How do you determine when you have a sufficient amount of skill in a programming language that you can confidently offer your services and apply for jobs? How do you generally determine the value of your skill-set if you don't have any prior experience working for an employer?
Anons earning a living as programmers
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Just start applying for qa jobs and dev jobs. You'll know how good you are by the results
Most of the decent noncodemonkey jobs will require a cs degree or a referral from someone in the company.
You make your own programs and such and display them on your gitcuck account.
If your programs are decent in language, logic, library utilization and optimizations, then someone will hire you.
It's like having a big dick, you just know it
Software dev here. This is an excellent question. I would say that if you have any websites/apps/*anything* published that looks relatively professional there are people who are willing to hire you.
I have known self-taught coders who were much more adept to college graduate coworkers I've had to work with. Improving your coding ability is an ongoing process, always keep learning OP and good luck!
I figure there are businesses out there looking for specific skills and if I demonstrate I have these skills by showcasing things I have made I might grab someone's interest. I will first upload my work to github and other places to prove I made it. I will then create a neat site on x10hosting so it is easy for someone to quickly skim through my work and possibly enjoy doing so.
Though I don't make a living as a programmer and I am not a graduate so take this with a pinch of salt.
Does it look bad if you showcase a porm website that you made?
A website is a website, you fool. Censor the content, obviously.
It's a website regardless of it's content.
You should probably censor the porn out tho
You look for an entry-level position, there are plenty out there. They expect you to be comfortable enough behind a screen to learn and to be able to work with others who will teach you and help guide you along. All your resume has to do is get you past HR. Once you get to an IT guy you prove you aren't a retard and will be easy to work with. Salary is gonna be roughly $45k
Everyone says a CS degree is a meme but I'm learning lots of shit I would never be motivated to learn on my own
Also my uni has lots of paid internships
I just can't autodidact tbqh
CS degrees are fine, you just need to make sure you put additional work in to make sure you get what you want out of it.
You need to make sure you do some work/build some connections during your time studying more than some other degrees might require, CS acts as a very solid foundation that lets you branch off into whatever it is you want to do rather than leaving you very specialized at something at the end of it. At least that's how it is at the places I've seen.
See this
He's right, the only "meme" about CS degrees is thinking that it's all that is necessary to get a career.
Being in programming based jobs, you're essentially going to need to refine your skills every second you can. If you think you're comforrable in a language, start thinking up HARD, several thousand lines of code sort of projects you can display as your work. By the time you graduate, if you dedicate a few hours a week to this, people will be lining up to hire you.
Thanks bro
I'm still at the algorithm level (write a*, Dijkstra's etc) but I have lots of ideas for larger projects
>Most of the decent noncodemonkey jobs will require a cs degree
cs degree is a sign of an incompetent or mediocre programmer, the best ones I've seen have engineering or physics degree where they've self taught programming
Buy a copy of "Cracking the Coding Interview" and do every. single. challenge.
Get the physical book. Don't be a kindle faggot. It's helpful when you can flip between sections with your real fingers.
If you can get through that book you are better than 99% of programmers and will ace almost any interview. Guaranteed.
Source: I used that book, and have interviewed at Google, Cisco, BlackRock, and now work at Red Hat.
The problem is most of the people responsible for hiring don't know jack shit.
I got hired to run a $200 million ecommerce site b/c my gf worked there and I slapped together some wordpress sites.
The manager hadn't heard of WP and still uses font tags.
>the best ones I've seen have engineering or physics degree where they've self taught programming
>tfw self taught programmer pursuing a physics degree
They run you through the ringer during the interview, and if they don't, you don't want to work there.
If you get put through the hell that is a software development interview and they decide they want you, then they believe you're skilled enough for the job.
It's that simple.
No such thing as "sufficient skill in a programming language", there is only sufficient programming skill.
Put a bunch of buzzwords on your resume, make up some previous jobs, and pay a service to provide you references. Also do random searches in github in your language of choice and copy and paste some of the smaller more obscure repos and put them on your own github.
Then get your first job and realize that everyone who works in software is fucking terrible at their jobs and relax.
I recommend javascript, since it's a meme right now.
To answer your question about sufficient skill-- basically whenever. The shit I have seen in this industry from people with CS degrees and a decade of experience blows my goddamn mind everyday. You have no idea how low the bar is-- no fucking clue, it's a joke.
The "10x" programmer isn't a myth, it's just that the average 1x programmer is so incompetent that anybody that takes their job seriously is a God compared to them. Just had a guy (degreed 3 years xp) take 2 weeks to implement a fucking frontend widget, and I had to send it back.
Just fuck my shit up senpai.
Read coding algorithm puzzle questions and put a couple side projects up on github. Stick to 1 single language, unless you're going web in which case you'll need to learn html/css as well and whatever meme framework along with that(react or vue is my recc).
Bullshit your previous work experience to make it sound tangentially related to something technology specific.(or fake it like I suggested before). Also start today and once you've done enough algo problems and side projects then start applying right away. Dont way until you feel "ready" you likely never will.
Be prepared to be rejected at a lot of jobs.
>Then get your first job and realize that everyone who works in software is fucking terrible at their jobs and relax.
Yeah, if you work for a shitty fucking company. If you're happy making $40k/yr as a shitty codemonkey, then by all means go ahead.
There's a lot more money out there for people with the slightest bit of talent and knowhow.
math is also in this category
Just know how to solve all the problems in google code jam on a whiteboard. That will get you any job, even google. It's so dumb they got a million pajeets doing that shit to get into jobs in the us
I make 130k/yr doing webdev. Try again m8.
