How did Germany went from the most degenerate country on earth (Weimar Germany) to the most totalitarian country on earth (Nazi Germany?
Where did this radical change come from?
How did Germany went from the most degenerate country on earth (Weimar Germany) to the most totalitarian country on earth (Nazi Germany?
Where did this radical change come from?
You shouldn't say "liberal" rather than "degenerate"?
Degenerate is a rather vague word and doesn't necessarily oppose totalitarianism.
This is only true for big cities, artists and intellectuals.
I'm sure you or others will put jews somewhere.
Anyway the dichotomy between "degeneracy" (loose sexual morals?) and totalitarianism is false.
Degeneracy: no rules
Totalitarianism: too many rules
the dichotomy is totally correct.
>degeneracy: no rules
Weimar Republic wasn't an example of degeneracy then.
Weimar from 1924-1930 was a golden age for germany. The film industry was actually very decent and could be described as an early Hollywood. Architecture, art and lliterature also improved on a great level. Don't look at everything through your /pol/ lense
Compared to the United States or Britain Germany was still a very traditional society throughout the Weimar period - there was "degeneracy" in the big cities but much of the population - and an even greater share of the conservative voters who went strongly Nazi in 1932 - were still peasants living much as they had in the 19th century
You could ask the same thing about the United States if you compare the 20s and 30s. It's just a matter of extent. Economics is a hell of a drug.
>Weimar Germany
>Cultural centre of Europe
>good-tier economy until 1930s crash
>had just managed to be a respected power again
Way to swallow the koolaid you wehraboo fuck
If anything, Hitler and his gang were the degenerates. They gutted German culture because muh tradishunal germoney we wuz kangs, failed in almost all their pre-war domestic aims, and couldn't even do well at their own olympics.
>anyone who isn't a white guilt leftpol faggot is a degenerate
This is what leftypol drones actually believe
> couldn't even do well at their own olympics.
What? They won more medals than anyone else 1936.
>came to power in the most powerful country in Europe
>most industrious, most culturally significant, most economically expansive
>leave that country divided in two, ravaged by war, not in control of its own territory
>leave half of Europe dominated by communists
Oh wow, Hitler sure was a great leader, amirite?
Liberal means degenerate when talking about intellectuals? What do you have against the enlightenment bro?
>the Nazis were the best in the world at superscience!
>The intellectuals were all degenerates who needed to be purged for the good of Germany!
Hitler didn't fart the V2 out of his ass, user.
Germans have to take everything they do as a society to autistic extremes, be it to the left or right of the political spectrum.
their economy got rekt
>Degenerate is a rather vague word and doesn't necessarily oppose totalitarianism.
I will disagree that "degenerate" is vague, but I agree that totalitarianism is not necessarily un-degenerate (wtf is even the opposite of degenerate, for real, though? regenerate? generate? conservative?)
Nazi germany was certainly degeneracy, though, albeit in a different manner than weimar germany. Considering the difference in Kaisar Wilhelm II and Hitler, their conflicts, etc, it's clear to anyone who can see.
>good tier economy
The economy was ok for like 3 years
also I don't think nazis were particularly totalitarian even in their time period. they put on a good show but what really got them their place in history books was dickishness and location.
>also I don't think nazis were particularly totalitarian
Do you perchance come from a totalitarian 3rd world country and don't have a good perspective on the matter?
STEM is the only thing that matters really. Propaganda outlets like muh lit, muh mu are always the realm of literal degenerates. Look at how many artists were/are druggies, loose morals, left wing, atheist etc.
When you hear some leftypol fag talk about how great the culture was he means left wing. Just like how all these timblrinas love Hamilton today
>oh no I can't openly plot communist revolutions! What a Shoah!
OP said "most totalitarian country on earth". I wasn't comparing them to france or something when I disagreed with that.
>atheists are degenerate
I am Christian and i am not sure how you think
> Commies and Jews and Illuminati!
>How did Germany went from the most degenerate country on earth
What did OP meant by this? What is a "degenerate" country?
fedora memes
Hello, guys! I am very interesting in some book about british armed merchant (or auxilliary cruiser, whatever) in WW2. May you help me, plz?
It's just a dumb /pol/ meme. Degenerate basically means "anything I don't like".
t. cucked mainline denomination
Go officiate another lesbian wedding
Stop right there Reddit!
Most users generally mean it as something objectively harmful to society in a moral sense, like atheism, drug use, abortion, promiscuity, left wing politics etc
none of those are harmful to society in the long run.
>objectively harmful to society in a moral sense
So again, "anything I don't like". Throwing "objectively" in front of it doesn't make it so.
when they lost the allied powers of france raped them and only gave them one sheet of toilet paper to wipe the blood from their own ass afterwards.
there is a famous pic out there showing a man putting up wall paper in his house. The sad part is that the wall paper is sheets of paper money because inflation was so high for them it made their currency useless.
so people got fed up and broken down. Someone helped rise them back up, get their pride back. And you know what happened after that.
that should of said
>alliance powers of europe
not france.
the nazis were degenerates
is this the new literally?
>not harmful
*rubs hands*
Before that there were a lot of jews in controlling positions of power (in fact the entire november """revolution""" aka stab in the back of the Kaiser's fighting army was done by jewish bolshevists too)
Then after they were thrown out everything could be cleaned up again and there was order again aswell
I didn't knew most users were Muslims
Typically, they actually mean to signify that they're alt-right retards.
*memes intensively*
so it's either "most totalitarian country on earth" or "not particularly totalitarian"? Nothing in between?
