/tfg/ - Titanfall General

Monarchy Edition

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>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods
syampuuh.github.io/mods (currently outdated)

>Steam Group

PC: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/445674/
PS4: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' will bring it up in game for PS4; for PC, you have to join using the link, and for XBone, you need to request entry in the thread first.

FNN 14: ea.com/games/titanfall/titanfall-2/news/frontier-news-network-14
Glitch in the Frontier trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=JKiuY3Ocwzo
Full Glitch in the Frontier patch notes including the quiet stuff: i.imgur.com/iHn1mOf.png

>Titanfall Spinoffs/Side Projects

>Doomed Thread:


second for awooooo

What do you want buffed and nerfed?

Everyone in the thread wants the R-97 nerfed, at minimum.

buffed volt
nerfed r97
only so i can go back to using my raifu

I want SMGs removed. I'd genuinely have more fun if they were.

every hitscan gun needs to get nerfed
add a perk that decreases damage when in the air/wall running

nth for best titan

fag confirmed

Nth for when's next patch

He's a good boy.

13th for when's FD

nerf reddit

R97 and Devotion slightly nerfed
A-wall actually breakable
Holopilot buffed
Hover and wallhang made into one perk

Ion nerfed slightly
Scorch buffed

Nerf memestiff
Buff phase shift


nerf r97
nerf Ion's lasershot so it still gibs pilots but doesnt do nearly the same damage as a fully charged NS shot
nerf phase shift to one charge, but faster recovery just like what they did with arc grenades

buff hemlok and volt so they arent useless without amped weapons.

>Phase shift to one charge
>R-97 hipfire accuracy nerfed
>devotion to 4 shot kill with minor rof buff
>salvo core changed somehow to be less risk free, maybe shorter rocket life?
>ion energy costs increased
>ronin sword block nerfed to 50% but leadwall dmg significantly buffed
>scorch buffed somehow
>a-wall HP nerfed
>alternator and flatline ROF reduced slightly but better recoil. actual first shot recoil as well so tap firing isn't laser accurate
>some sort of defense improvement for northstar
>make esmoke more powerful
>remove amped weapons boost or nerf the fuck out of it
and finally the one that gets all the shitters riled up
>grapple speed cap

Fucking remove

out fucking skilled

Can whoever's responsible please remove this guy from the network? PC


>always miss the fast stack despite mashing as hard as humanly possible

Don't mash, hitting it more than once opts you out of it.

hi can we please remove furfags?

the discord is run by furfags, so fat chance

What sort of banner do you prefer to fly?
>Hot chick

at least take a screenshot mate

Nature, it goes with my name.

>not wanting the awoo

weaponry/tools until i get truck

I tried, but WinKey+PrntScrn isn't working

it's this or trucc

>Someone submitted an official bug report to get this banner removed from the game for sexism

There is a dedicated screenshot button in Titanfall.

by that, you mean only one laser shot? I mean then when you use your one your enemy will know that you are out of energy. It will make decent energy management impossible.

I went to the forums for a fix and was dying at that thread or a similar one.

>grapple speed cap
why though? The invincibility glitch only happens on very rare incredible high speeds, and even then only sometimes, and the solution to that is simply to fix the damn servers.

Anyway because of how momentum works in this game, a grapple speed cap would simply be an overall speed cap. which would break everything like dropships and melee.

I gibbed this guy tonight. And the next round he said 'glhf' to me. Can you believe it?

so was that ARG thing with BT and the helmet real, and if so did it go anywhere?

didn't expect to see this at the beginning of the match

Used to be the gen 4 scorch gold holo, not it's the gen 4 EPG gold holo

That was fun.

exile these fags

Whoever was the titan in angel city that decided to carry my guard ass all the way to the enemy mark so I could kill him, thanks.

i love this animation

fucking remove amped weapons

this shit is not balanced in the slightest

The maps are mostly designed so there is at least two ways into any spot so you can always be flanked. I found somewhere with only one way out.

