120/125 it's either pure caster, or don't bother casting.

Do invader NPCs have drastically reduced start up and recovery times or something?
I'm pretty sure I've also seen Heysel cancel mid-cast.

Stats from hollowing count for your soul level, they aren't free.
DSSS/DSS are not fai weapons, you either use those or advanced miracles. Either switch to base str/dex for the sunlight sword and use miracles or stick to 60/70 dex with minimal fai

Okay real talk.

How about instead of being the boss itself, we are summoned to help Halflight at the very beginning of the fight? If either you or halflight die then the fight is over. That's of course, means that you both have more hp that scales from the number of phantoms. Halflight doesn't get summoned if it's only one host.

I found Patches organically the first time. But didn't find Siegward because of the well.

>Crystal hail and Farron hail will always be shit
>Boulder heave and Profound flame will always be shit
>Divine pillars, Emit force, and Way of white corona will always be shit
>Not to mention any unconventional spells like Dead again, Pestilence. or any mist spell

These spells will always be forgotten and will only ever be equipped by a youtuber who want to do a meme video.

I like to change my armor around depending on my weapons, but it usually ends up on the lighter side of things, with the chest piece being a heavier item, the helm being medium to heavy, and the gauntlets and leggings be lighter stuff. I think I used the drakeblood helm, dragonscale chestpiece, fire keeper's gauntlets (whatever the ones are that go really high up your arms), and deserter/drang leggings. Something like that. Dragonslayer Spear/Swordspear, Sunlight Straight Sword, Lightning Arrow/Stake, and Sunlight Spear. Not including weapons I make Lightning/Sharp infused just for the hell of it.



and moveset

and style

and grace

Not exactly. She could always use a raw weapon and buff it with 60 faith.

Especially if she took that 50 dex and put it into health and endurance.

>ringed knight gtreatsword buff

this meme

Gonna do a NG+9 run.
Choose my build /dsg/
sss (or any other weapon with a buff applied)+fth
witch's locks/onyx/scar/demon's fists+pyroniggery

>i-invaders are breaking laws in the lore
>t-that way its ok that the balance is shit and they get ganked!

I don't see why sorceries need a buff, they're pretty good and can even stand on their own in a pure sorc build.

Please no, no PUGS buff, for the love of God.

Its half a buff and half a nerf.
Damage and stamina consumption is a buff, but its tracking and rotation will be nerfed.

>sign up for police duty and kill a red
>get friend request
>palms are sweaty
>red is gonna call me shit and justifiably so
>"hey were you the blue"
>"thanks for the help man"

Should I do a pure Sorcerer or pure Pyromancer build? I'm conflicted about it, one one hand I like pretty blue magic, on the other I really like being a fire mystic. I had a lot of fun in DS1 with my Big Hat cosplay and played my pyro a bit, what does DS3 sorcery and pyromancy shape up against DS1 stuff?

>>i-invaders are breaking laws in the lore
who said this lol?

• Reduced rotation capabilities of the Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
• Decreased stamina consumption for Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords attack and increased attack power of Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords

Presumably you won't be able to track as good with the things, but they'll hit pretty hard regardless.

What are you talking about nigger?

Farron Hail is one of the few sorceries that's actually tricky to dodge since you can't roll through it (you have to roll to the sides to avoid it and that only works at close range). I use it all the time on my duel sorc.

Crystal Hail I haven't really experimented with much but it seems lackluster. I've seen some sorcs use it for zoning purposes.

I love wearing the Deserter set, and just noticed it comes with a little belt lamp.
But why couldn't the devs give you a little belt lamp that would actually work like Bloodborne?

Godfags aka Gwyndolin the Pale Sickly Motherfucker who probably had an Electra Complex

feelsgood when the wob works as intended and you help a bad player stay alive against a twink, unfair in other situations though

>Farron Hail is one of the few sorceries that's actually tricky to dodge
TOP KEK LMAO how the FUCK is that shit hail any hard to dodge? even if you don't dodge all of it, a single bolt does like 60 damage

>lost over 100k souls and 6 humanity because somehow I mistimed Havel's parry

I've never wanted to kill myself so much before

Which are the best weapons for fire infusion in DaS2?

It's harder to dodge than pretty much ANY other sorcery you dumb nigger.

Do you even play a sorc?

Also, the damage is closer to 120-150 with 60 INT.

Why didn't you get your Souls back before challenging him again?

>taking shit about pestilence

I could post videos of the insane damage this spells deals to midir, father friede, and demon prince.

This spell is insane and if you do it right it will out damage almost anything.