I hate webdev but it's where the jobs/money is. I'd prefer to do embedded work or even gamedev but the jobs are limited, they pay less, and longer hours are expected.
Why bother when I work fully remote for 130k/yr writing shitty "SPAs" for companies for basically no effort and
I'm a self taught software engineer. I made the mistake of waiting years longer than I needed to before applying. Just start applying sooner rather than later. The worst that can happen is you won't get the job. Also, almost every interview I've been to has asked radically different questions. Rather than trying to prepare for them all, just keep applying until you get an interview that you can pass.
>cs degree is a sign of an incompetent or mediocre programmer
says the incompetent or mediocre programmer with no degree
>t. someone with a worthless cs degree
>tfw no degree or certifications but salary job as a software engineer anyways
If you feel you know 80% of the stuff, you're ready to make shit for pay. Half the industry is pajeets who never seen a computer before anyway.
I've been developing software professionally for 8+ years, my degree has paid for itself many times over.
Good for you skipping out on formal education and still getting a job in the industry. I can guarantee you'd be earning more with a degree though
>I can guarantee you'd be earning more with a degree though
I work alongside people with bacherlors and masters degrees. I am in the same salary range as they are.
Shut up, Panjeet
Not trying to highjack the thread but it seems the question has been sufficiently answered.
I'm looking for an online course for programming that the GI Bill will cover. Any tips on that? Are there any online courses that are above the rest?
I'm sure you are a fully capable developer, but most likely having a degree would put you higher up in your current salary range
at the very least you would have started with a higher salary initially or entered the industry sooner making you more $ in the long term
>believing the degree meme
Holy shit you are delusional as fuck
You want a good answer?
If you want a degree, that's on you and you can search for an online school that isn't shit.
I'm only looking at getting the degree because I'll get a housing allowance through the GI Bill and Im running out if time to use it. I appreciate the link
Typical vet.
Thinking like a socialist.
>degrees are a meme
keep telling yourself that NEET
ignore all the research that shows people with degrees make significantly more over their lifetime than those without a degree
I paid into it. Maybe I'm just full of myself but I think I earned it.
>showing a picture of girls that work as Administrative Assistants
Wew lad, struck a nerve? Show me the spreadsheet of every blue-collar small biz owner that earns 10x what a degree holder does. I'll wait on that one because it'll take your indoctrinated ass a while.
You enlisted, you didn't pay into really anything besides hopping on a plane and returning home. Big whoop. This country has been doing that for hundreds of years.
Don't you fucking vets have any resources where you can go to contact someone who knows what you can do with a G.I. Bill and a VA Loan? Guess they just hand you a uniform and send you away.
>Interviewed at top companies and failed
>Now I work at shit hat
>falling for the research jew
bruh that is all bullshit propaganda set up by the banking industry so you go into debt to them for the rest of your life and so the shit professors don't end up sucking cock on the corner because they're out of a job
show me a list of all the wannabe entrepreneurs who thought they were gonna be "Le hustlers" and failed. guarantee its at least 20 times longer than the list you asked for.
Took you over a fucking hour. Holy shit, that's pathetic.
I'm gonna ask this because this thread is somehow related to my question, I'm thinking to study either graphic design or web programming but am I ever make a decent amount of money enough to pay my bills or is it meme jobs ?
I've got a little life tip for you bro: If you're good at something, you can make money from it. If you're shit, you won't.
Think about it for a minute. Yeah many shitty graphics designers earn shit money. But good graphics designers can earn alot of money.
The question really is this: Are you willing to put in the time and effort to be good? I don't mean "Are you willing to put in the time and effort to get good grades" but will you really pull your finger out and earn it?
If you live in the UK, you bet your ass you better get good grades lest you hit the "class-2 need not apply" wall. In the US though, grades only matter if there are several people going for the position and there needs to be a tie-breaker.
Your post intrigues me because I've had those EXACT same thoughts, about paying a reference service and copying some random projects to my own Github. Do you have any recommendations for good/reliable reference services?
Also, if you pick some obscure abandoned project to copy, is there any way (other than extremely bad luck) that someone could find out it's copied? Like does github allow you to search code chunks or anything like that?
You do pay into it numb nuts. Yes I can talk to the VA but I'd rather here from people that actually did it. VA branch here has a rep. for not being on the ball. Sorry I'm trying to use my entitlements edge lord.
I am white
Fuck pajeets
If you are asking this question; you don't have a sufficient amount of skill. Really.
Sup, brahs.
I'm in the banking industry working as a programmer customizing and adding functionality on top of silverlake banking systems. only 3 years in the field and i am making 160k/year. you'll never get in without a degree though since we are the average mnc.
it is mostly php still because banks are still using 6 years old version of silverlake. the newer versions can be extended with .net.
that wasn't the point he was making
I have some source codes that were proprietary to myself since they earned me a small stream of monthly income. But at the same time, I don't feel like sharing my secrets or else it would cause widespread abuse and things get patched. I feel if I display my work, I still won't get hired.
This could be a double edged sword. Some might think it only necessary you know certain codes, others might be anal retentive about your credentials.
Couldn't you just show them your money making sites?
You could create side-projects which do not contain your secret codes. I've accumulated a huge archive of silly shit I wouldn't care if someone plagiarized, like different ways to find prime numbers, tic tac toe, a piano key player and things, it proves I can do it and it is useless. If someone did steal it and for whatever reason it came up I could point to the upload date on the different sites I uploaded it to.