Amped weapons should be modified to only do extra damage to titans because I do see the benefit of it, but having that shit practically become mandatory in PvP or livefire is ridiculous

i dont wanna blog, but to the 3 or so pc bros that sometimes play with me at night, my HDD is confirmed ded and PSU is shitting on me more often now. I'm poor at the moment so I cant do anything anymore for the time being. Go fast for me you fags.

we will accelerate to make up the difference in your absence, i know the feel of a computer suddenly blasting apart and it is no fun at all


That's a pretty shite spot

yes, it is

i just cant comprehend how any of the smg's are balanced at all.

>tfw losing sniper duels with a fucking R97

literally my finger on the uninstall button

They're overcompensating for how shite they were in TF1, I suppose.

You seen that TOKbeats guy around?

Do you think he ever gets bored of using nothing but phase R 97?

I got Alternator to Gen 4.9 just for the gold version of this banner.

I like to think it reflects my play style of going in fast and hard while doing as much damage as possible for as long as I can. I love out maneuvering conslows and if I every get into too much trouble I just press my "get of of jail free-shift" button.

he trashed my team today until it was just me and a revolving door of pubbies filling in and instantly leaving. i called him a faggot and he told me to cry, so guess not. never seen such an unapologetic meta slut.

>using safespace shift
>not grappling awa- oh they have an r97 nevermind

As much as I love abusing grapple, does anyone else feel that it ruins CTF now?

I've always liked this one. Not the most unique but the style on it is GOAT.

a lot of things ruin CTF

ctf sucks anyways

>everyone leaves at halftime
>titans completely ruin the flow of the match
>maps are too big for it

nitro ctf solved these issues

no, the maps are too SMALL for CTF. The problem is not that you can go fast, but that most of the maps can be crossed in 5 seconds once you have gone fast with one grapple launch. Imagine these speeds on a decent map like from TF1.

>grapple launch on boneyard
>smack into a flyer and get hailed by hitscan

Oh whoops, meant for

Not sure what to classify it under, Misc?

wow you might die if you play like an idiot who knew

who woulda thunk?

I make it my mission in games to hunt down devotion campers.

You better be using the devotion to show them who the alpha male is

only by smashing them with projectile weapons can they know the error of their ways

This one

the patron saint of stim/scorch

TRUCC or go home

because it breaks ctf. 7 second caps have literally no counterplay.

git gud

>Patron saint of stim
>Wears the same suit as Holo with what looks like a Cloak helmet

u fokn wot m8
Is it a joke because he takes drugs

kane, pictured

watch good players play ctf. the moment someone gets to grapple boost they are fuckin gone dude. its aids.

git gud
dont let them get the flag
get their flag first

Next FNN when?

amped dmr is the answer to everything

not until 23rd, respawn decided to make FNN a monthly thing now. So expect tons of radio silence in the meantime


you can say that but it doesn't change the fact that unlimited grapple makes CTF way less fun to play.

Its only less fun because youre shit

yeah its total horseshit, respawn managed to keep everyone completely distracted with the new game modes. Its worked so far since no ones been screaming for a new FNN yet. But now that I realize this it ruins the illusion and I hate it.

You seem really, really desperate to justify its' existence, user. I do it too. It's still a stupid game mechanic that should be changed.

>i cant go fast so people who can shouldnt be allowed to

I disagree on changing Grapple, but there's definitely design space for a counter in CTF. Some kind of tripwire mine would be lovely.

>600 people online

Fuck I remember when it would only be about 1500 people online late night :(

Please let everything go smoothly for TF3

PC master race indeed

Yeah, cause it's breaking records on consoles.

On one hand, I want more people to like and play this game;

On the other hand, every other match I want to quit for some various niggling complaint. Nobody wants a litany of my bitching, but if it deds I won't be surprised.

So Jayfresh posted on RDDT that Frontier News Networks are moving from fortnightly to monthly, and the next one will be on the 23rd of May with trailer and patch notes for next update.

Apparently its so they can put more attention to other stuff like behind the scenes and dev Q&A's and whatnot.

Honestly with how often you have to go to reddit to find any sort of official response from them regarding anything, doing semi-weekly updates probably got really redundant.

this general is dead as shit
time to spice it up


oh haha theres no mods on vg

wew lad