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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
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Tharja is shit
(A/N: spouse of hisame)
*sucks your waifu's tits*
mmm delicious. Thanks loser
I remembered Ophelia with small tits but a second look...
You assholes claim you're all for strategy but you're just a bunch of neckbeards wanting to date anime girls, which is exactly why you are boycotting Echoes.
This thread's a bit early
This thread' s already looking great. Let's keep it.
Why isn't the spic migrating?
why won't Kaga get a modern style artist to work on his games? no one likes the psuedo 90s look
Does anyone have the little chibi battle sprite of Heroes Leo? I need it.
I assume part of the reason is that he's reusing unused TRS and Berwick assets for Vestaria.
>picks you up
You are MY CHILD now
Because this thread is early as all fuck.
Azura is shit
he was looking for a new artist around the time Vestaria was announced. maybe he couldn't find one? hell, if the language barrier wasn't a thing there's plenty of western artists with passable anime styles thatd work for peanuts
>tfw you'll never get to work with Kaga on a game no one will play
>Garon steals children
>Rudolf gives children away
I don't know where I'm going with this
I hate the style of the 3d animated scenes in echoes
I though he was mainly looking for artists to make new battle animations? I could be misremembering. It's been a while since I've looked over that stuff.
I think the models look alright for the most part, but the choppy animation (which is a stylistic choice.... I think) bothers me.
maybe. but the engine he uses already comes with some decent animations.
speaking of which, SRPG Studio translation when?
Anyone here get banned for using nox today?
Fuck Faye!
Marry Faye!
Breed Faye!
Imagine if they gave the job to GEMBA
t. Azurafag
Azura a best!
I recall him specifically needing a dragon/wyvern rider animation. Like I said, I could just be remembering one part and forgetting a lot of context.
That too. It's been popular in 3D anime (bubuki buranki and love live cutscenes) to make it look more like 2d animation but it just doesn't work and looks lazy.
wtf I love echoes cutscenes now
Not an argument.
Both are pretty hot. Depends on whether or not Deirdre will be turned on by Arvis screaming "MOTHER" every so often.
I like to imagine that Faye married a faceless fat man after Alm dropped her
Lloyd when?
I like this content and would like to request more.
I'm starting to really like Azura.
That was an awkward ending
>Breaking the bro-code on a temporal level
At least if you married his sister you'd have best son.
the shitposters are migrating
Robin loves her dad.
they must be purged
Did you user? I just saw 2 posts like that today in some forums. Wondering if i will have the patience to build again an entire account, get heroes and so if i get banned.
Why does Nyx have such nice hips?
Why do Valentian girls make such crazy faces?
hahahaha yeah, fuck that noise
I'm done if Nox accounts get banned and mine bites the dust. Might see about a refund, too.
banner when.
>still flat
All this does is remind me how much I hate Nyx's hair in her actual portrait.
>You cheated on me with Lukas?!
She's pretty but useless in all my conquests runs. Never seen a mage miss so often in my life.
Is Camus/Abel/Xander/Cecilia a decent horse team?
>he's never used Lilina
Fucking never, you cock.
Replace Xander with The Wood
I don't think they will refund players for the orbs you or anyone else has bought
this is your mage tonight
The wood sucks dick
SoV first rough draft tier list by reddit
To those who also play the jap version what do you think?
>there's now a fake Tharjafag
how many dimensions of chess is this
Uhh, we kinda need him or Reina as possible flying archers.
If they ever put him in the game I'm going to spam these threads with webms of him blowing up Tharja, just for you.
Get used to this smug face, you'll be seeing more of it.
old saggy hag
do not want
*Catches you and fucks you in the ass while your waifu watches*
*Pssshhhh*.... Nothing personnnel kid.....
Does he not know that he has a different tripcode?
check the trip
And the Nohrian scum likes carrot and lobster up his yaoi hole.
They would never do a refund.
I don't dislike Tharja user man I was just looking for an excuse to post a picture.
I like you
it doesn't matter, he knows /feg/ is retarded enough to not check the tripcode.
Delete this
Not an argument.
t. Azurafag
>tfw even with skill inheritance now, I still can't beat Ursula's Level 40 map
Now that you mention Azura, let's talk about how she's best girl.
Going for Julia since I need a green and missed Hector
Yeeeeaaaah, about that: legally speaking, if someone who has broken the Terms of Service makes a purchase and that purchase goes through, it means that the vendor has legally accepted the purchaser as a legitimate customer.
Granted, if the customer then broke the ToS again after that, then they render themselves vulnerable to the consequences, but most people, from what I understand, switched to a phone and downloaded the app "legally" through an App Store, which means that they're not logging in on an unofficial copy.
If Nintendo goes after those people after accepting their money, then they're required to offer refunds to those who dropped money on those accounts. This is basic shit.
I want Julia and Tharja but I'm saving my orbs for the bride banner in case Eirika is on it.
Wow that's really interesting, seems like Grey has come a long way from being the worst of the Ram village units in Gaiden.
I can't be assed to check/remember every tripniggers tripcode. It's not like someone posting as him could "tarnish" his reputation here anyway kek
Man, when did Tharjafag all of a sudden acquire taste?
>Quick Riposte 3 is only 630 SP total after inheriting it
>my MaMU has 857 and it's the only skill he needs left
Scale-tipper is making a come-back.
I really hope they don't just start indiscriminately banning people who have used nox in the past. I used the XML someone gave me, linked immediately and then deleted everything and switched to my phone. Hopefully within a few months and no ban means I'm safe.
Why is /feg/ such a shithole?
Everyone likes me though
>Palla that high
>Delthea that low
Holy fuck, they are actually retarded.
Fuck off spic
I wish I had another source of Killer Axe+ for Titania, I'm really going to miss Sheena, she has great lines.
when are we getting more sacred seals?
You submitted payment to them in good faith of abiding by the terms of service, then you broke them.
This is a nightmare that I want to wake up from. All these TharjaAnons need to fuck off.
> (You) # (You)
his trip has RHAJAT in all caps its hard to miss. no need to try to save face we're all anonymous here
what more could you expect. reddit "tier lists" are more about the characters they like rather than the ones that are objectively good. just like /feg/
Yeah time been well for him and since dread fighter are super good.
Yeah Palla is a bit too high for my taste only Saber is really that good in Celica route.
I've been a regular here for a bit but it seems time to show everyone the true best girl.