>Debussy is a marxist socialist and probably a jew too. I know.. let's ban him! Ban music!
amidst political correctness and controversy
Why do you SJWs complain about leaving a country divided when want to do the same by importing millions of "refugees"
*raises palm*
>stab in the back
>our people are hungry, and on the verge of rioting.
>our supply lines are stretched to the limit.
>lets blame it on da joos.
For like 12 years
>leftypol actually think that there is something wrong with people hating their own race
It wouldn't divide the country if you weren't so racist.
>this is what leftypol lobotomites actually believe
>Everyone who is not Nazi is a SJW!!1!
Why are you incapable of making a real argument and have to resort to strawmen/boogeymen?
>calling anyone dissagreeing with you sjw
Nice baiting :^)
Why don you sjws want to import millions of "refugees" into countries where there is already a homelessness crisis going on?
Why do you have brain damage?
name one country that has been destroyed by any of those things he mentioned.
Why do you want to import millions of "refugees"?
Well Left wing SJW policies are currently killing Europe
Know what's more harmful? Giving the Jews 80 years of "remember the Holocaust" guilt and their own country.
Hitler was truly a wonderful man for white supremacists and conservatives.
I pity you.
Weimar Germany was a fucking cesspit that needed to be purged.
For what? Not being a White guilt faggot?
>so it's either "most totalitarian country on earth" or "not particularly totalitarian"? Nothing in between?
out of totalitarian countries they were not particularly so to deserve such a mention
And split in two and got all of its citizens east of the Oder purged and bombed to rubble and....
No, for being so ridiculously lacking in self-awareness. I'm gonna stop replying now.
What exactely was wrong with it?
Basically every white country. Population wise they are literally dying
>europe is at the best that it has ever been.
>countries that were killing the shit out of each other a century ago are now working and cooperating together and are a model for the developing world to emulate.
>their biggest concern is a bunch of sandnigs that are going to be deported once the fighting dies down.
truly the death of europe.
I'm sure he's salivating over the possibility of WW3, so things like peace and human prosperity are probably degenerate to him.
you may not be globalists jews but holy fuck you sure sound like them
Are you physically incapable of making a rational argument? Something that doesn't involve a boogeyman maybe? No?
>europeans aren't killing each other and actually working together.
>This means europe is dying.
Breaking news: illiterate stormfag can only communicate in strawman arguments
Don't try to reason with people who are incapable of reasoning.
Just mock or ignore him, you're not gonna persuade an ideologue.
>thinking you'll allow your pet nigs to be deported
>implying you won't be attacking the white people with your wife's son and your antifa buddies in a couple of years
>strawman arguments
>incapable of reasoning
The modern left?
>cultural center of Europe
>very high standard of living
>good economy
>everybody cooperated with it - both the Western powers and Soviet Russia
What was so bad about the Weimar republic?
Saliva dropping from eye of the beast
white rabbit marches into forest of mushrooms
>horseshoe theory proven true
>if I'm not a white guilt faggot that means I'm a "stormfag"
Leftypol logic
Nah, just stupid people, be it sjws or alt-right.
I hope you break free from your ideological cage soon, I really do.
You'd like that, but I have never, ever seen a real argument from a racist that wasn't either pseudoscience or fearful xenophobia/DEY NOT LIEK ME WAAAH.
since were on the history board I was hoping for a historical one though. y'know one that can actually be proven
if they were that good why did Hitler win ?
Also, Nazi germany was great from 1933-1939.
Considering you thing that white people not hating themselves/ not wanting to be pushed out of their own is "fearful xenophobia" that is not very surprising
Well, they sometimes use research that they either interpret wrong or one from the fringe that the scientific community doesn't take too seriously (aka the zionist jewish scientific community).
I've once seen a stormfag argue with someone who claimed (and seemed) educated in epigenetics for 1 hours on here.
But, once the concepts went way above the stormfag's level, arguments like "the global zionist conspiracy" and "you are just a leftist sjw cuck" started replacing anything related to the research paper.
A couple of failed coups doesn't exactly imply stability
>"stormfags" are bad because they don't hate themselves
nah, fuck off
>w-we're gonna deport them guys I swear
Real and serious question, with no insult intended: why are you so threatened by the idea of living in proximity to people of other skin tones? People overwhelmingly end up marrying within their own race whether they live in a diverse area or not. The dangers you are so worked up about are illusory.
>Reminder that your pic was written by an autistic weeaboo whose knowledge of Classical music certainly only represents a fraction of what was understood back in the day.
If you're going to play the
meme, then how about we take a look at Western civilisation's contribution to culture in the 7 decades since:
>emotionally manipulative cinema; distorted and uninspired """"modern classical"""" music; unintelligible """art""" that is so inane people only get away with it because their creations and performances are relegated to arcane museums that only the self-proclaimed high brow intelligentsia frequents; wave after wave of profoundly ugly architecture that worships banality and soullessness; the triumph of pornography as the standard-bearer of popular culture...
And of course, there is still culture worthy of the name today: namely people trying to revivify or keep alive the old classics
You see, I never said that in my post, not even implied it, you just made it up completely.
Why would you do that?
Why do think Europe should just open up the flood gates to people who regularly cut peoples heads off?
>Also, Nazi germany was great from 1933-1939
It wasn't.
I'm surprised this thread exists. This board is so leftist and elitist and pretentious that anything revolving around Nazi Germany being a positive force is quickly deleted for being "too much like /pol/".
You people are hipster historians. You are hipstorians.
please don't flaunt your cultural ignorance